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2022外研社英语演讲范文 第1篇

Education is the foundation of human progress. It is through education that we acquire knowledge, skills, and values that shape our personality, improve our lives, and contribute to the development of our society. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is also about learning how to learn, how to think critically, and how to solve problems.

Education provides us with the tools we need to succeed in life. It helps us to understand the world around us, to make informed decisions, and to navigate the complexities of modern society. Education also helps us to develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in any field.

Moreover, education is essential for economic development. A well-educated workforce is key to attracting foreign investment, creating jobs, and driving economic growth. Countries with strong education systems tend to have better healthcare, higher standards of living, and more vibrant cultures.

However, despite the many benefits of education, millions of people around the world do not have access to it. Poverty, conflict, and other social and economic factors prevent many people from pursuing their educational goals. As a result, the gap between the educated and the uneducated is widening, and we risk losing a generation of talent and potential.

Therefore, it is essential that we invest in education. We need to provide every child with access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances. We need to support teachers, fund research, and create policies that promote education and learning.

In conclusion, education is the key to progress and prosperity. It is the foundation of our society, our economy, and our individual success. We must recognize the value of education and invest in it to ensure that we build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come. Thank you.

2022外研社英语演讲范文 第2篇

Good morning, everyone.

Im honored to have the opportunity to speak here today. As we all know, English has become an indispensable language for people in our world today. It is a global language, which means that it is spoken and understood by millions of people around the world.

However, many people still find it difficult to learn English. They may feel overwhelmed by the grammar rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation. But the truth is that learning English is not impossible. It requires dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude.

First of all, you need to set clear goals for yourself. Do you want to improve your English for work or for pleasure? Are you aiming to pass a test, such as the TOEFL or IELTS? Whatever your goal may be, make sure it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Secondly, you need to find the right resources to help you learn English. There are many resources available, such as textbooks, online courses, and language exchange programs. Choose the resources that best suit your needs and learning style.

Thirdly, you need to practice regularly. Practice makes perfect, as they say. Set aside some time every day to practice speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Try to find opportunities to use your English skills in real-life situations, such as traveling or communicating with English-speaking friends.

Finally, dont be afraid to make mistakes. Learning a language is a journey, and it is natural to make mistakes along the way. Use your mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve. Remember, confidence comes from experience.

In conclusion, learning English is a challenge, but it is also a rewarding experience. With dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude, you can achieve your English language goals. Thank you for listening.

2022外研社英语演讲范文 第3篇

honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

today my topic is ’nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster?’

when the first atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima, japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times.

but over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .it promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come.

so whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster?

there is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective.

ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a tv programme called green space where i saw for the first time how nuclear power had changed people’s lives and what it had left for the residents’ living around chyrnobil nuclear power plant. unfortunately, it was a sad story.

my heart sank when i saw a boy infant appear on the screen smiling with big blue sparkling eyes. he was so cute and adorable just like all the other kids but he was blinded. what’s more, he had to receive medical treatment everyday to alleviate radiation damage, but still stood little chance of growing up. later i learned that inappropriate operation and equipment design defect was responsible for the tradegy .eight years has past, but the picture of that boy’s smile still appears infront of me and reminds me that nuclear power can be a living devil.

however, with the increasing depletion of resources and the instant demand for energy, clean and efficient nuclear power may seem the best choice.

as an old saying goes ’every sword has two blades.’ nuclear power is dangerous, yet efficient; environmental devastated yet clean; expensive yet sustainable. it is a matter of how we use and how we treat it. while let’s beyond all this ,whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster, it’s ours’ choice.

thank you for listening!

2022外研社英语演讲范文 第4篇

You may start whenever you're ready.

Okay, good morning ladies and gentlemen,


yesterday I paid tributes to people's powerin introduced in Dujiangyan.


It’s the continuous power of the peoplethat made it a true miracle.


So I couldn't helpbut think what is the thing that organized the people


to form a joint force and make it a possibility.


I searched for the answer as my mind traveled through Millennia


until another legendary project came into my mind.


The Baihetan hydropower system.


Being regarded as the mount Everest of hydropower station,


Baihetan has become the secondbiggest hydropower station in the whole world.


What is the key to its success?


And with the master join us tier today, my answer is leadership.


The strong and wise leadership with perseverance, commitment and vision.


The Communist Party of China's continued effortsdespite all adversities is the first key.


Its resolutionof making full use of the hydro power from the southwestChina has never been shaken either by the power environment, or by the lack of funding, or even the threats from earthquakes.


We see that from 18, from the 18th century, the hope


and eventually since 1958 to 2022, more than 70 years of efforts had finally paid off.


Shocked by the immense difficulty that we had to overcome, I couldn't helpbut think,


why, why would our government overcome such difficultyjust to make it a reality?


And that leads me to the second key of leadership, which is commitment.


Commitments to the clean and pollution-free hydropower.


Our government has made promise to ourpeople since the 18th Party Congress and also to the worldon the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, ensuring that we would reduce carbon emissionwhile building for a cleaner world.


And finally we see the vision of our country, which is so tremendously empowering.


The vision we hold is really true.


And for those of you who don't know, the hydropower station is actuallya crucial partof our country's west to east electricity transmission project, which in the purpose

of lifting and boosting the economy of the westwhile serving the east for alleviating the shortage of energy.


With the prosperity of common prosperity in mind, we are eventually achieving the grand coursethat we've all been looking for.


And ladies and gentlemen, as you can all see, after decades of revolution and construction, our people are on their way to the grand course, under the strong power of our Party’sperseverance, commitment and vision.


Thank you.







