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小车分享 38079

小车 分享

剑桥雅思折线图范文 第1篇


折线围主要考查以下几点:1.对析线趋势的总结描迷; 2.对复杂时间点的处理; 3.针对某些特殊点的描述。


The line graph indicates the general consumption ofAmerican energy from 1980 to 2030. Uses of petrol and oil and coal see a drastic increase of about 15 quadrillion unites during the span of 50 years, while the other four energies rise slightly with the unites of no more than 5 quadrillion.

To be specific, in 1980, the highest proportion of consumption was occupied by petrol and oil

staying at 35 quadrillion units, and it experienced some fluctuations during the first 15 years, then it had been keeping increasing since the year 1995. It is predictable that it will reach nearly 50 quadrillion units by the year of 2030.

Furthermore, uses of coal and natural gas remain the middle level on the whole, which stood at almost 15 and exactly 20 quadrillion units respectively in 1980. Separately, consumption of approximately had been rising smoothly and is expected to arrive at 30 quadrillion units in 2030, but the latter remains at, by and large, the same level (20 quadrillion units) with some instabilities.

Eventually, uses of nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower were the lowest, with the same units of being about 4 quadrillion collectively. It is noticeable that none of them changes tremendously during this half century.





Uses of petrol, oil and coal see a drastic increase of about 15 quadrillion unites during the span of 50 years, while the other four energies rise slightly with the unites of no more than 5 quadrillion.


Separately, consumption of Coal had been rising smoothly and is expected to arrive at 30 quadrillion units in 2030, but the latter remains at, by and large, the same level (20 quadrillion units) with some instabilities.





剑桥雅思折线图范文 第2篇

The line graph depicts nunbers of holiday makers cruising to an island in the Caribbean. Itis divided into those that stayed on the ship,those that stayed on the island and the total number. The horizontal axis gives us years between 2010 and 2017,while the vertical axis shows the number of visitors in millions(m).

Beginning in 2010, the number of people that chose to stay on the cruise ships is always the lowest value until about half way through 2015 where it crosses the line of those staying on the island. This is then the new trend beyond this began at and then rose in 2011 to only to fall back to the original figure in 2012. From then on it steadily and constantly rose finishing at 2m in 2017.

Moving onto those that chose to stay on the island,it remains level at the start at rising to by 2013, where it again levels off for three 2016 it dips to only to increase again back to the following year.

In summary, the total number of visitors increased by (from 1m to ) over the eight- year period with a switch of visitor preference, in the middle of 2015, to staying on the cruise ships.






>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

剑桥雅思折线图范文 第3篇

文章用词丰富。“数据”一词分别使用了proportion, percentage, figure等词来进行同义替换。上升和下降也采用了不重复的词汇来表示。

Grammatical Range


proportion, percentage, figure 之间的同义替换

aging, elderly, aged 65 or more, older people 均可表示老年人,可以同义替换

increase, rise, grow 上升

dip 轻微下降

be expected to …, will probably continue to…, be predicted … 表示未来的情况

dramatic rise 剧烈的上升

indicate 表明,表示






