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英语书信书写格式范文 第1篇








Dear Laura,

I was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden.

How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. You just couldnt have selected anything I had have liked more! You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!

The four years I spent with you at the college have been the pleasavar ;ntest period in my life. I will cherish this memory forever. How nice it would be to see you again.

You have been more than kind, and I wont ever forget it. My love and deepest gratitude, now and always!

Thank you to:


英语书信书写格式范文 第2篇









Dear Mom


Only mothers are good in the world. Children with mothers want a treasure and throw it into their mothers arms, so happiness cannot be enjoyed Whenever I sing this song, I always think of your mothers love and care for me, and of your contribution to my growth.

Mom, you have loved me since childhood. When I do well, you will encourage me and praise me. When I make a mistake, you will not hesitate to criticize me. In life, you take good care of me and prepare delicious food for me every day. When I eat nutritious food, I dont want to eat it.

Mom, do you still remember? Once, while working in a small class, I had a fever. When you took me to the hospital to see a doctor and gave me a drip, you bought me food outside. Give me a bath. Help me wash clothes. When I sleep at night, you wait for me by my bedside.

Mom, you gave me life! You gave me happiness! You gave me love! Thank you! Mom. I will always love you! Mom! You are the greatest!

Thank you to:


英语书信书写格式范文 第3篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software. It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company. What is more, my major is computer, and I have a strong interest in software.

When I was still a freshman, I got BandTwo certificate forcomputer, my class. Besides, I have attended various computer contests and won top prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge on computer. Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in software in these two years.

I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua.

英语书信书写格式范文 第4篇









Dear baby

Hello, today my mother is writing a commendation letter to you with a happy heart, because you are indeed a good child worthy of praise and love. Next, my mother will praise you:

You are very filial. I remember a few days ago, when my mother was filling a thermos, she accidentally got scalded by boiling water. You helped her sit down carefully. First, you soaked her in cold water, then you brought me toothpaste and gently applied it to me. While applying it, you said, _Mom, be brave and strong, youll be fine in a moment._ Thank you, child. Mom loves you! Mom still remembers that on International Childrens Day, you left the delicious food distributed by the kindergarten for Dad to eat. When eating, knowing how to serve meals for parents, they always say, Mom and Dad eat first.

You are very sensible. On Sunday, you really want to buy a Little Foreigner yogurt drink. Mom told you that drinking drinks for children is not good for your health. Although you really want to buy them, you have controlled yourself well and didnt mention buying any more drinks. We bought Wangzai milk and yogurt. Child, you have learned to control your emotions. Mom is really happy for you.

You know how to do your own things and do them well. On Friday, when you take a shower, you say, _Mom, I wash myself. When I grow up, I do my own things. When washing your hair, you first lower your head, wet your hair with water with two small hands, close your eyes and ask me to pour shampoo on your hands, then rub it gently and bit by bit on your hair. After rubbing it for a while, you rinse your hair with water again, and then ask me: _Mom, are you clean?_ I pointed out that there is still foam, and you patiently washed foam. Next, you sat in the bathbox and carefully washed your face, neck, arms, stomach, legs, and feet. When my mother blew your hair, you were very cooperative and asked me, _Mom, are you sweating?_ I happily replied, _No, my child has grown up and can take a shower on her own. Mom wont sweat all over like when you took a shower when you were a child

Dear child, there are still many advantages to you, and my mother will continue to write praise letters to you. I hope my lovely baby is happy and happy every day!

Commended by:


英语书信书写格式范文 第5篇







Dear ms. grasso:

Thank you for interviepany and the type of banking services the corporation provides.

Your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking. i am confident that my background and experience in banking lae. Noeday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”.

Please have no hesitation in ething for you in China. With best e you soon.

Thank you to:


英语书信书写格式范文 第6篇









Dear people of the Animal Kingdom

Hello everyone! Today, I want to publicly praise everyone! It is you who have given us a beautiful home.

Originally, our home was very beautiful. The blue sky is filled with white clouds, and the small rivers in the forest are clear and visible, like a bright big mirror. Animals are all playing happily here, the Frog Singing Troupe crouching on small rocks singing beautiful songs, the little fish dancing happily around the frogs, and sometimes peeking out of the water. The cute little birds are standing on the trees chirping incessantly, as if in a concert!

However, day after day passed, and a clear river seemed like a magic trick, turning into a black and smooth river. The animals were all anxious like ants on a hot pot, unsure what to do. After everyone had a meeting and discussion, they decided to come together to save the small river.

Look! The elephant slowly sucked in the garbage with its long nose, the frogs used their strength to transport the garbage one by one, and the birds flew to the city to tell the humans to help together. Some kind-hearted people followed the birds to the forest. The Cleaner took out the net and threw it out, fished up the fish, and then transported the smelly garbage away with a car. They also told factories not to discharge sewage into the river and warned humans not to litter the river. The little monkeys also erected a sign in the forest, which read: _Protecting the environment is everyones responsibility

Through everyones joint efforts, the river gradually became clear, and our beautiful home has returned. This is really an exciting thing! This is the result of our joint efforts! This is the result of our unity!

Children of the animal kingdom, we will coexist harmoniously with humanity and live a good life! I promise!

Commended by:


英语书信书写格式范文 第7篇

Dear parents,

How are you? How time flies! I’ve been in Yunnan for nearly half a month.

All is beautiful here and so are the people. All the year is just like spring, and there are flowers of friendship here and there.

Here’s a big family and we are brothers and sisters. They take good care of me, for they are afraid it can’t fit a friendfromthe Northeast. So I’m very happy here and you needn’t worry.

Hopeyou come and visit here after farm work.

Yours loving,

Shang Jia

英语书信书写格式范文 第8篇







Dear Mr. Santos,

Im Luo Li. At this moment, Im honored to express our sincere thanks to you on behalf of my classmates.

We do appreciate everything that youve done for us. Weve been very lucky to have you as our English teacher in the past years. With your help, everybody has made progress both in English learning and school life. Weve enjoyed your teaching and guidance a lot. Your humorous stories, big smiles and encouraging words have already rooted in our memories. Since you will leave soon. we wish you a pleasant journey back home and a happy life there. Well miss you.

Thanks again.

Thank you to:


英语书信书写格式范文 第9篇








Dear leader

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude for taking the time out of my busy schedule to review my resignation application.

After several weeks of careful research and inner struggle, I have decided to reluctantly submit this resignation report and walk through x years of ups and downs with xx. This relationship cannot be expressed in words. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all department leaders for their care and assistance over the past x years, as well as the care and support of my colleagues. When I was a child, I entered this big family. In this greenhouse, I thrived and learned how to be a person and do things. At the same time, I also tried my best to complete various duties and tasks assigned by my leaders. In the remaining days, I will still work hard, attend the final shift well, and stand on the final position. And complete the handover work before leaving.

Finally, I wish xx continued glory!





英语书信书写格式范文 第10篇








Dear leader

Hello everyone!

I joined the finance department of the hotel through public competition on September 6th. I interned as a cashier at the front desk of the marketing department and the finance bar, and later transferred to the finance office as a settlement officer. During this period, the leaders and colleagues of the hotel provided me with great guidance and assistance. I am now familiar with the hotels environment, rules and regulations, and workflow, and can independently complete the settlement work. I hereby apply to become a regular employee of the hotel.

I appreciate your approval from the leadership!





英语书信书写格式范文 第11篇








Dear Principal

Hello! I am writing this letter to you today to commend our homeroom teacher, Teacher Liao.

There are more than ten students in our class, all of whom are a bit cute. Teacher Liao is like our mother, caring about our clothes, food, housing, and transportation, sometimes asking if we are full? Sometimes it is stipulated that we must take a shower on the day of the week. In a word, a question Hou, isnt it that our mother often reminds us?

Although our class ranks second in the county in terms of Chinese language performance, since this semester, Teacher Liao has still taken her break time every day to make up for our lessons. I remember one day, with a clear sky of thousands of miles, peaches and plums were blooming everywhere. I said to Teacher Liao, _Teacher Liao, you are too tired. Dont come to make up for our lessons tonight. Lets go out for a walk!_ At first, we thought Teacher Liao would be very happy because I also made an appointment with a few classmates to see the peach blossoms. After a while, Teacher Liao said solemnly, _I dont want to go for a walk. I promised to make up for one class every day and must persist._ The appointment I made with a few classmates fell through like this. I was disappointed and exclaimed, _Our Teacher Liao persisted like this for us. How could we not work hard and repay our teacher with the best grades? From then on, my playful heart has also narrowed down a lot. I will work hard and repay our teacher Liao with my best grades.

So, here, I commend our Teacher Liao and hope that the principal can give him praise. Teacher Liaos dedicated and responsible spirit has deeply moved me, and I hope the principal can praise her.

Commended by:


英语书信书写格式范文 第12篇

12 May 20XX

Dear Sir,

I am writing to apply for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain. I did my five years' basic training in medicine at Shanghai University. After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the People's General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.

As a result of the publication in 20XX of my article in New Scientist entitled “Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses ”, which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr. Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr. Ma Li of the University College Hospital. I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 20XXpatients.

Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like to study in Britain for two years.

I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr. Li Ming and Dr. Ma Li.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Chen

英语书信书写格式范文 第13篇




2)信头 (heading)

3)封内日期(Date Line)

4)封内地址(Inside Address)




在非正式书信中,称呼后用逗号。(注意:尽量避免使用“To Whom It May Concern” 或“Dear Sir or Madam”,因为这种称呼已经过时,并且不很友好。改进方法是争取确定收信人的姓名,或使用“Dear Human Resources Manager”,“Dear Friends”这样的称呼。在给律师或外交领事写信时,可以使用“Esquire”或“Esq.”这样的头衔,但它们不应出现在称呼中。同样,如果收信人的姓名后面有“Jr.”或“Sr.”,如“George Bush,Jr.”也不能把它们包含在称呼中。)



7)提示句(选择性)Attention Line(optional)


8)主题句(选择性)Subject Line(optional)


9)正文(Body of the Letter)



10)写信人签名(Writer's Identification/ Signature)




12)信尾问候语(Complimentary Closing)

信尾问候语是写在信尾的告别话语,例如Sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours sincerely,; Friendly yours,; Truly yours,; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially,通常位于正文两三行以下。第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,最后以逗号结尾。

英语书信书写格式范文 第14篇







Dear :

I am so grateful and excited after I got your invitation letter to dinner. And I enjoyed the dinner very much last night that I would never was really moved by the hospitality of you and your the feeling in my heart,I will treasure the friendship between us and value the long-established relationship with your am sure that we will certainly have a bright future in our really look forward to increasing business in the coming years.

Lets joint together and continue our relationship.

Thank you again!

Thank you to:


英语书信书写格式范文 第15篇

Dear Mr. / Ms.,

This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.

We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

Yours faithfully,


英语书信书写格式范文 第16篇












Children from impoverished mountainous areas:

My name is Xiaoxu, and I am a fifth grade student. I often see your learning environment on TV.

You are studying in that rudimentary classroom, bringing in chairs and tables of all sizes from home to study diligently. I also saw some students using this pencil with shorter fingers; Some students use notebooks not only on the front side, but also on the back side without stripes and with a smooth face; Some students carry backpacks that their mother pieced together with some old cloth.

You are still studying in that simple, unlit classroom, with your _tattered_ stationery, and your academic performance is still so good.

And what about us? Study in a comfortable and bright classroom that can block wind and rain; Using that handy and beautiful pen; Carrying the colorful, colorful and colorful backpack. Learning in such an excellent environment can sometimes be difficult. I am truly born in bliss without knowing it!

You are my good role models! I will definitely learn from your good qualities!

If you need anything, please also write to me! I believe many people around me will help you! Including me!

Lets study hard! Dont waste the expectations of parents and teachers on us!

Wishing you all success and peace.



英语书信书写格式范文 第17篇



正如你所知,我的主要兴趣是石油和天然气行业。因此,我接受了Fury Refining,Inc.股份有限公司的一份工作,这应该会让我重新接触到我的“初恋”






Dear Mr

Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date.

As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, I’ve accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.”

Although I’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I won’t forget the friendship and professional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here.

Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.





英语书信书写格式范文 第18篇








Dear customer

Happy New Year!

On the occasion of the arrival of the New Year, Chunxue Accountant would like to express our heartfelt thanks and sincere wishes to your company. Thank you for your long-term support and trust in Chunxue!

In the past ten years of Chunxue, we are grateful that Chunxue has become a flagship enterprise in the accounting industry in Beijing step by step because more than ten thousand customers like your company have grown together with Chunxue. Chunxue Accounting now has a number of service sectors, including business registration, agency bookkeeping, financial consultants, tax planning, social security agents, financial headhunters, financial training, Financial software sales and other financial and tax interfaces, We provide you with comprehensive financial and tax services.

With the arrival of the New Year and the renewal of everything, all employees of Chunxue Accounting sincerely wish your company great success and prosperity! Wishing you a happy Spring Festival, good health, and a happy family

Thank you to:


英语书信书写格式范文 第19篇










Property Manager:


Last week, my house applied to the property management for repair due to a large area of cracks in the wall (at least a dozen). It was Uncle Luo from the construction team who helped us repair the wall cracks, giving our home a new look.

Since moving to this house in June 2005, our family has been constantly cracking and has been repaired twice before. But in the past, it was the construction team of the developer who was responsible for maintenance. They were irresponsible and perfunctory in their work, only applying a layer of paint to cover up the surface without any effect, and soon it cracked again. We are very angry.

But Uncle Luo is very responsible. He repaired the wall very well without any cutting corners: he first scooped up the original base material completely without leaving any; Then carefully brush the filler layer by layer; After the filler layer by layer dries thoroughly, polish the wall flat before applying emulsion paint; And in order to avoid damage to my familys belongings, he carefully lifted the furniture, picked the curtains, and even swept away all the dust that had fallen from the paint.

We are all very grateful to him, and for this, my grandmother wanted to give him 100 yuan to express our gratitude, but he politely refused.

His serious and responsible spirit in his work moved our whole family, and we would like to express our gratitude to him in particular.

Commended by:


英语书信书写格式范文 第20篇

Sample 1

21 June 20XX

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. I'm so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I won't be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.

Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,


英语书信书写格式范文 第21篇

20 March

Dear Sir,

I was very interested in your advertisement in today's edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.

I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area.

I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition.

If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma






