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托福作文真题范文500字 第1篇

Nowadays companies contribute money to many worthy causes. In fact many cultural events only become possible through corporate sponsorship and financial support. The choice between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is not an easy one. However, the company should give money to protect the environment because a healthy environment is necessary in order to produce and enjoy the arts and also because every company has an obligation to secure the environment which it pollutes either directly or indirectly.


A healthy environment has served as inspiration to artists over the centuries and millennia. On all continents creative people have benefited from natural beauty to produce landmark pieces of art, and painters, writers, and musicians alike talk about the stimulating effects that nature has on their work. Furthermore, nature is the focal point of many works of art, for example, landscape painting. Therefore, a healthy environment becomes a prerequisite for art.


Protecting the environment will also ensure that people will be able to enjoy the arts in the future. After all, environmental pollution causes and contributes to many diseases and illnesses. Naturally, sick people are not very concerned with high culture but are more worried about getting healthy or staying alive. Thus, money spent on environmental protection will make it possible for people to continue to enjoy art because they will live healthier lives.


Lastly, every company contributes in some way to environmental degradation. Even the companies that do not cause pollution by means of manufacturing or production still ship products or use great amounts of electricity in their line of work. Since air pollution is a serious problem, much of which is caused by industrial transport, and because electricity is a scarce commodity, the production of which also causes environmental damage, businesses should invest in this area. Not only will the company fulfill its ethical obligation but it will benefit from the investment.


托福作文真题范文500字 第2篇

Access to education is an indispensable part of one’s privilege regardless of one’s gender, culture, and family background. When it comes to the availability of educational resources, some believe that it is more difficult for kids from common household to get decent education due to the wide gap between rich and poor and the ever-increasing tuitions, while others claim that it is much easier for people to have access to different educational resources than ever before. I, personally, tend to argue that multiple educational resources are more accessible to modern people based on the following reasons.

First off, the advent of technological gadgets makes it possible for people from common family backgrounds to gain access to education. To be more specific, with the appearance of smart phones, tablets and computer laptops, it is easier for people of all age groups, including adolescents and teenagers, to get access to all kinds of education resources. For example, with internet access and a laptop, which is basically a necessity for everyone, people of all age groups can get proper education especially with the establishment of massive on-line open course like courser, Edx, etc. These massive on-line courses covers a wide range of topics ranging from computer science, coding, to language learning and soft skill development. In sharp contrast, a few decades ago, people from poverty-stricken areas had never dreamed of attending the lectures offered by world-renowned professors, however, with the above-mentioned resources, it is absolutely possible for those people to realize their dreams. Thus, state-of-the-art technology makes if possible for people to have full access to high quality educational resources.

Additionally, governments have put so much financial and human resources to provide education at different levels so that people enjoy a better chance to be educated. For instance, Chinese government spared no effort in this regard since education from kindergarten to twelfth grade is fully subsidized and such educational experience is accessible to children from both rural and urban areas. Besides, institutions of higher learning and various research centers receive state fund, and the figure is so phenomenal that it is not exaggerated to claim that it is in billions of . dollars. Such foundations can be for multiple purpose, like purchasing advanced science equipment, attracting bring young researchers and scientists, funding cutting-edge research to improve people’s livelihood, directly and indirectly. All of these institutions and universities are in a better position to provide education resources to people.

In conclusion, it is much easier for people to get education of all level ranging from kindergarten to tertiary education since education comes in handy with advanced technological tools like these massive on-line courses and governments’ effort to improve people’s educational experience.

托福作文真题范文500字 第3篇

Traveling is a very pleasant thing. Some people like to travel with several friends. Other people, however, would prefer to travel alone. Each way has its advantages. As far as I am concerned, traveling with my friends is my choice.

Why do some people like to travel just himself or herself? For one thing, they have more freedom. They do not need to discuss the routine with others. What he or she wants to go, just go. For another, they can have more relax. They do not need to keep an eye on how to get along with friends.

Although there may be one or more advantages to traveling alone, I insist that traveling with friends far overweigh them. In the first place, you can make the trip is not a very easy activity. For example, you need to find transportation tools, hotel and restaurant in strange places. Several friends can average these tasks so that such things will not bother every one much and enjoy the journey more.

In the second place, you can get help when you need. There will be many unexpected surprising thing during the journey. Such as, get lost, be sick, cannot wake up early for the morning flight. It is very tough for people to handle these situations by themselves especially when they travel to a strange place. Friends can give you a hand to overcome all these difficulties. As a Chinese slang says, _every one needs the help from others._

In addition, you can have more fun. Enjoying the scene spots is wonderful, while traveling on the road is boring. How to spend this boring time? Talking with friends, playing cards will help you out.

In conclusion, I prefer to travel with friends rather than travel alone not only because the trip will be easier with friends, but also because more help and fun will be got from friends.

托福作文真题范文500字 第4篇

Nowadays the food we eat is prepared fast and it really had an influence in our life. With all the aspects concerned, the change is considered to be negative.

As the time of the preparation is shortened, the nutrition in the food is reduced as well. Food producers do not focus on how much the protein and the vitamins should be contain, instead they just want to make the preparation shorter and shorter, which will be more efficient to satisfy the customers’ need, and this will help them to earn more money. Because of this reason, we can not obtain much nutrition from the food but only calories, and they do nothing to health.

Another aspect must not be ignored is that food plays an important role in our daily life. Sometimes we use food of various styles, tastes and colors to express our feelings just like musicians use tunes to express their passions. Fast preparation makes it impossible to show its advantage in art. All the food are the same taste, same style, and it makes the meal boring. Some people may even lose their appetite for meals as they are offered such a dull supper.

As you can see, the fast food preparations have many disadvantages although we could not neglect that it supply enough time to those businessmen and businesswomen who are working hard everyday always have no time for meals. But to make a thoroughly thinking, fast food make people fail to take into account that food is also vital in our life and is certainly an art, it still has more negative impacts in our life.

托福作文真题范文500字 第5篇

When famous people give their opinions, many people listen. Should we pay attention to those remarks?

When Tom Cruise once appeared in a TV program, he was too excited so he jumped up and down the couch. Later jump the couch was adopted in the American dictionary for slang. This is a bit exaggerating, but it definitely reflects the fact that when famous people give their opinions, many people listen. But, should we pay attention to these remarks or actions?

Firstly, famous people are famous, for they have one or few aspects that exceed common people. Like Albert Einstein once said, I think and think for months, for years, ninety-nine times the conclusion false, but the hundredth time I am right. As a brilliant scientist, he speaks of the right attitudes towards science and inspires countless people to fight for the truth. Hollywood actors or actresses, they may talk about their dressing styles or skin cares on magazine. These are all advice that we might as well take, for real life is not just serious academic things but also the satisfaction of living.

But the point is that, celebrities are not perfect role models for the public. Once I heard a story about Einstein, saying that he nearly got into the water when he once harassed a young lady and got refused when they were in a boat in a park. Is Einstein evil somehow? No! He’s just being human. Then is it wrong to harass ladies? Yes. But all humans make mistakes. Celebrities are experts in certain areas but not all. In some other fields, they should even learn from us.

Generally, there are two extremes when talking about celebrities: the public are either too critical or too superstitious. Objectively, both of the attitudes are unnecessary. As a Chinese saying which generalizes this situation the best goes: to take in the good, while to get rid of the bad.

托福作文真题范文500字 第6篇

Nowadays, the annual incomes of many sports stars and film stars come to millions of dollars. Some people claim that their salaries are too high. Yet, in my opinion, such salaries are well deserved. They work hard to become famous, provide entertainment for us, and win honors for their countries.

First, famous athletes and entertainers make painstaking efforts to achieve fame. Fame is a wonderful thing to have, but it seldom appears overnight. Famous people have worked hard for years to achieve their fame today and they have to continue their good work to maintain it. For their hard work, sports and entertaining stars deserve to be generously rewarded. Unfortunately, people tend to focus on the huge amounts of money made by them. They rarely appreciate the efforts that athletes and entertainers have to make in order to achieve the fame that they have today. For example, in order to win the first place in a 100-meter dash, an athlete has to cover hundreds of miles during training. Famous stars deserve their high salaries because they have worked hard.

Second, sports and entertaining stars provide us with good entertainment. On weekends, many of us attend a football match that includes Beckham, see a movie that stars Julia Roberts, or go to a concert that features Celine Dion. These people help us make good use of our free time by entertaining us. As a result, we feel inspired as well as relaxed. In other words, we feel energetic again after attending the events. We even feel that we have more to enjoy in life and have new aspirations. For such reasons, these people are worth their high salaries.

Third, athletes and entertainers win honors for their countries. For example, after four years’ hard work, many athletes win gold medals at the Olympics Games. They are able to make millions of dollars a year after the games. Such high salaries are justified, because these athletes have won honors for their countries in the most competitive arena and have made their people proud, something few people can even dream of. This is true for entertainers as well. Many actors and actresses receive high salaries after they have won Oscars or prizes at Cannes Films Festival. Those people also deserve high salaries, because they have made a name in films for their country and have made their country better known by people elsewhere in the world.

All in all, famous athletes and entertainers merit their high salaries, for their hard work, entertainment they provide, and their contribution to their country. If I had a chance, I would be a famous star who can make millions of dollars a year.

托福作文真题范文500字 第7篇



托福作文真题范文500字 第8篇

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: primary schools should spend more time on teaching young students (5-11years old) technology (like computer) than teaching music and art.


The question of “ what is the most important subject or skill the elementary schools should teach? ” has never failed to attract attention from educators, school administrators and even politicians especially when it comes to subjects like technology, or music and art. Some argue that school should spend more time teaching technology than music and art. Personally, I am not in favor of this position based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, with the advent of internet and state-of-art gadgets like laptop, tablets, being able to use computers skillfully is being considered as a valuable quality. However, early exposure to computers and other kinds of technological products might bring lots of risks and problems to kids’ future development. Recently research by National Society of Psychiatrists shows that exposure to computers at an early age leads to addiction to computers when they grow older and obviously spending too much time in front of the computer can pose a threat to kids’ health, to be more specific, it leads to neck problems, nearsightedness, backache and even childhood obesity. Moreover, instead of getting addicted to playing on-line games and watching meaningless videos, kids should have spent more time focusing on their academic study, or even learning how to appreciate artwork or music. Indeed, spending more time learning art and music not only benefits the kids, but also it is conducive the community as whole.

First off, learning art and music at an early age helps to develop creativity and make the kids more imaginative. Actually, lots of scientific research in the psychological field shows that early exposure to art and music not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride; kids who spend more time in learning art and music end up having higher analytical thinking and reasoning skills than kids who don’t.

Additionally, spending more time teaching kids music and art can can benefit the whole community. Music and art are a very important part of people’s lives. They are necessary for people to express their emotions, like happiness, sorrow, and even anger regardless of cultural background, ethnicity, age and even gentle. It is very urgent to spend more time teaching kids knowledge about art and music since they bring change, facilitate innovation and help to unite the community. They are the reminder of the past and maker of tomorrow, they also help to convey ideas and different perspectives. More importantly, art and music have great cultural significance, by learning art and music kids will have a strong sense of cultural identity and sense of belonging to community, eventually the traditional values and culture can be passed down to the younger generation.

To conclude, it is more advisable to spend more time teaching kids art and music than technology since not only can art and music benefit the individual kid but also it benefits the community as a whole.

托福作文真题范文500字 第9篇

Most of us can learn how to do something simple on our own with just a set of instructions. However, to learn about something more complex, its always best to have a teacher.

Teachers bring with them varied and useful backgrounds. Theyve been trained to teach individuals in different ways depending on their style. For instance, omen students learn better by discussing a topic. Others learn more by writing about it. Teachers can help students learn in the way thats best of each student. A textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something. Plus theyre only as helpful as your ability to understand them. A good teacher can adapt her teaching to your needs. Teachers help you focus on what youre learning. If youre learning something by yourself, it’s easy to become distracted, and go on to other activities. Teachers keep your attention on the subject. They also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. On your own, its tempting to skip parts of the learning process you think you don’t need. That can binder your ability to really understand the subject.

Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning. You can only use the information you get from the textbook. With a teacher, you get the information in the written materials as well as the teachers own knowledge of the topic. Teachers can also provide extra materials to broaden the scope of what youre learning.

Theres nothing wrong with studying on your own, and a learner can always benefit from some quiet study. For the best possible learning, though, a good teacher is the biggest help you can have.

托福作文真题范文500字 第10篇



托福作文真题范文500字 第11篇

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

students should be encouraged to take courses like science, technology, engineering and math that are likely to lead to job opportunities rather than subjects they might be interested in.

The question of “ what is the most important subject or skill the schools should teach? ” has never failed to attract attention from educators, school administrators and even politicians especially when it comes to subjects like technology, engineering and math. Some argue that students should be encouraged to take such classes rather than the ones they are interested in since they give them a better shot to find jobs. However, personally, I am not in favor of this position based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, it is true that courses like technology, engineering and math are very

technical, most of which can be applied in solving real world issues. However, the exposure that students have to apply these theories are very limited in class. Taking technical oriented classes will not give students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities, on the other hand, there are enormous benefits for students to take courses that they are interested in.

First off, taking courses that students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals. Old saying “ interest is the best teacher” remains relevant as it did a century ago. Interest serves as the internal motivation for students to explore in the area that they are interested, on the contrary, if they are forced to take courses for a utilitarian purpose, they might not keep their interest for a long time thus have a lower learning efficiency. Recent study conducted by the Society of Developmental Psychology shows that students will be more enthusiastic and passionate about learning when given the freedom to make their own choices to take classes. Also, giving students the opportunity to choose the classes they are interested in can help them to explore their real interest, thus their potential can be fully tapped before heading off for career options.

Additionally, taking courses students are interested in have enormou

托福作文真题范文500字 第12篇

If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, you will use e-mail or text messaging, OR use the telephone or voice-messaging.

Agree or disagreeThere is no reason to be impolite (rude) to another person. Use specific examples and reasons to support your statement.

To make children do well in school, parents should limit the hours that children spend on watching TV or movies.

Do you agree or disagree it is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for future generation

Do you agree or disagree with the following statementA university should focus more on its facilities, such as libraries, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous teachers.

People should know about events happening around world even if they have little influence on their daily lives.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statementIt is better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than a university who has famous professors.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statementThe main purpose for people who have jobs is for money rather than social status.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statementIt is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Parents should help children to do their work or encourage children to do work independently.

It is better for your friend to ask you for help than to turn to a tutor when he finds it hard to pass an examination.

Its important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not just for things that are practical.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Compared people who live in cities

with people who live in rural areas can take better care of families.

Some people think to live away from family and friends with high salaries; the other people think to stay with their family and friends with less pay. What is your opinion

No issue, in the recent weeks, than the one on work and life rises more concern among both common citizens and some scholars. One idea holds that it is good for people to work near the families with lower salaries; but this is quite questionable if a deep study is made, and in my part, I strongly insist that it is more beneficial to work far away with sound income.

First of all, high salaries do provide a lot advantages and overcome the long distance from families and friends. That is to say, … High income makes life easier in almost every part.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Competition with friends usually have negative effect on friendship?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statementThe advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.

Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant for the quality of peoples live have already taken place.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statementReading a student does on his/her own is as important as, or even more important than reading a student does because it is assigned by teachers.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important

investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.

It is the best way for teachers to help the students get more interested in a subject is to explain how that subject will help in their lives outside of the school.

Some people believe that professors should spend more time on researching; while others think they should put more focus on teaching. Discuss both opinions, and give your idea.

Do you agree with the viewpoint that people are now easier to become educated

than in the past

Do you agree or disagree movies and television have more negative effect than positive ones on young peoples behavior?

Do you agree or disagree: patience is usually not a good strategy; you should take action now rather than later.






