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英文贺信的范文 第1篇

Dear Mr. Barton:

As the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 2005.

I hope that the coming year will bring a further increase in exchange of culture between our two countries and we look forward to continued friendly relations with you.

Yours faithfully,


英文贺信的范文 第2篇

Dear Babs:

So you're a year older today —— or don't you want to be reminded? Anyway, congratulations and best wishes.

If you feel like holding a celebration, will you let me take you to dinner and the movies, as a sort of birthday treat? You name the day. And in the mealtime, many happy returns!


英文贺信的范文 第3篇

Dear i,

It’s tie t celebrate ur special da again. Cngratulatins n ur fiftieth Birthda and best wishes fr the whle ear.

We want u t nw that ur thughts are with u everda but especiall n ur birthda and we wish u the best f everthing life has t ffer.

If u are in the d fr celebrating, we wuld lie t tae u t a cncert. ust let us nw when u wuld be available and we will ae all the arrangeents. Ma this birthda be an especiall happ ne.


英文贺信的范文 第4篇

Letter of Congratulations

Dear Mr. Zhang,

I was very happy to hear that you were appointed to the Haier Company. This is a

marvelous achievement, though no more than you deserve. Please accept my heartiest

congratulations and best wishes for the future.

Yours sincerely


英文贺信的范文 第5篇

A Letter of Congratulation

May 10th,2009

Dear Jack,

I am delighted to learn that you are going to graduate. That is one of the most joyful news I have heard for a long time. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on your graduation. No one can deny the fact that you have a very good performance in your graduate school. Owing to your quality of leadership and good character, you have got a recognition from your teachers and schoolmates. And as I know, your graduation papers will be published in an important international magazine. With your talents and achievements, I am sure you will be a success in whatever you undertake in your future. Kindly let me know when you are convenient. I do hope to express my congratulation to you face to face. I take pride in your achievements and I want to aware myself of this opportunity to extend to you my best wishes for your success and happiness.

Your sincerely,


英文贺信的范文 第6篇

Dear Jack,

Heartfelt congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School.

I have good reasons to feel proud of you. I know the degree of master meant many years of assiduous study and hard work. Now you have come through with flying colors and high honors. I have heard of your excellent record in research and extra?curricular activities. In this you took the right road to emerge as a fully?developed young man to society.

I take pride in your achievements and avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you my best wishes for your success and happiness.

Yours sincerely,


英文贺信的范文 第7篇

Dear mr. smith,

Congratulations on your firm’s recent(近来的) selection to design and print media advertisements for the beijing municipal government. we learned of your success at our convention in shanghai last month.

We have long believed that the success of individual franchises is directly linked to the healthy growth of the industry(生产制造) at large. we can think of no better firm to help our industry achieve wide recognition than your company.

We have followed your success in promoting other associations(协会) such as soft drinks, snack foods and recycling. your “dream vision XX” ads for the bottling industry were both inspirational and effective in raising consumer awareness, and we look for similar positive responses(答复) to this business with the beijing municipal government.

Again, accept our warm congratulations on your selection. we look forward to seeing the results of the survey you conducted(进行) during our convention.

sincerely yours

leonardo chen

英文贺信的范文 第8篇

Dear Jerry:

Mother sent me the clippings about your success at the swimming meet. Naturally, I am not surprised at all, but I thought I'd just say “Congratulations” where are going to find room for another silver cup? Some of our girls may be going up to the Tri-State meet. If the tape unrolls straight, and there I shall expect to see you win again.

When we're all home for Thanksgiving vacation, we'll have to hold a real celebration.


英文贺信的范文 第9篇

Dear Mr. Li:

I learned from Wang Ying that you were graduated with high honors from Huabei University yesterday. I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now, who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success. As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon. I wish you greater success in your studies and research work.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,






