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外贸信函范文 第1篇




2. 由于语法应用能力严重不足,中式思维影响干扰大,造成学生写出来的外贸函电,语病多,结构混乱,中式英语特征明显。




1. 语块(chunk)的定义

对语块的定义一直存有争议,对于语块的研究始于上世纪70 年代Bolinger(1976)在转换生成语法居主流地位的背景下,提出了语言内容不仅靠语法规则无限生成言语还给我们提供了巨大数量的预制件(prefabs)。 Wray(2002)把它界定为一串预制的连贯或者不连贯的词或其他意义成分,它整体存储在记忆中,使用时直接提取,无需语法生成和分析. Wray 的定义比较全面,涵盖了学者们所提出的语块具有整体预制的,结构相对固定,易于提取的特点。

2. 语料库

语料库(corpus,复数为 corpora)一词源于拉丁语,原指body现在我们所说的语料库往往指的是一个,电子文本集一个小型文本集并不是真正的语料库,真正意义上的语料库是一个按照一定的采样标准采集而来的,能够代表一种语言或某语言的某种变体或文类。


1. 外贸函电语料库的内容选取


外贸信函范文 第2篇

询盘 并邀请访问

We had your enclosed drawings of 5 types of machines in your letter Feb. 2, 2000. Would you please inform us by return of the price, discounts, terms of payment and the time when you can deliver them. If your quotations are suitable and the quality proves good, we’ll be pleased to invite your representative over for detailed discussion.





We get your name and address from your local Chamber of are an importer of plastic products and we would appreciate it if you would send us your catalogue in the new year.




Seeing your ad in“Family Life” we become interested in your silver wares of court styles. Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed query form and give your prices . Shanghai. It would be appreciated if you include your earliest delivery date, terms of payment, and discounts for regular purchases.




We learn from the our Embassy that you are producing for export hand-made shoes and gloves in natural leather. There is a steady demand here for high-class goods of this type, especially in unique designs. Will you please send us your catalog, export prices and terms of payment, together with any samples you would like to let us examine.




We have a large demand for the supply of 50,000 meters brown serge, whose sample is enclosed to show you the shade and quality we require. Please send your samples corresponding to our samples with the most reasonable price . Singapore if you can supply within three months from now.




In your letter of December 3, 2000, we got your enclosed price list and catalogue, we found that one of your goods is to our satisfaction, so we are now post its picture back to you. Would you please inform us in detail its price, terms of payment and terms of shipment. We hope you would quote us the most reasonable price. As we have a large population here, if the goods are sold well, we are sure to place regular orders with you.



外贸信函范文 第3篇

【关键词】外贸函电 现状 问题 改革












(2)以工作过程为导向,项目引导、任务驱动的教学模式。基于工作过程的课程开发已经成为高职教育课程改革的主要趋势。 外贸函电课程应以提高学生的职业能力为切入点,实现教学内容项目化,以项目中的典型工作任务为载体,以完成工作任务为驱动,让学生在每一个项目化的工作流程中进行“仿真式”模拟训练,在“做中学、学中做”。第一步任务驱动-呈现建立业务关系的任务,让学生有明确的目标,第二步知识支撑-建立业务关系知识拓展(例如建立业务关系的途径等)、建立业务关系相关词汇和信函结构讲解;第三步项目入门示例-建立业务信例的讲解;第四步项目主导演练-学生采用小组合作的形式,在教师指导下从短语翻译到句子翻译再到函电仿写进行演练;第五步项目自主实践-学生综合利用拓展客户的知识,自主完成建立业务关系函电的写作;第六步点评总结-小组内互评,教师挑选优秀作品展示点评。


外贸信函范文 第4篇




1.国际贸易。国际贸易(International Trade)是指不同国家(和/或地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换活动。国际贸易是商品和劳务的国际转移。国际贸易也叫世界贸易。国际贸易由进口贸易(Import Trade)和出口贸易(Export Trade)两部分组成,故有时也称为进出口贸易。国际贸易不但可以把发达国家互相联系起来,也可以把生产发展水平低的国家以及地区加入到交换领域,使这些国家和民族的劳动产品日益具有商品以及交换价值的性质,带动他们的发展。进行对外贸易活动就可以参与国际分工,节约社会劳动,使各国的资源得到最充分的利用,加速社会扩大再生产,保证社会再生产顺利进行。按照货物移动方向可以分为进口贸易、出口贸易、净出口与净进口贸易等;按照运输方式可以分为陆运贸易、空运贸易、海运贸易等;按照交易对象可以分为直接贸易、间接贸易与转口贸易。





外贸信函范文 第5篇


Dear Sir or Madam:

We thank you for your letter dated 6 June and are pleased to acknowledge your order No. 463 of the same date for ceramic tiles.

The modified terms of payment you propose are quite acceptable and a telex has been dispatched to you to this effect.

All the items in your order can be supplied from stock and will be packed and shipped immediately upon the remittance by telegraphic transfer being received.

The following documents will be air mailed to you immediately after shipment is made:

1. Bill of lading in duplicate

2. Invoice, FOB Shanghai in triplicate

3. Guarantee of quality

We will, of course, notify you by telex as soon as your order is shipped.

You can rely on us to give prompt attention to this and any future orders you may place with us.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your request for a trial delivery of ceramic resistors but regret to say that we cannot agree to your proposal.

As an exception, the best we can do for the trial delivery is to offer you direct payment at sight terms.

If you accept our proposal, you run very little risk, since our brand products are well known for the quality, attractive design and reasonable price. Our lines sell very well all over the world and have done so for the last 30 years. We do not think you will have any difficulty in achieving a satisfactory performance with this item.

If you find our proposal acceptable, please let us know and we can then expedite the transaction.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

This is in regards to your order for 5,000widgets and our sales confirmation No. 341. We would like to remind you that the delivery date is approaching and we have not yet received the covering letter of credit.

We would be grateful if you would expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we can ship the order on time. In order to avoid any further delay, please make sure that the L/C instructions are in precise accordance with the terms of the contract.

We look forward to receiving your response at an early date.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Your letter of credit issued by the Royal Bank of Canada has arrived.

Upon further examination, we have found that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed.

As direct sailings to Portugal are infrequent, we have to transshipment may be necessary. With regard to partial shipment, it would speed matters up if we have in stock instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be completed.

With this in mind, I send you a letter today asking for the letter of credit to be amended to read “part shipment and transshipment allowed”.

I trust this amendment will meet your approval and you will send e-mail to us that effect without delay.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter of credit covering your order for 10,000 widgets.

We regret to say that, owing to a delay on the part of our suppliers, we will not be able to get the shipment ready before the end of this month. We faxed you earlier today to that effect.

We expect that the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of August. We are arranging to ship it on the Great Wall-sailing from Shanghai on 7 August.

We are looking forward to receiving your faxed extension to the letter of credit so that we can effect shipment of the goods.

We send our sincere apologies for the delay and trust that it will not inconvenience you.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for you interest in our products. We hope the samples we sent you on 5 February were up to your expectations.

We would like to sort out the credit formalities as soon as possible possible so that we can begin trading. Could you provide us that we can begin trading. Could you provide us with the requisite financial information so that we can open your new account immediately?

Please include a recent financial statement, the name of your bank and references,together with any other relevant credit details. The information you provide will, of course, be held in the strictest confidence.

We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with your company.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your order No. 6565 dated 1 July for 100widgets.

I regret to say that our records show that we do not have sufficient letter of credit. We can fulfill your order only upon the receipt of a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.

We are sorry for the delay and await your instructions.

Yours sincerely,


外贸信函范文 第6篇

回复 询盘 告知无货

Referring to your letter of 5 June, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an offer for the goods you demand. The reason is that the product you need has been out of stock. What’s more our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw materials.

We shall, however, file your inquiry and cable you our offers as soon as we have got supplies.



回复 询盘 ,量大折价

We are pleased to receive your letter of 5 July and enclose our catalogue and price list. Also by separate post we are sending you the samples of our products. Our catalogue contains items and their specifications of our supplies. Through comparing our prices with those of other suppliers, you will appreciate the moderate prices of ours. For a total purchase of not less than 100,000 and not more than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a discount of 10% and for a purchase larger than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a 20% special discount.





In reply to your inquiry we sent you on May 25 a copy of illustrated catalog of our electric products. As we have not heard from you since, we would like to ask whether you have had received our reply and what opinion you have on our products. We are always ready to serve you and should be grateful for your reply.



From yesterday’s Morning Paper we have learned that you are now taking applications from exhibitors for the 2000 Canton Fair. We hope you would send us a copy of detailed conditions for application, such as size of each booth, fees for rent, and time schedule for moving in, etc., as well as the time limit for application.

从昨天《晨报》上获悉,贵单位正在征集“2000年 广交会 ”的参展申请。希望贵方能将展位大孝租用展位价格、进场时间、最迟申请日期等详细情况通知我方。

外贸信函范文 第7篇


Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your order dated 28 April for 40 widgets. We would like to arrange for immediate shipment. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient credit information to offer you open account terms at this time. Would it be acceptable to ship this order cash on delivery?

If you wish to receive open account terms for your next order, please provide us with the standard financial statement and bank reference. This information will be held in the strictest confidence.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter dated 24 March. We are very sorry to hear about your company’s current financial problems.

We have considered your request to delay payment of your outstanding balance of US$ until 1 May of this year. We are happy to tell you that we can agree to your proposal.

We must add, however, that this preferential treatment is being given only because of your current circumstances. It cannot be taken as a precedent for our future commercial relationship.

We wish you better times ahead.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

As a result of our recent exchange of information, we have a strong interest to work with your proposal.

Please see the following terms and conditions as a confirmation of the start of our business relationship.

Product Name:

Spec. Number:





We hope that this first transaction will come to a successful conclusion for both of us. We look forward to continuing a mutually beneficial trade between our companies.

Yours faithfully,







