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tpo30写作范文 第1篇

Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.


The claims that the burning mirror would have been impractical and technologically impossible are unconvincing.

First, the Greeks did not need to form a single sheet of copper to make a large, burning mirror. An experiment has shown that dozens of small individually flat pieces of polished copper could be arranged into a parabolic shape and form a large, burning mirror. The Greek mathematicians know the properties of the parabola and so could have directed the assembly of small mirror pieces into the parabolic shape.

Second, about how long it would take to set a ship on fire with a burning mirror. The experiment the reading selection mentions assumes that the burning mirror was used to set the wood of the boat on fire, that’s what takes ten minutes. But Roman boats were not made just of wood. There were other materials involved as well. For example, to seal the spaces between wooden boards and make them waterproof, the ancient boat-builders used a sticky substance called pitch. Pitch catches fire very quickly. An experiment showed that pitch could be set on fire by a burning mirror in seconds. And once the pitch was burning, the fire would spread to the wood even if the ship was moving. So a burning mirror could have worked quickly enough to be an effective weapon.

Third, why bother with a burning mirror instead of flaming arrows? Well, Roman soldiers were familiar with flaming arrows and would have been watching for them and were ready to put out the fires they might cause. But you cannot see the burning rays from a mirror; you just see the mirror. But then suddenly and magically a fire starts at some unobserved place on the ship that would have been much more surprising and therefore much more effective than a flame arrow.












tpo30写作范文 第2篇

Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific point made in the reading passage.

The speaker states that, although the theory that never did the Greeks use the _burning mirror_ to defend themselves sounds convincing, it suffers from several flaws on various grounds, as is presented below.

Firstly, according to the reading material, technology was one of the formidable obstacles for the Greeks. However, the speaker points out that although hardly could the Greeks manufacture a large sheet of copper, the Greeks could utilized【utilize】several small pieces of mirror instead to built【build】 the device . Consequently, the statement in the reading text is unconvincing.

Secondly, the speaker challenges the statement in the reading passage that this weapon would have been exceedingly impractical and ineffective since never could set the wood on fire from 30 meters away within ten minutes. The speaker argues that a material called pitch,【which is another material used to make the boats加上这句更好点哦】, can be set on fire in seconds, causing the whole ship to catch fire with ease.

Lastly, although the reading material claims that hardly could mirror destroy the Roman ships as effectively as flaming arrows did, the speaker mentions that it was the mirror that enabled the Greeks to catch the Romans off guard in the war since it was less conspicuous than the flaming arrows. As a result, the mirror was likely to be used as a deadly weapon.

对讲座的内容以及它对阅读文章的反驳描述得较为准确,条理清晰,逻辑严密,语言连贯; 词汇丰富,擅用倒装句


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is more enjoyable to have a job where you work only three days a week for long hours than to have a job where you work five days a week for shorter hours.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

According to the prompt above, it is more enjoyable to have a job where you work only three days a week for long hours than to have a job where you work five days a week for shorter hours. Of course, opinions regarding this issue will divert to a large extent because of people's various characters, past experiences and attitudes toward to managing spare time.

For example, some people hold the belief that working five days for shorter hours is more beneficial since there will be more time for them to relax and entertain every day. From my perspective, however, spending only three days on my job enables me to congregate comparatively more traveling time which hardly could I obtain from tedious time schedule.

Working three days a week contributes to the my plans to travel. Hardly can i possess sufficient time for traveling without an appropriate arrangement since traveling is exceedingly time consuming. In fact, with four full days, visiting the famous sites of adjacent counties is becoming feasible. My personal experience can matches【match】 my point of view perfectly. Last summer, i went to Kyoto which is a prosperous city full of historic and ancient sites. It was the dazzling array of ancient temples and the exquisite garden that captivated me. Although i stayed there for only four days, it was long enough to【for】 me to visit most of the famous sites. However, if i had possessed only two days, never would have i 【I have】acquired a pleasant trip. From the example, we can see that a schedule requiring three working days a week can enables me【+to】 enjoy a wonderful trip.

Even though working five days a week can provide people with more spare time per day to guarantee a sufficient relaxation, traveling in four continuous days is more tempting for me. As a result, it is more enjoyable to have a job where you work only three days a week for long hours than to have a job where you work five days a week for shorter hours.



Integrated task


Independent task


Scaled Score



tpo30写作范文 第3篇

Generally speaking, one’ s satisfaction with work, to a large extent, reflects one’ s sense of happiness in life. Yet which kind of working pattern better contributes to good working experience: working three days a week for long hours or five days for shorter hours? In my opinion, it is more enjoyable to choose the latter, which can guarantee both working and living quality.

To begin with, I can ensure the quality of my work by working five days a week for shorter hours. Given that eight-hours working is usually required for five days in a week, working three days means working more than thirteen hours a day! Thus how can we keep energetic since we have such little time left for eating and sleeping? Naturally, I might easily feel exhausted in the afternoon, failing to think clearly and sharply, or even fall asleep in the evening, beginning to hate my job, let alone enjoy it. Eight-hours- working, however, provides me with opportunities to have a nap after lunch and thus better devote to afternoon working. More importantly, I can timely summarize a whole day working, adjust the next day plan and even study a while in the evening. Take my cousin’ s experience of being an intern in the famous accounting firm Deloitte for example. She worked from . to ., doing accounting, writing reports and making presentations. Ambitious as she was, she still messed up some important data and missed some meeting content due to a lack of sleep. As far as I know, being a perfectionist, she would never allow herself to make any mistakes; yet exhaust from long time working got her.

Additionally, I can enjoy a regular and healthy life with five-days working pattern. Suppose I need to work thirteen hours a day; though I might only spend half an hour on lunch or dinner, it will still be . at the end of the day. In this case, a daily working out for an hour is nearly impossible, let alone some personal entertainment time. Worse still, the four-days “weekend” can never make up because it is natural for anyone working so long to sleep as much as he can on the first day and then adjust his daily routine on the following three days — a frequent shift between two distinctive lifestyle is no good to health. For instance, the reason why my father enjoys his work so well is that every day he can sit with us for a decent meal, talking and laughing. Moreover, thanks to his leisure time after . during workdays, he never misses gym hours or any of my school meetings or activities. Obviously, since the amount of working is unchanged, why not balance work and life and thus enjoy both?

In conclusion, working five days a week is a superior choice because this way of working can bring a high quality of work and life.

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tpo30写作范文 第4篇


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is more enjoyable to have a job where you work only three days a week for long hours than to

have a job where you work five days a week for shorter hours.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.






