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小车 分享

剑桥雅思高分范文 第1篇

There are many good reasons to cycle. Cycling is the most efficient means of getting around London. Many journeys we make are shorter than two miles or less and these are usually faster on a cycle than travelling by car, bus, tube, train or taxi.。Not only is cycling good for you, it is also fun and available to all. It is a chance to get out of the house or workplace, to be active and to be sociable. Getting a bike neednt be expensive and upkeep is low cost and easy. )

Save money

Using a bike to replace your regular form of transport is a great way to save money. Its well documented that cycling is the best value way to travel around London . Compared to cars, bicycles are much cheaper to buy and maintain, and you dont have all the added costs of fuel, Vehicle Excise Duty and parking.

Save time

For a typical London journey, cycling is faster than the car, public transport, taxis or walking. Remember that cycling is a door to door service. On a bicycle you can easily cover five miles in half an hour and be confident that youll arrive on time. Car or bus journeys take longer and depend on traffic, or irregular bus services. For longer trips, you can combine bike and public transport: leaving your bike at the station or sometimes taking it on the train/tube at off-peak times. See the LCC information booklet Transporting Your Bicycle for further information.

剑桥雅思高分范文 第2篇

This line chart shows the changes in the proportion of the elderly people in three countries from 1940 till today. Moreover, it offers predictions for a period to 2040.

During the three score years, the USA generally outweighed Sweden in terms of the proportion of those aged 65 and over. But the gaps between have never been remarkable. In stark contrast, Sweden strikingly eclipsed Japan in this aspect evidenced by the fact that in 1940 the proportion for the USA was about 9%, clearly higher than 5% for Japan.

Whereas Japan experienced declines from 5% to 3% , both Sweden and the USA climbed. Put it in detail, by the year 1983, the figures have peaked at 15% and 13% in the USA and Sweden respectively. Noticeably, in 1997 the proportion in the USA was equal to that in Sweden.

According to the forecast, from now on, all of the three countries will skyrocket although exceptions might happen. However, by 2040 the proportion will have peaked at 27%, 25%, and 23% in Japan, Sweden, and the USA respectively.

In sum, the three countries are different in the field under study.

剑桥雅思高分范文 第3篇

This bar chart analyzes the percentage of household waste recycled from 1992 to 2002. We can see that the percentage during 2002 increased all the way while other years fluctuated. In the various materials, paper and glass are the ones that with greater percentage that was recycled. In contrast, the plastic and cans had a lower percentage.

From the graph we can see that during 1992 cans have the highest percentage about 17% and plastic has the lowest at about 10%. After that, in year 1997, paper and glass became major types of waste that were recycled, at about 31% and 29% respectively. In 2002, glass became the dominant type of waste that was recycled with about 48%. Meanwhile, plastic had grown least around 2% and glass had grown the most around 34% in these 10 years, and paper chasing behind with 26%. Cans were more stable, with ony about 6% total growth.

剑桥雅思高分范文 第4篇

The diagram shows the life cycle of silkworms and the process of making silk cloth.

The life cycle is divided into several particular developing stages. It starts when a moth produces her eggs on the mulberry leaves. After ten days the eggs grow into silkworm larva, whose foods are the mulberry leaf. The second stage ends. In the following four to six weeks, the larva will generate silk threats which cover the larva. This is the third stage. The fourth stage lasts for three or eight days during which cocoon is formed. 16 days after the formation of the cocoon, a moth finally comes out of the cocoon. A new cycle starts.

The production of the silk cloth consists of numerous steps. The first is to select cocoons, which then are heated in boiled water. After the heat treatment, the cocoon is ready to be decomposed into threads ranging from 300 to 900 meters in length. The second is to twist the thread together. To dye is the third. After this process, silk cloth is woven.

剑桥雅思高分范文 第5篇

In today’s world, the environment has become more crucial than ever, people have started to pay attention to the result of increasing industry and daily waste. However, sometimes people won’t even give a little effort to put a bottle in the recycling bin; instead they just throw it in the trash bin. But what truly causes this problem? In my opinion, there are three reasons for it.

Initially, people are apathetic about it, because sometimes it takes more effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and people these days are busy with what they doing on their hand like jobs. Besides there is no obligation for them to do it and also nobody spurs them to do it which exacerbates the issue. Even some people aware that, there raises a new problem that people are willing to recycle the wastes but often it’s not convenient for them to do so. For instance, in my city the recycle station for special material usually built far away from residence and generally people unwilling to put a bunch of trash in their house. But after all, people who passive about it mostly due to that they don’t realize how dire the consequence going to be if they don’t do so accordingly some people are still not motivated are act.

If there is a will, there are 3 ways to help. As a part of society, vote and support politician who would pass laws that protect the environment; as a homeowner, reduce, reuse and recycle should become established habits; as a consumer, it is vital to purchase items make from recycled material whenever u can to sustain the environment. Everybody truly does able to make a difference to the environment.






