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小车分享 30211

小车 分享

托福tpo51口语范文 第1篇

(1) Friendly co-workers

1) Always get help when needed.

2)Feel relaxed at work.

(2) Flexible hours

1) Arrange matters according to my time schedule.

2)Improve work efficiency.

(3) Helpful boss or manager

1) Help us to improve professional proficiency.

2) Ease our pressure at work.

托福tpo51口语范文 第2篇

Personally, I think the city should build an art museum. Art works like sculpture, painting, drawing, crafts and even architecture design can be displayed in the museum. All kinds of artworks can bring comfort and hope to people, and it is a very important way for people to express their happiness, sorrow and even anger. At the same time, visitors can improve their taste of artworks, this is a very important skill. Additionally, by appreciating different kinds of artworks, people can reduce their stress of life and it can be a great way for them to get refreshed.


Choice A: Car

- personal space

- stop when I want

- travel on my schedule

Choice B: train

- company shortens journey

- cheaper

- no traffic jams

Topic sentence

- I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules.

Supporting sentence

- My car is private and comfortable.

- There is room to spread out

- There are stops along the way I would like to make.

Closing sentence (optional)

- I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if at all possible to visit my friend.

I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules. My car is private and comfortable. I enjoy my own personal space. When driving alone, I can listen to any radio program I like or put on my favorite CD’s. There s no need for me to pack headphones or equipment in a bag to carry onto public transport. There is room to spread out and I don’t have to worry about my bag being in someone’s way. I find driving more relaxing and it allows me to set the pace of my trip. Occasionally, there are stops along the way I want to make. I would be free, for example, to drop into stores that catch my interest. Generally, when I drive, I can leave any arrive on my own schedule. I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if possible to visit my friends.

托福tpo51口语范文 第3篇

(1) I believe it is most important to have in a good work environment.

(2) There are a couple of reasons to name.

(3) First, 

(4) Second, ...


托福tpo51口语范文 第4篇

(1) Specifically tell the examiner the characteristic that you believe is most important in a good work environment

(2) Ideally state 2 reasons why you believe this characteristic is important.






