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八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第1篇

1. What’s the matter? 怎么啦?出什么事情了?

【解析】matter/ ' mætə(r)) /n.问题;事情

What’ s the matter with you?

= What’s the trouble with you?

= What’ s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

【注】: matter 和trouble 为名词, 其前可加the 或形容词性物主代词,wrong 是adj. 不能加the

【用法】用于询问某人有什么病或某人遇到什么麻烦、问题其后跟询问对象时, 与介词with连用。即:

What’s the matter with sb.? = What’s your trouble?

= What’s up? = What happens to sb.?

— What’sthe matter with you ?

— I havea bad cold.

2. I had a cold.我感冒了。

have a cold=catcha cold=have the flu感冒

have a fever 发烧 have a cough咳嗽

have astomachache胃疼,肚子疼 have atoothache牙疼 have a headache头疼

3. 身体部位+ache(疼痛)构成新的复合词

stomach+ache=stomachache head+ache=headache tooth+ache=toothache back+ache=backache后背痛

4. much too+ 形容词,意为 太...... ,too much+名词,意为 很多,大量。

5. enough【形容、副词】足够的/地,enough放在名前后,形副后。

goodenough足够好,enough money=much money

6. lie down躺下, lie 躺,躺着,过去式lay;lie说谎,过去式lied

7. maybe “或许”,常用于句首,表示可能性,后加句子。Maybe you areright.

maybe,是情态动词+be的结构,意为“可能,也许”,后加名词、代词或形容词。He may be angry.

8. sound like+名词代词和从句:It sounds likeyou don’t know the truth.

It sounds like agood idea.

sound+形容词,“听起来,好像”,The music soundsnice.

9. need 需要,实义动词need+名词,需要某物;

need to do sth.需要做某事,主语通常是人,表示人主动的动作:You need to listencarefully during class.

need doing sth.主语通常是物,表示被动的动作:Your dirtyclothes need washing.

10. get off (thebus) 下(公交车) get on 上车

11. agree 同意,赞同;

agree with sth. 同意某事 如:Iagree with that idea.

agree to sb. 同意某人的意见 如:Iagree to LiLei.

12. trouble问题,麻烦;be in trouble遇到麻烦,make trouble 制造麻烦,have trouble (in)doing sth. =have difficulties (in) doing sth做......有麻烦。

13. rightaway=right now=at once,意为马上。

14.【复习】 advice [不可数名词]劝告,建议,向…征求意见, give sb. adviceon sth.就某事给某人建议; advise [动词] advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

advise sb. doing sth.

15. 【复习】exercise 练习、锻炼



16. hurt 及物动词,使……疼痛,……受伤,He hurt hisleg while exercising.

不及物动词,……(部位)疼。 His leg hurt badly.

17. clean 【动词】打扫,clean the classroom打扫教室,【形容词】 干净的 ,cleaner意为 清洁工 。

18. hit (用手或器具)打;击打 The boy hit the dog with a stone.

hit sb. onthe head/ nose/ back打某人的头、鼻子、后背,on用在所打较硬的部位;

hit sb. in the face/ eye/ stomach 打某人的脸、眼睛、肚子,in用在所打较软的部位。


be used to sth./ doing sth.习惯于、适应了……、做某事,强调状态;

His grandpa was used to country life.

Mary is not used to getting up early in the morning.

get/ become used to sth./ doing sth. “变得习惯,逐渐适应……”强调过程、动作:

It’s difficult for one to get used toanother country’s habit.

20. 【复习】free [形容词]空闲的free time;免费的the drink is forfree;自由的I want to becomea free bird.

free【动词】使……解脱,得到自由:He could not freehis arm.

八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第2篇


( )1.—Do your parents have the same hobby?

— father likes playing_____ chess while my mother enjoys playing_____ piano.

A./;the B./;/ ;/ ;the

( ) was born there and have known that old museum________ I was very young.

( ) pollution was a serious problem here_________.

then the future a week the past

( ) can’t find Zhang he_________?

;go ;gone ;gone ;gone

( )5.—_______have you known each other? —Since we were in our childhood.

far often long soon

( ) grandfather lives in a village________,but he never feels_________.

;alone ;alone ;lonely ;lonely

( )7. Susan and I have been friends_______ five years.

A since B. after C. for D. over

( ) Maths teacher______in our school for 20 years and he ______here when he was 23 years old.

taught;has come ;comes ;came taught;came

( )9.一How long may I________your bike? —For a you mustn’t_________it to others.

;lend ;lend ;borrow ;borrow

( ) big river in front of the house,but now it has turned into farmlands.

to have to be used to having used to be

( )11. My grandma_______ us stories when I was young.

A was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling

( )12. I hear the tall girl wearing glasses is your new classmate. She's from America, _____?

A. has she B. isn't she C. hasn't she D. does she

( )13. - How do you like your English teacher? - He is great. We_______ friends since three years ago.

A were B. have made C. have been D. have become

( )14. The trip to Hong Kong was_______ and we felt_______.

A. pleased; pleased B. pleased; pleasant C. pleasant; pleased D. pleasure; pleasant

( )15. Holly has_______ fed the dog, but she hasn't watered the plants _______.

A still; already B. already; yet C. yet; still D. yet; already


Mrs Holland lived in a big city and she worked in a 1 . She went there by 2 every morning for 20 years. Then she was 45 years old, and she said to herself, 'I'm 3 and soft now, because I go 4 by car. I'm going to buy a bicycle. '

She bought 5 , and after that, she 6 went to her shop on that, but 7 in her car. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and she went quickly 8 them to the front, because her bicycle was so 9 . Then she was happy. Yesterday she stopped at a red light, and a man 10 behind her on another bicycle. He stopped too, and said, 'Have the police taken your driving license(驾驶执照) away, too?'

( )1. A. shop B. hotel C. school D. factory

( )2. A. bus B. bike C. car D. train

( )3. A. old B. fat C. thin D. short

( )4. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere

( )5. A. another B. that C. it D. one

( )6. A. always B. seldom C. sometimes D. never

( )7. A or B. nor C. not D. also

( )8. A to B. pass C. by D. away

( )9. A. popular B. new C. nice D. narrow(窄的)

( )10. A. drove B. walked C. looked D. kept


Three people were walking along the street,first a big man,then a pretty then an old first two went around the the gentleman saw a piece of paper on the picked it was fire few seconds later,the young woman came was crying.‘I have lost five pounds,’she said.

‘Don’t cry,’said the gentleman.‘Here it is.’The young woman thanked him and went a few seconds,the big man came was looking for a window opened and a short man looked out.‘I saw five pounds fall from your pocket,’he said,‘but that man gave it to a young woman.’The big man was very gentleman was frightened and gave him another five the gentleman had gone,the young woman came back to get her one pound and sixty-seven pence,and the short man came out to get his.

( ) short man said________.

saw the big man drop five pounds old man kept the lost money

pretty woman drop five pounds found himself drop five pounds

( ) lost money.

big man pretty woman short man old gentleman

( ) many pounds did they get by cheating(期骗)?

. . . .

( ) gentleman________.

very clever and strong a very good deed(好事)

very kind but not brave plenty of money

( ) young woman only get_________ at last.

pounds pounds and ten pence pounds pound and sixty-seven pence

Fifty-three years ago Barbie Millicent Roberts first appeared in the world of toys. Since then, Barbie doll, as everyone called her, has become the most successful toy doll in history. Her parent, the Mattel Company, said that 90% of all American girls between 3 and 10 have at least one Barbie at home.

However, Barbie is facing some trouble at present(现在). There are many similar dolls on the market in competition with her. Another doll named Bratz, for example, came to life thirteen years ago. She looks more like today's pop stars with heavy makeup(浓妆) and miniskirts. And her company offers more kinds of clothes too.

It seems that Barbie has lost her magic among older girls. 'For younger girls, playing with a Barbie is much fun. But when you get older, you want something smarter and more modern,' says Vera Shepherd, a shop assistant in a New York toy store.

It is good news that on the international market, Barbie is still No. 1. Although Mattel is selling fewer barbie in the United States these years, sales in other countries are still going up. In January , Mattel opened its first Barbie store in Shanghai, where girls can shop, eat, drink or even become fashion designers for their own Barbies.

Mattel is planning big celebrations for Barbie's 53rd birthday. Fashion designers from all over the world have been called to make new dresses for Barbie. How long will Barbie stay popular in the world of toy dolls? It is hard to say, but 53 is surely not the age to retire(退休).

( )6. Barbie's family name is_______.

A. Roberts B. Millicent C. Shepherd D. Bratz

( )7. Barbie's trouble is that_______.

A. it wears heavy makeup and miniskirts B. other dolls are more popular with little girls

C. other dolls are trying to beat her in the market D. it has become less popular in the international market

( )8. Girls can do the following in the first Barbie shop in Shanghai except_______.

A. going shopping B. having food C. drinking juice D. taking photos

( )9. What's the meaning of the underlined words 'fashion designers' in the passage?

A珠宝设计师 B.发型设计师C 舞台设计师 C 服装设计师

( )10. What is the best title of the passage?

A. First Barbie shop in Shanghai B. Barbie's past and present

C. Barbie's 53rd birthday party D. Barbie lost her magic

When you are reading something in English, you may often meet with a new word. What’s the best way to know it?

You may look it up in the English-Chinese dictionary. It will tell you a lot about the word: the pronunciation, the Chinese meaning and how to use the word. But how can you know where the word is thousands of English words? How to find it in the dictionary both quickly and correctly?

First, all the English words are arranged(安排) in the letter order. In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with letter A, then B, C, D…. That means, if there are two words “desert” and “pull”, “desert” will be certainly before “pull”. Then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, you may look at the second letter. Then the third, the fourth… For example, “pardon” is before “plough”, “judge” before “just”, etc.

Do you understand how to look up in the dictionary?

The dictionary will be your good friend. I hope you’ll use it as often as possible in your English study.

( )11. This passage is about______.

A. new words in writing B. different dictionaries

C. the best way of reading D. using an English-Chinese dictionary

( )12. In the dictionary you may not find_______.

A. how to pronounce the word B. the spelling of the word

C. who used the word first D. how to use the word

( )13. In an English-Chinese dictionary, the last word______.

A. begins with Z B. begins with A C. is a short one D. is not often used

( )14. Which group of words is in the right order in an English-Chinese dictionary?

A. perhaps, produce, plenty B. straight, subject, surprise

C. century, center, business D. foreign, entrance, headache

( )15. In the passage the writer tries to tell us that_______.

A. we have to use a dictionary when we read something in English

B. an English-Chinese dictionary can tell us everything about a word

C. an English-Chinese dictionary can help us a lot in our English study

D. all English-Chinese dictionary are the same


’s________(浪费)to throw away glass,paper and metal.

's our duty to keep our living e______ _ clean.

you ever_______ (写)a letter to your parents?

holidays,tourists like to go to Dinghu Mountain because of the _________(新鲜的)air.

will________ (意识到)the mistake you made today in future.

many ______(街区) are there in your hometown?

haven’t heard from him (最近).

there are a lot of (工厂)in my hometown.

has just (吃) Eddie’s food.

many cars cause air p .


keep in touch play with change eat from time to time move to

live used to turn…into realize

1. The old man in the house since 1990.

2. At last, he that he was wrong.

3. When the Wangs Fance? Two years gao.

4. When the temperature drops below zero, the water ice.

5. My father read newspapers after supper, but now he often watches TV.

6. Look, the boy the snow.

7. There have been great in my hometown.

8. How do you with each other?

9. Millie is new in our class. She feels lonely .

10. He went to bed after .


1.到目前为止你看了多少部英语电影了? _____________________________________so far?

2.对我们来说,做好每一件事是很有必要的. It’s very necessary______________________________.

3.我们还没有玩过这种游戏.We____________________________________ yet.

4.这是我见过的最漂亮的画.X|k | B It’s the most beautiful picture I_____________________________.



More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1. 4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil (油) cost!

Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit(受益)from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way.

Folding(折叠)bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.

Health Benefits of Bicycling:

It helps to prevent heart diseases(疾病). Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minutes bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat(脂肪) in a year.

Bicycling can improve your mood(心情).

Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.

Bicycling is cheap, fun, healthy and good for the environment.

Cheap You needn’t for the oil when you ride a bike.

Fun Bicycling is much 2. _________ for you to discover something new all around you.

Healthy Bicycling helps to prevent heart diseases and control your .

It’s good for the environment There is no oil, so there is no 4. ______________.

Suggestion: try to ride your bike as much as 5. ________________.




八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第3篇


















八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第4篇

一、教学内容及分析 本单元围绕“谈论和比较不同的东西和事情”这个话题,进一步为学习用现在完成时描述事件而设计了相关的语言情境。Section A 1—2c呈现了本单元的重点语法现象—如何给别人提出意见和建议,然后设计了听力活动、俩俩结对活动,从听、说角度训练了本单元的核心句型,并在Grammar Focus中进行了归纳总结。Section A3a—4所设计的活动,学生运用信息沟通的方法展开俩俩结对和小组活动,提供扩大词汇和训练核心句型的机会,运用自己的经验来谈论如何“送礼物”,进一步提高了交际技能。SectionB1Aa-2b边循环Section A中出现的语言目标,变介绍新的词汇。然后,设计了两个听力活动,分别从两个层面,从宏观到细节帮助学生学习如何比较不同的东西和事情。SectionB2c-4设计的活动,则通过听、说读与写的活动,谈论做宠物的动物,对学生谈论和比较不同的东西的能力进行了综合训练,首先帮助学生形成创造性地运用所学语言的能力。补充阅读文章告诉我们,由于北京深奥成功,全国又掀起了一场学习英语的热潮,文章以一句问句作为标题,给我们提出了学习英语的方法——唱英语歌。


1、知识与技能 本单元重点词汇:suggestion comment album guy spider mouse hamster turtle child pig advantage disadvantage rabbit company present bench stage winner Spokesperson progress statement

本单元重点句型: (1)What should I get sb? (2)Why don’get /buy

(3)What/How about sth.? (4)It’s / They’re too +adj (5) Present perfect tense^(6)掌握如何表达给别人买什么礼物。掌握如何建议为别人买礼物的表达方法。掌握如何比较物品的质量。通过学习如何赠送礼物,对比中西方文化的不同。


采用 “任务型”教学模式,首先把本单元的学习任务即学习掌握“送礼物”的表达方式告诉学生,在明确了学习任务后,老师提供为完成学习任务的过程中形成主动的学习状态,产生学习的欲望与动力。同时通过听力训练为主;第三课时集中词汇教学;第四





(1)What should I get sb? (2)Why don’get /buy (3)What/How about sth.?

(4)It’s / They’re too +adj (5) Present perfect tense

2、难点 (1)too +adj.意为“太……” (2)adj.+enough 意为“足够……”


A.重点词汇名词:suggestion comment album guy spider mouse hamster turtle child pig advantage disadvantage rabbit company present bench stage winner

Spokesperson progress statement

动词:receive choose open enter encourage suggest drive

形容词:personal special pot-bellied trendy perfect clean asleep native modest earlier interested 词组:fall asleep, give away, hear of, an interest in, make friends with

B.语言结构 What should I get my sister? Why don’t you get a camera? That’s too expensive.

How about a watch? That’s too personal. Why don’t you buy a scarf?

That’s not interesting enough. What should l get Lisa? How about a CD?

No,that’s too cheap. What’s the best present you have ever received?

C:语言功能。Compare qualities

五、教法选择与学法指导 根据《英语课标》和本单元教材内容,采用任务型语言教学途径,将教学目标设计成符合学生生活学习实际的任务链,尽量使学生在参与任务的过程中学习运用语言,形成语言能力,并使用多媒体辅助教学手段为学生学习营造较好的语言学习环境,提高学生学习语言的积极性。通过任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、形成自主学习能力的过程。同时在教学中采用多媒体辅助教学、任务型教学模式,运用听说读写法,并以循序渐进的方式来进行教学。

八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第5篇










八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第6篇




四、1. waste 2. environment 3. written 5. realize

6. blocks 7. recently 8. factories 9. eaten 10. pollution

五、1. has lived 2. realized 3. did move to 4. turns into/ will turn into

5. used to 6. is playing with 7. changes 8. keep in touch

9. from time to time 10. eating

六、1. How many English films have you seen

2. for us to do everything well

3. haven’t played this kind of game

4. have seen 5. used to be a history teacher


八. One possible version:

Mr Chen has lived in Nanjing since he was born. He finds that Nanjing has changed a lot over the past years. There used to be fresh air and a lot of trees, but now they have built a new airport. In the past, people could only take the bus, but now you can take not only the bus, but also the subway, airport bus, taxi and so on. It is very fast and convenient. It is also clean and beautiful. These changes have brought a lot of advantages to Nanjing. Mr Chen is very pleased to see the changes.

八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第7篇









八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第8篇







八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第9篇





八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第10篇










八年级下册英语1单元作文范文 第11篇









