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考研英语报告格式范文 第1篇





考研英语报告格式范文 第2篇

1.在词汇基础上深化语法:想在阅读上有稳步提高,前提条件就是要有一定牢固的词汇量。除去中学词汇和考试大纲词汇表中从来没有被考查过的词汇后,考研词汇就剩下了近两千个常考高频词了。那么,20xx年的考研英语阅读理解晋级的关键就是要熟练掌握这两千来个高频词汇。此外,除了词汇还要把语法学习加以深入化。根据历年考研英语试卷规律,认为考研中密集考查的语法固定的有6种:定语从句、状语从句、定语后 置、插入语、分词结构和并列句。这6种语法表面上看很是简单,其实不然,大家需要把这6个问题研究深了才行,20xx年的考研考生们应该结合语句进行训练,在训练中深度掌握语法规律,这对于翻译阅读中的长难句很有帮助,考研英语《考研英语 放大阅读 “悦”考研》。




考研英语报告格式范文 第3篇













We are glad that Fuzhou is now among the national civilized cities. As students~ what shall we do to keep up the good work? First of all, we should respect our teachers, parents and the old. Also, we ought to be polite and honest. Second, it's always good to be kind, friendly and helpful to others. Third, we must obey traffic rules and mustn't cross the streets when the traffic lights are red. Last but not least, it's important and necessary to help protect the environment.

For example, we shouldn't spit here and there or throw litter about. We'd better not pick flowers or step on the grass. In short, if everyone makes contributions, our city will be better and better.

Memorandum (考试的时候需要居中!!!)

TO: All students of Peking University / All the staff / All club members

FROM: li Ming / Students' Union

DATE: December 21, 2021

SUBJECT: Volunteer activities in Xihua Community / Annual Summing-up Report

We are going to launch a series of activities to promote low-carbon lifestyle, as well as to advocate energy efficiency, waste minimization and recycling. This green lifestyle is a potential recipe for a healthier and more habitable environment and highly recommendable to every person.

To attract more schoolmates to accept this low-carbon lifestyle, we will hold lectures to introduce the new life concept. What's more, we will hand put leaflets to every dormitory, recommending students to switch off unused lights and other electrical equipment.

All members are required to take part in those above activities. Other creative thoughts and brilliant ideas about activity plan will be encouraged.(or:Finally, scholars and specialists both from abroad and at home have been invited to give academic lectures so as to get the latest information.)



大纲首先要明确,这是应试作文,所以我们的中心目的就是拿到高分!只要能够达到这个目的,其它的我们可以暂时不要去管。应试作文的特点非常明显,他给你的作文会有很多的限制,具体来说会有时间限制文体限制内容限制,所以说呢,很多时候是我们思想里的东西是不能随心发挥的,若是你可以在较短的时间内能够作出切合题意的文章就就是很不错的好文章了。 我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 加拿大留学 高考生申请留学的两种方式英国高考 A-Level考试是一边学习一边参加考试英国留学 高考生申请留学前应做的准备出国留学 盘点高考后申请留学的最佳方案美国留学 高考后申请留学双录取是最好的选择出国留学 高考后如何申请留学加拿大留学 高考后申请留学的热点问题美国留学 20xx高考生如何规划留学美国留学法国 国内高考分数须在专科线以上如何看待留学这个后高考时代的新问题 20xx年英语:提高考研英语作文的复习技巧




最后呢?我就说说在作文中应该注意到的问题,也许大家都是知道的.。不过我还是在提醒一下喽! 我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 加拿大留学 高考生申请留学的两种方式英国高考 A-Level考试是一边学习一边参加考试英国留学 高考生申请留学前应做的准备出国留学 盘点高考后申请留学的最佳方案美国留学 高考后申请留学双录取是最好的选择出国留学 高考后如何申请留学加拿大留学 高考后申请留学的热点问题美国留学 20xx高考生如何规划留学美国留学法国 国内高考分数须在专科线以上如何看待留学这个后高考时代的新问题 20xx年英语:提高考研英语作文的复习技巧














Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spends more money on improving public transportation ( buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Governments should definitely spend more money on improving all forms of public transportation. These include buses, subways and trains. This is the best way to preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.

As a planet, we’re dealing with a finite amount of natural resources. Once theyre gone, they cant be replaced. They cant fill our need for oil and gasoline forever. But we seem to forget that and consume them at an incredible rate. In wealthier counties, some families have two or three cars. As soon as teenagers get their drivers licenses, they’re given cars so their parents wont have to drive them places.

Public transportation hasnt been sufficiently developed. Because of this, suburban areas surrounding cities have been allowed to sprawl more and more widely. This means that people cant even go to the store without having to hop into the car. Everything is too far away from where they live. If there were better and more frequent public transportation, people would be able to give up their cars for local driving.

As a result of all the cars being driven, we’re dealing with terrible pollution problems. In big cities, there are days during the summer when the elderly and people with respiratory problems are advised not to leave the house. Ten years ago this was unheard of! Now its the norm. Public transportation would cut down considerably on air pollution.

Public transportation also encourages a sense of community. People who travel to work together all the time get to know each other. Car isolate us from neighbors. However, people feel they need to drive because they cant depend on public transportation to fit their schedules. If more money were available, buses, subways and trains could run 24 hours a day. Then they would be available all the time to the people who need them.

I always try to take public transportation whenever possible, and I encourage friends and neighbors to try it too. I think we must support public transportation in order to create a better world.






1、身体、心理上的:physically/ psychologically



4、疲倦的:tired/exhausted/worn out


6、首要目标:primary goal

7、参与运动:be involved with sports

8、大众健康:public health

9、*衡饮食:balanced diet

10、垃圾食品:junk food

11、减肥:lose weight

12、吃绿色/有机食品:eat green/organic food

13、过健康的生活:lead a healthy life

14、提高生活质量:improve the quality of life

15、在日常生活中培养健康的习惯:cultivate/develop healthy habits in daily life



Exerciseis necessary to strengthenthe body.


Most people make as much effort as they can toachieve their own success in many aspects such as their work or , in recent yearsbeing healthyhas been an issue which attracts much attention from the public because people in growing numbers have realized thatphysical health is the first thing they shall focus on.


In recent years, Chinese people are more willing than before totake part in various games or sports to be bodily , the governmenthas been constructing more facilities available for more people.


All China is in such an atmosphere where people enjoythe bliss of taking exercises.


We all know by now thatmaintaining an active lifestyleshould be one of our top priorities in bytaking care of ourselvesdo we stand a chance ofbeing the kind of person we strive to be in the job, at home with our loved ones and in our communities.


Exercising every dayis also essential for us tostay healthy. Of course we don’t need to exhaust should planour physical exercisesaccording to our actual condition.


People withgood healthcan do work withfull energy and confidenceandtheir progressin turn contributes totheir health and the contrary, a sick one usually lacks the vigor and interest to fulfill his or her role in life,which deprives him or her of many opportunities tobecome successful and happy.


Eating less junk food and having a balanced dietis the first step to remain healthy for most people.

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I am writing this letter in purpose of informing you that I intend to resign from my current position. The primary reasons for my resignation are as follows.

First and foremost, as a young star whose primary interest is in fashion design rather than computer science, I have found that my present job doesn't fall in with my previous academic background and personal strength. What's more, I preferred to pursue other opportunities that may conform better to my educational background and personal interest.

I am very grateful for the invaluable experience that I got here. Thank you for the patience and generous assistance you rendered me during the past three years. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconveniences my learning may cause.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

From the table chart given above, we can observe that it reflects the statistics of students’ graduation intention. From 20xx to 20xx, the proportion of students who are determined to further study increased rapidly from 45% to 76%. During the same period, the percentage of students who are willing to work after graduation remains steady.

The table chart informs us of the phenomenon that students in increasing numbers are willing to further study after graduation. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reason can be listed as follows: for one thing, facing with intense competition in the










*The change in enhanced and promoted by the government's better policies as well as the more convenient channels in the × field.

*The availability of computers is the foremost cause and the rapid development of information technology enables everybody to have access to computers and the Internet.

*Electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance.


*In our highly competitive society, whether one is in China or the US, it can be said that it is impossible for a individual to find a job with a promising future without at least a college degree.

*Education is becoming a lifetime practice, just as the old saying going, ^v^Live and Learn.^v^ After all, there is no denying the fact that education is beneficial not merely to personal growth but to the economic prosperity.

* × is invented to connect us, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than setting barriers to keep people beyond reach.

* A nation's unique culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the process of globalization has become irresistible, increasing culture exchanges can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.


*With the rapid development of economy and society, competition becomes increasing by fierce. To satisfy the space demands of a booming population, the only available solution for mankind is to inhabit forests and grasslands that used to be the habitats of wild animals and plants.

*The process of industrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that essentially destorys environments and ecosystems.

This cartoon depicts an ironic scene: a man is walking dangerously on a wire with a pole in his hand. On one end of the pole hangs a box which is named ^v^the convenience of jobs^v^ while on the other end hangs a box which is labelled^v^illegal profits^v^. The man is trying hard to reach the end of the wire, where a piece of papar is attached which says ^v^you should be responsible for what you have done. ^v^ However, the man believes that he will not be blamed since he has taken just a little. The sobering aspect of this cartoon is corruption always happens on those who think they are the lucky ones.

Human nature being what it is, most people have a kind of fluke mind that they may not be punished since the amount they take illegally is small. However, this idea could not be more wrong in our contemporary society. Let's assume that all the government officials in China hold this idea. If this assumption comes true, it will definitely exert a butterfly effect: the appetite of these officials will become even bigger. The amount of money they take may end up as astronomical figures. One day their behavior will be revealed as severe crime and they will spend the rest of their lives in jail.

So it can be justified without any exaggeration that when we look at the consequences of curruption, we may find it very difficult to assess the costs. But these costs can be very considerable and may even hurl the whole society system into a occurs to many that the most effective solution is to appeal to the authorities, or to take legal means. But that is just a passive wayand only works on extreme cases. Therefore, I recommend that massive media, school education and family cultivation should be activated to call for self-discipline on this matter.












Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

It is a pleasure to congratulate you on your recent promotion to Deputy Managing Director of ABC Trading Company. You do not how excited and happy I felt when I heard this news. I know this has meant years of regular study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can be well proud of.(or:Knowing the information that you are promoted, I feel it is the consequence of your hard work.)

I have followed your progress with pleasure and interest for many years, I am sure you will be a success in whatever you undertake.(or:Based on our close association over the past ten years, I know how well you are qualified for this important office.) You earned the promotion through years of hard work and I am delighted to see your true ability with recognition.

Once again, congratulations and best wishes for your continued success. In the end, please bring my best wishes to your families.(or:I strongly believe you will get greater success in the further development.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




第三,具体来说,对于小作文,尤其是书信类写作,可以模板对之。不需要难词难句,只要格式正确,信息完整,语言通顺就可以了。对于短文写作,英语(一)中是第一段描述图画,第二段阐释寓意,第三段看给出评论。英语(二)中是第一段描述图表,第二段给出评论,第三段预测趋势等。如何分析这个图不重要,重要的是无错误的语言表达,逻辑词的运用。一定要记住,阅卷老师阅卷时间极其有限,其评分标准主要是错误量和语言的变化。而后者是高分的重要条件。英语是讲究变化的。这种变化不光是词汇还包括句型。请尽可能的回避掉那些被阅卷老师看得直想吐的陈词滥句,比如,“I think”,“very important”之流。



考研英语报告格式范文 第4篇



考研英语报告格式范文 第5篇


Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my heartfelt gratitude for your timely help.(or:your consideration and compliments. / your generous hospitality.)

If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the consequences might have been very serious. Everyone agrees that it is your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.(or:It is your valuable assistance that has enabled me from severely injury. Without your help, I would have ×××.)

In the end, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for your assistance again. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.(or:I will definitely spare no effort to give my hand to you if you encounter any difficulties in the future.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

第一, 通读全文,抓住中心。

1. 通读全文,抓两个重点:



2. 抓住中心,用一分半时间思考3个问题:







★ 要树立定位意识,每一题、每一选项都要回到原文中某一处定位。


1. 通过题干返回原文:判断四个选项,抓住选项中的关键词,把选项定位到原文的某处比较,重叠选项,选出答案。


Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I have been reading your newspaper for many years with great enthusiasm and interest. Regarding the issue of disposable plastic bags, it is my view that limiting the use of such bags is of the utmost significance.

To crack this hand out, I would like to propose several practical recommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ×××. In addition, we should ×××. Last but not least, ×××.(or:The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development.)

Thanks for your time and attention to this letter and I would be more than happy if you can take my suggestions into serious account.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






















Hello, my 's a fine day today,and i'm very pleased to meet you of all,i'd like to introduce myself to name is xxx,my hometown is xxx,which is a really beautiful when i was a young boy,i was very interested in biology one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a biology scientist (just like ZHU KE ZHEN).I liked to make wonders just like,where are we from?Where are we going in the universe?And then i would find the answers in book by today i think that interest is the best teacher in one's whole life (and knowledge comes from practice).

Second, i will introduce my major in the major is Biological Engineering in xxx has a great relationship with biology relationship can be shown with an example: Just like a river,biology science,which often finds new discoveries and theories, is at the head of the my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern industry.

Four years' university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing expriment as much as possible). In the university life,i have made many good

help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.

Besides what i have introduced myself above,i also have many interests in my spare like playing football,which is an effective way i think to improve my body health,and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other and writing is another favor to me.

Above all,i choose the major in order to broad my view in biology scince,and enhance my research will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.

As could be betrayed in the above drawing ,a young women are working at home,which are very popular in the world.

What the author illustrates in the picture above reveal the reality that thanks to the advancement of the internet and modern communication technologies,working at home has become a reality for some working at home has some obvious advantages. The biggest advantage is that people can make a better balance between career and the company, it will be able to reduce the cost by having smaller working space and less money used for daily routines in the as every coin has two sides, working at home also has some disadvantages,the biggest problem is the loss of team spirit, which is indispensable to the success of the company in the competitive society.

In my opinion,this work pattern is only suited to a certain number of people who can accomplish their work individually, and is limited to certain work fields.

In recent years,the office medias have pointed out that students’ time spend in the library dropped tremendously from 30 hours a week to about 10 hours a week,while their time spend on the E-books soared from 15 hours a week to 28 hours a week.

There are probably a variety of reasons for this the one hand,as smart phones and other mobile devices spread,people have been hooked on everything related to digital technology,paper books are increasingly replaced by digital ones. On the other hand,in this fast-paced culture, it enables people to get E-books more quickly and easily,and to carry more than one book by just one books make it possible to read in pieces of time and to gain much more information and knowledge.

But E-books just like a two-edge-knife ,it has some of all,reading on digital devices can lead to distractions,which will reduce immersive reading time and nagatively affect reading ’s more,the inconvenience of making notes make it impossible for readers to achieve critical understanding as well as deep thinking.

According to the previous discussions,we can come to the conclusion that much attention should be given to students’ its own,digital book is neither good or nor bad;it depend on how students use it.




If I were to leave my home for a year, there is one thing I definitely would take with me: my cell phone. With my cell phone, I could call my friends or family if I ever was lonely, needed advice, or just wanted to talk.

If I were away from home for a year, I would be very lonely, especially in the beginning before I made friends. If I could call my mother and father, I would hear their familiar voices and I would not feel so lonely. Hearing my friends’ voices would also help me overcome my sadness.

I’ve never been on my own so there are many things I am not familiar with. I’ve never opened a bank account, got a driver’s license, or made my own food. If I had to cook chicken or something, I could call up my mother and she could tell me how to make dinner.

Sometimes, I may just want to talk in my own language. With my cell phone, I could call my friends and tell them about my new life. This would make them jealous of me. I would call them a lot so they could hear all the wonderful things I am doing.

For me a cell phone is a necessity. I would need it anytime I was lonely, anytime I needed to do something I didn’t know how to do, and anytime I just wanted to talk. Of course, the phone bill will be sent to my parents.


——考研英语学*结 (菁华6篇)


考研英语报告格式范文 第6篇

随着社会的发展和我国市场经济的不断完善,不仅是外资企业、 民营企业还是国有企业 都在开发海外市场或存在发展意向, 商务英语已经渗入到各种各样的企业里, 但企业内商务英语专业人才无论是在数量上、层次结构及专业素质上都还存在许多不足。

1、人才总量需求不断增长,商务英语人才需求增长较快 随着我国经济的持续高速发展, 我国各种体制的企业数量也快速增长, 使得我国人才总量需 求也稳步增长。中国入世以来,

极大地拓展了商务英语的发展空间,上万家企业拥有自营进 出口权,商务英语专业人才炙手可热,就业前景十分广阔。目前,无论大型三资企业,还是 国营、民营中小企业都存在开拓海外市场、参与商务英语的行为和意图,越来越多的专业商 务英语人才如单证员、报关员、外销员等都将走俏职场。

2、企业国贸人才素质继续提高,人才层次出现新的变化 通过本次调查发现,商务英语人才素质在不断提高,人才层次结构出现新的变化,进一步呈 现重实际操作、年轻化的趋势。调查还表明,同国有企业单位相比,非公有制经济中商务英 语人才队伍的重实际操作、年轻化的优势更加明显,高层次商务英语人才队伍逐步壮大。

考研英语报告格式范文 第7篇



For the 10th Anniversary of YOUTH / On occasion of the 10th Anniversary of YOUTH, I want to share my reading experience.

Youth has accompanied me for three years during my high school. It involves all topics that senior students are interested in and leads us to feel the wonderful outside.

As a loyal reader of YOUTH, I am always absorbed in columns on teenagers from which I can get inspiring stories and gain much pleasure from exciting news.

I sincerely hope that YOUTHcan make greater progress and attract more readers to share their stories.

Note: for this part, you can write a composition in minutes. The following table is for your reference. Your composition should be written around words.

Remember to write your composition on the composition (for the purpose of learning English). Writing seems to be less important than reading. Some people will write reports in English, but few need to write in English.

Only a small number of students want to talk to English speaking visitors and attend advanced meetings, which usually requires oral skills. None of them will teach in English according to these surveys. I think the focus of English teaching should be on reading, understanding reports and writing, especially for those who are likely to write reports or letters in their future career.






标题。一般有两级标题,但标题的形式有几种。第一种形式:主标题由报告内容涉及的范围、时间与“工作报告”组成;副标题由破折号加会名(在x x会议上)组成;再下一行标注报告人的职务与姓名。第二种形式:主标题由会名(在x x会上)、报告的主题与“报告”组成。标题之下居中标注报告人姓名。这个报告在会议上通过之后,在标题之下、报告人姓名之上标注作报告的时间和会议通过的时间。第三种形式:工作报告要确定一个主题,并以报告的主题作主标题,副标题由破折号、会议时间、会名与“工作报告”组成,即:“——在x年x月x日x x会议上的工作报告”,在副标题之下居中标注报告人姓名。























