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小车分享 2521

小车 分享

大学英语summary范文 第1篇

We need to follow all kinds of public rules, such as the manner rules and the traffic regulation. If we break the rules, then all the work will be out of order and everybody will suffer the loss. But few people just ignore the rules and waste other people’s time and money.


Chinese high speed train has won many praise from foreign people. The trains always start off as the timetable and reach the destination on time. High speed train is popular by the public by its speed and punctuality, but what if someone breaks the traffic rule? Recently, a video got popular on the Internet. A woman was stuck in the door of high speed train and the staffs tried to stop her but failed. She said her husband was on the way and she wanted the train to start off later. How ridiculous it was. How could she let all the passengers to wait for her. Everybody’s time is precious.

Though the woman apologized after the policemen’s education, what she did discomforts the public. The way she acted wasted the public’s time. It is our duty to follow rules and keep the public in order.


大学英语summary范文 第2篇

It's a good option for college students to join the army. Army is the important constitution in a country. Nowadays, many college students prefer to be soldiers. Why?

Firstly, there are many preferential policies for college students to join the army, such as tuition waiver, wage subsidy. What's more, I consider join the army can strengthen our mind. In my opinion, it's the most important reason to join the army. Whatever you are a student or others, two years' training can build a strong body, too.

I want to join the army. My family is delighted to my decision. Because I want to be a great and strong woman and change my images in front of my friends. More importantly, I would like to experience the army life; I think it will be a colorful moment in my whole life.

大学英语summary范文 第3篇

In modern society, the problem of heavy traffic has aroused a wide concern. Concerning with this problem, different people hold different opinions. As far as I am concerned, to solve this problem, we need to begin with the following steps.

First, limiting the number of private cars is a significant step to solve the problem of heavy traffic. Private car occupies a larger space and it is responsible for traffic jam to a large extent. Less private cars will accelerate the flow of traffic. Second, it is also a good means to open up the special roads for buses. By doing this, the phenomenon that the buses block the street when passengers get on or get off the buses will not occur again. At the same time, it will upgrade the efficiency of buses. Finally, reinforcing punish toward the over-speed cars and drunk driving so as to reduce the rate of traffic accident, and then decrease traffic jam.

大学英语summary范文 第4篇



Commitments in China's WTO Protocol and Working Party Report establish rights and obligations enforceable through WTO dispute settlement procedures. We have agreed on key provisions relating to antidumping and subsidies, protection against import surges, technology transfer requirements, and offsets, as well as practices of state?owned and state?invested enterprises. These rules are of special importance to . workers and business.

China has agreed to implement the TRIMs Agreement upon accession, eliminate and cease enforcing trade and foreign exchange balancing requirements, as well as local content requirements, refuse to enforce contracts imposing these requirements, and only impose or enforce laws or other provisions relating to the transfer of technology or other know-how, if they are in accordance with the WTO agreements on protection of intellectual property rights and trade?related investment measures.

These provisions will also help protect American firms against forced technology transfers. China has agreed that, upon accession, it will not condition investment approvals, import licenses, or any other import approval process on performance requirements of any kind, including: local content requirements, offsets, transfer of technology, or requirements to conduct research and development in China.


The agreed protocol provisions ensure that American firms and workers will have strong protection against unfair trade practices including dumping and subsidies. The . and China have agreed that we will be able to maintain our current antidumping methodology (treating China as a non-market economy) in future anti-dumping cases. This provision will remain in force for 15 years after China's accession to the WTO. Moreover, when we apply our countervailing duty law to China we will be able to

[1] [2]

大学英语summary范文 第5篇

Panda is the national treasure because of its rare number and cute appearance. Many foreign people are so crazy about pandas and they can’t watching these lovely creatures all the time. Though some action has been taken to protect panda, how to maintain the conservation area needs everybody’s help.


In the early 1990s, panda had caught the world’s attention, because the scholars found that they were dying out, so they called for the government to protect these precious creatures. The most important thing was to return to the green, because many people cut the trees for making profits. The habitat was destroyed badly. Now part of the green has been recovered, but it is still long time task to maintain the conservation area.


The ordinary people also have the duty to make a contribution to protecting the animals and the conservation areas. For example, we should not throw rubbish away and call on people around us to pay attention to protect the environment. The small things we do will make a big difference in helping maintain the habitat.



大学英语summary范文 第6篇

Summary Ranges

Total Accepted:511Total Submissions:2271

Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges.

For example, given[0,1,2,4,5,7], return[“0->2”,“4->5”,“7”].


两个指针 start, end. 如果nums[end+1] = nums[end]+1, 就移动end指针, 否则, 插入字符串nums[start]->nums[end].


public class Solution { // [0,1,2,4,5,7], return [“0->2”,“4->5”,“7”]. public ListsummaryRanges(int[] nums) { Listres = new ArrayList(); if(nums==null || ;1) return res; int s=0, e=0; while(e

大学英语summary范文 第7篇

Nowadays, social practice has been brought to great concern among colleges and universities increasingly. During summer or winter holiday, college students are encouraged and organized to participate in all kinds of social practice activities, such as part-time jobs, volunteering teaching and fieldwork.

There is no doubt that students can benefit a lot from social practice activities. First, they are provided with more chances and opportunities to contact with our real society and broaden their horizon. Second, it is a good chance for them to apply their theory knowledge to practice and improve their ability. Third, students can enjoy the happiness of work and realize their value.

However, there are also some things needed to be noticed in the process of taking part in social practice activities. For example, students should take care of themselves well and interchange labor and repose during the work. In addition, they should not ignore their studies when they are working.

大学英语summary范文 第8篇

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the . If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the . you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time.

A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!

大学英语summary范文 第9篇

Today, people's lifestyle pace is very fast and a lot of young people feel the great pressure when they come to the job market. Before I graduated from college, I started to come to the job market. It was hard for me to get the job I wanted. I got rejected many times, but when the moment I was hired, I felt the victory.


I still remembered the day when I was interviewed. Before I came to the company, I had practised many times and my friends pretended to be the employers, asking me all kinds of questions. So I made some preparations and believed that I wouldn't lose control. At the beginning, the employers asked me some simple questions, which I had prepared, so I felt confident. But when they asked me about the company, I forgot to search enough information. But I told myself to calm down, so I expressed my wish to work here. Two days later, I was informed that I got the job. My heart was beating very fast, just liked I had conquered the world.


The experience of being success helps me to be stronger and gain more confidence.


大学英语summary范文 第10篇




February 2,


The Agreement would eliminate barriers and increase access for . exports across a broad range of commodities. Commitments include:

Significant cuts in tariffs that will be completed by January . Overall average for agricultural products will be percent and for . priority products 14 percent (down from 31 percent).

Establishment of a tariff-rate quota system for imports of bulk commodities, ., wheat, corn, cotton, barley, and rice, that provides a share of the TRQ for private traders. Specific rules on how the TRQ will operate and increased transparency in the process will help ensure that imports occur. Significant and growing quota quantities subject to tariffs that average between 1-3 percent.

Immediate elimination of the tariff-rate quota system for barley, peanut oil, sunflower-seed oil, cottonseed oil, and a phase-out for soybean oil.

The right to import and distribute products without going through a state-trading enterprise or middleman.

Elimination of export subsidies on agricultural products.

China has also agreed to the elimination of SPS barriers that are not based on scientific evidence.


China would lower tariffs and eliminate broad systemic barriers to . exports, such as limits on who can import goods and distribute them in China, as well as barriers such as quotas and licenses on . products.


Tariffs cut from an average of percent to an average of percent overall and percent on . priority products.

China will participate in the Information Technology Agreement (I

[1] [2]

大学英语summary范文 第11篇

There is a famous saying in Chinese proverb that Gold can’t be pure and nobody is perfect. But only few people realize its essence. Accepting the imperfection is the lesson that everybody should learn. The things they complain maybe the advantages in other people’s eyes. Shortcoming is part of human nature, so just be nice to it.


Nowadays, people are easy influenced by the hot comment. Someone asked the question of what gift should he buy for his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day with the budget of 200 RMB. Someone answered the best gift was freedom. A lot of people applauded for the wonderful reply. Another story about a girl was moved by his boyfriend’s gift of a cheap handbag, because the boy spent a lot of time choosing it. The most precious thing the girl received was the boy’s sincere heart.


Things can be much different if we change the way to treat others. Don’t be so hard on other people, life will be much easier and happier. Some parents think their kids are not good enough for not getting the high mark, actually, talent differs in many children. If adults accept their children’s imperfection, both the children and them can live the happy life.


大学英语summary范文 第12篇

I think lots of students like the pop singer named Jay. I also like him very much. When he released his first album, I started to buy his album. And I never miss any album of his.

Do you know as a boy, Jay was called Dull Stupid. But his mother Yeh Huimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when he heard the Western Pop music she used to play. His mother sent him to a piano school when he was four. When he has grown up, he had developed an ability for instant playing beyond his years. I learned to play the piano from 7 years old to 13 years old. I often feel bored when I practise playing the piano. But Jay was always crazy about playing the piano. I think he really likes music. So I admire him very much, and I call him “hero”.

I admire Jay. The real reason is when the others all denied him, he never gave up. He tried his best to change his life. I think it is good for everybody. I hope that everyone can learn from him---try their best to do everything. Then I think we will make the grade.

As the most important festival in China since ancient times, the Spring Festival is always being excepted by we kids. Because we don't need to do any homework during this time very 's really a precious holiday for us. And our parents are free from their work too. We go to our grandparents' to get together with them to enjoy the moment when the new year comes.

I will priciate if the holiday to be longer.

大学英语summary范文 第13篇

Getting to Know the World outside the Campus It is necessary for college students to know the world outside the campus. This is because in this “Information Age” the society is developing so fast that we should keep pace with the progress of the outside world. Therefore, without knowledge of the outside world, it will be difficult for us to secure an ideal job after graduation; it will be more difficult for us to succeed in the near future. How to know the outside world? First of all, we should be well informed about what is happening around us with the help of mass media: radios, televisions, newspapers, the Internet, and so on. Moreover, we should do more practical social services so as to cultivate our social skills, widen our eyesight and enrich our social experience.

As for me, I plan to know the outside world in two aspects: study first to have a good command of knowledge. At the same time, I intend to hold a temporary job to know more about the outside world.

大学英语summary范文 第14篇

The topic about green lifestyle has become a very popular hotspot in the last few seems that people are becoming more and more careful about the environment and the quality of their can still see many people not treasure the gift of to set forth my opinion about living green and how to do it.

First of all,it is whether what we did will do harm to the nature that we do we must reflect on every facet of our behavior before we put it into we set off from our department to where we work or study,we can choose different ways to get if we think over about this,it is obvious that most of us will choose walking or public transportation because these ways do the least it is up to us to decide how to deal with the nature.

So we citizens can be the master of our life style and make it green,but we can think further that our society can effect our life from time to should the society do?

Compared with those western countries,China is laking in rules and law related to the environment and people’s responsibility for the we develop better law can we make more people join in the team of living ’smore,our society ought to put more effort in the technology so that we can lessen our a word,the country should pay more attention to the can we form the green lifestyle.

Last but not least,only through the effort of everybody on the same planet,can the Earth become really green and everyone live green.

大学英语summary范文 第15篇

As the technology of public transportation keeps advancing, more citizens can choose to dwell in the cities that are beneficial to their own development. Inevitably, there occurs a controversy whether moving to a new city or country will lead to the rupture of relationship among friends. From my perspective, I think the statement is not sensible.

Firstly, moving to a new country or city will not result in the loss of old friends. To be more specific, the maintenance of friendship doesn’t lie in how far they live with each other and the development of technology has diversified the ways of interacting with friends. The invention of cellphones break the shackles caused by distance and overseas students can choose to communicate with their family members and friends through a variety of Apps like WeChat that makes video calls possible. Except for that, by looking at the pictures popping up all over the social media like Facebook, people can easily capture what is happening to their friends. For instance, my friend Selina took selfie in the Sydney Opera House a week ago and I would learn that she was having fun in the Australia with her picture posted on the . Therefore, a wide range of advanced electronic gadgets can be used to sustain friendship.

Moreover, instead of losing old friends, city migrants can even enlarge their social circles and achieve more success. Restricted in a city for a long period, people may be trapped in a situation that would block their development and they can gain refreshing experience while immigrating to a new city. My friend of Mine named Michael served as a Market Analyst in a renewed company in Beijing. However, he couldn’t see any progress in recent years and then an opportunity comes out. Because of his five-year working experience, a foreign trade cooperation tried to recruit him as the Market Analyst because the firm was planning to start a new program. Then he grasped the chance and earn a challenging life that he likes even though he was required to work in Shanghai. Our relationship have not experienced any interruption and his strong ability of being adapted to the new environment helps him to make lots of new friends. Accordingly, moving to a new city can, occasionally, help to break the deadlock in our professions.

Admittedly, it can be sensible that friends can be estranged owing to the long distance with each other. Specifically speaking, the chances to meet with each other will be limited a lot. However, as I just put, for one thing, people can talk with each other through various social network software. For another thing, the distance between cities is not a problem anymore since there have been many public transportation tools like the high-speed trains and airplanes that will lead us to anyplace we try to go in a very short period.

In a word, moving to a new city or a new country is good choice under some circumstance. Besides, the highly developed technology can help to strengthen the relations with our friends and the possibilities of living a different life and achieving success can both explain why I stand by the statement that it is a good thing to move to a new city.

大学英语summary范文 第16篇

When students are going to high school, they are under great pressure,because their main goal is to enter the college, so they need to work so hard.

The school will test them so often that they want to get the best on the exams is many students’ choice, as they could not do well on theexam, so they want to find the confidence by getting the high marks. Otherstudents even buy the exam answers, what they do is totally wrong. Frist, itwill cost students a lot of money on buying the answer, it refers to spend theirparents’ money, it is not easy to earn money. Second, the answers that studentsbuy are not accurate all the time, most of the answers are wrong, students areeasy to get cheated.

Students should work hard to improve their study.

大学英语summary范文 第17篇

In my family, there are only three people, my parents and I because of myparents’ work, they could only have one child at that time, so I don’t have anysiblings.

I felt so lonely when my parents went out for their work. Now thegovernment changed their policy, people can have the second child. But somepeople refuse because they think they can’t afford it. Despite the expense,there are many advantages to have the second child. For one thing, the onlychild can have someone company, so they won’t feel lonely on the process ofgrowing up. For another thing, two kids will help each other, they can sharethings together.

Learning to share things is a very important lesson forchildren. In Chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but I think two areperfect for the family.

大学英语summary范文 第18篇

Thanks to burgeoning technology,the past decades have witnessed the thriving of clone its application into human has made clone reach an unprecedented marvel gives rise to much concern among scientific human cloning should be advocated has aroused heat far as I am concerned,the merits of human cloning outweigh its demerits. On one hand,it’s safe to say that even the best clone technology has the possibility of failure,and this truth is also publicly known by scientific cloning is the indulgence of this it fails,it will do harm to cloned animal cloning experiments,the survival rate of the cloned species is very cloned species that have survived often have more or less some physical researchers have begun to clone a human being,which leads to the birth of disabled infants because of the failure of human cloning crude phenomena leave us with a chill.

They are the evidence of the crime resulting from human cloning and the trample on human order to succeed,those crazy scientists cruelly kill the lives of many cloned men,which is no doubt crimes rather than any rational persons will support a research at the cost of killing people?What is worse,result of this research will bring people with terrible research is a kind of technological progress that will make man liable to extinction. On the other hand,even if the cloning human experiments will succeed,it will also make chaos on civil legal ’s clear that cloned men have no is known to all,nature persons all have are the parents of the cloned men?In fact,cloned men can’t find their parents no matter through which are only research results of would be irresponsible to clone a human being,for they will become orphans thoroughly after they are that circumstance,will those crazy scientists undertake the responsibility of fostering these cloned men?Perhaps no one will ’s incredible to imagine that one will live a happy life that has both physical problems and lower social will be willing to educate them?Cloned men are just victims and experimental games. Technology is a double-edged properly,it will be advantageous to the whole improperly,it will have great negative balance I hold on the stance that the scourge of human cloning is sum up,this technology should be restricted and the government should take effective measures to do with it.

大学英语summary范文 第19篇

Some think we should try to help strangers. Helping others is a virtue,and helping others is helping may come across some trouble and need others' help some everyone isn't willing to help us just because we are strangers to them,it's hard to imagine what our world will be ,some are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring us we are just misunderstood and even have to pay the cost of my opinion,we should try our best to help others when they are in need of help,but we should also protect ourselves from getting into everyone tries a little kindness,our world will be full of love.

大学英语summary范文 第20篇

Everyone have a daily schedule. Most of people changes it every day, the others keep the same one every week. Actually, I have a regular weekly schedule.

Monday is one of the most important days in a week. I think I always make a weekly schedule at first, which is a good way to plan my life. For example: Last week on Monday from 8:00am to 3:40pm, which time was finishing my school class. After that, I would take a nap until 4:45pm. Then, I went to library to learn English, of course, The DynEd Courseware. It’s not good for my health that I don’t have enough time to have dinner. Between 10:00pm and 11:00pm, I practiced my body in the gymnastic because I want to lose weight. I usually go to bed at 12: play the computer game once a week on Friday evening with my friend. One week’s work make me tired, so it’s a special time for me to have a rest. This is my daily routine from last week, include five work days.

Saturday and Sunday are different from other five days. Because I have a lot of classes, such as: karate class in Shichahai and English class in soho high street. Just I think it is more useful for me than my school class. Keep practice my body and brain are the most important things on the weekend. Usually, I finish my English work in the morning and work out in the evening. I like my life plan is very regular, which is good for my healthy. But I don’t have enough time to take a rest, maybe sometimes I feel tired. Keep doing, I will get benefits from my schedule.

All of this is my weekly schedule, my daily routine same as everyday. It ’s very interesting, my schedule make me look like an old man. Believe it or not, I will never give up and try my best to achieve my dream.

大学英语summary范文 第21篇

In today ’s society, the Internet is playing an important role in people ’s lives. People can chat with others by QQ or MSN. Through the Internet, people can learn some news at any time. The Internet brings great benefits to the workers and students alike.

Nowadays, almost all workers need the help of the Internet, such as statistic huge data, sending e-mails and so on. For one thing, teachers don ’t necessarily need to chalk and they can teach students by showing the PPT. For another thing, if a boss would like to hold an emergency meeting when he is traveling, he can achieve his goal via the Internet video. Therefore, the Internet has brought a lot of convenience to workers.

Not only the workers but also the students benefit from the Internet. At present, students can acquire knowledge on education websites like and . If students have problems, they can send e-mail to their teachers or search for answers from the internet.

As far as I’m concerned, the Internet is of great use an d being networked is a trend in today’s society. In summary, the Internet makes people’s lifestyle more convenient and faster than before.

大学英语summary范文 第22篇

The university opening ceremonythe deeply impressing feelings are as much a part of me now as they were a year ago.

As the day to register and become a freshman in FDU approached, meant I was finally coming of age. Soon I would be on my own,making my own decisions and doing what I wanted without someone looking over my shoulder.

Despite months of anticipation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual thousands of new comers sitting on the broad lawn in front of the famous XiangHui Auditorium, listening to the speeches by the principal and student representatives, I felt myself consumed by a rush of both joy and nervousness. What would college be like? Would the other students like me? And what about the workwould I be able to keep up? Being a student in high school seemed to offer little assurance of my being able to survive college, especially in FDU which is abundant of excellent counterparts. Panic set had been nice being respected as a senior by the underclass students for the past year;I didn't quite enjoy the idea of being on the bottom rung of the ladder was not assured whether I wanted to grow up after all.

As if in a daze, I rose up with my new classmates around to show respect to the school song which was to be performed. As the solemn music flowed, I knew that I was hearing not just a song but the foot step of a brand new life. Exciting as the prospeet of a new life seemed, it wasn't quite easy saying goodbye to the old onethe familiar faces, the familiar routine. I would eyen miss those days when fully engaged in preparing for the college entrance exams though they were so tiring and the long commute between home and school that took me several hours each week. Good or bad, it was that I knew.

This September, I was one of the volunteers to welcome the new comers and guide them around the campus. I found the familiar mixed feelings shown on their faces. I needn't have worried about if I would like FDU, since my year here has turned out to be one of the best years of my life. Although going back to those days is impossible, it's comforting to know I can revisit my special memories any time.

大学英语summary范文 第23篇

如何写总结(How to write a summary) -英语作文

1、the author tells us the importance of self-learning for children. not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes.

2、this passage discusses the importance of self-learning for children. students should have the chance to correct their own mistakes, learn-by-doing and learn from each other, not just the teacher.

3、the article gives the view that teachers should let students correct their mistakes by themselves. students are able to correct their own mistakes and teachers’ frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work.

4、some people think students’ mistakes should be corrected by themselves and it is wrong for the teachers to do it for them too often in school. it will make the children dependent on the teachers.

the author (the passage) discussed the benefit of extracurricular activities including being a way to improve students’ health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people.

reviews the most important points of the text. it should be brief (short). furthermore, the summary should be written as much as possible in your own words. it contains only the main ideas and what the author talks about the topic but not include much explanation or examples.

大学英语summary范文 第24篇

On the New Year's Eve,our clahad a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Then,the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guea line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted our, _The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn._ The hall After that,they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:_The dog stands out among a group of chickens._

大学英语summary范文 第25篇

Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore? I was like that ship before my education began, only I had no way of knowing how near the harbor was.

The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.

On the afternoon of that exciting day, I guessed vaguely from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps.

I felt approaching footsteps. I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand. Someone took it, and then I was caught up and held close in the arms of the person who had come to reveal all things to me, and, more important than that, to love me.

The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. When I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word “d-o-l-l”. I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was filled with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I simply made my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way many words, among them, “pin”, “hat”, “cup”, and a few verbs like “sit”, “stand” and “walk”, but my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.

One day while I was playing with my new doll, Miss Sullivan gave me my old doll, too. She then spelled “d-o-l-l” and tried to make me understand that “d-o-l-l” applied to both. Earlier in the day, we had a struggle over the two words “m-u-g” is “mug” and “w-a-t-e-r” is “water” , but I persisted in mixing up the two. I became impatient and, seizing the new doll, I dashed it on the floor, breaking it into pieces. I was not sorry after my fit of temper. In the dark, still world, I had no strong sentiment for anything.

My teacher brought me my hat, and I knew we were going out into the warm sunshine. We walked down the path to the well-house. Someone was drawing water, and my teacher placed my hand under the spout. As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she spelled into the other word water, first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still; my whole attention was fixed upon the movements of her finger. Suddenly I seemed to remember something I had forgotten — a thrill of returning thought – and the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that the “w-a-t-e-r” meant that wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul and set it free.

I left the well-house eager to learn. Everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought. As we returned to the house, every object which I touched seemed to be full of life. That was because I saw everything with a strange, new sight that had come to me. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the fragments and tried in vain to put them together. Then my eyes were filled with tears, for I realized what I had done, and for the first time I felt sorry.

I learned a lot of new words that day. It would have been difficult to find a happier child than me when I lay in my small bed that night and thought of the joys that day had brought to me, and for the first time I longed for a new day to come.

大学英语summary范文 第26篇

Today I was at home lonely, due to my husband need to work overtime and no time to accompany me. I make my own way to leave SZ city to come to him, but unfortunately, my love lost his job and try to find a job in SZ city. Bad news for us, but we have no choice. We need to make money, I know it is hard for him to find a satisfactory job due to the overall economy situation is bad in 2012. But the New Year for 2013 is coming soon. We really hope that everything will be ok with us. I have to make meals by myself and just sit in front of computer.

Since I have not showed my concerned to my friends for a long time, I made some phone calls to my friends and say hello to them. Happily, most of them are living a good life. I visited some page or QQ Zone in some old friend’s space. Some of them got married and best wishes for this guy. I am a couch potato and crazy about the USA soap opera whose name is broken sisters. This series is very funny, so I will watch them as long as I am available. I really want to make some relaxation by listening to songs and watching funny series / movies. I guess I over use my eyes in the company, due to frequent overtime at the normal working days. My neck and my eyes feel terrible.

I feel uneasy that I always dream a lot when I was asleep. The next morning when I woke up, oh, my god, I do not feel like doing anything at all, just feel headache. I hated to dream a lot in the sleeping time. Sometimes I feel ashamed for my poor oral English. So many girls in our department can speak fluent English and absolutely do not have difficulty in communicating with foreign guys. I envy of them and I just too lazy to make some useful effort for spoken English. All the mangers in our company are proficiency in written and spoken English and all of them are from HK. Maybe I should learn something from them. I need to work 5 days per week, after two days rest. Every time when I back to office on Monday, just feel very sleepy. Somehow I have the same feeling every Monday. I just call it black Monday. Because I have to back to normal and resume to work. I have not written something in English to record my daily life for couple of weeks. I think I need to make it up once I am available. No matter how busy I am, my strong interested in learning English will never stop. I think I‘d better go to bed early tonight, in order to avoid laziness for work tomorrow.

大学英语summary范文 第27篇



Trading rights and distribution are among the top concerns for . manufacturers and agricultural exporters. At present, China severely restricts trading rights (the right to import and export) and the ability to own and operate distribution networks. Under the Agreement, trading rights and distribution services will be progressively phased in over three years. China will also open up sectors related to distribution services, such as repair and maintenance, warehousing, trucking and air courier services.


China has made commitments to phase out most restrictions in a broad range of services sectors, including distribution, banking, insurance, telecommunications, professional services such as accountancy and legal consulting, business and computer related services, motion pictures and video and sound recording services. China will also participate in the Basic Telecommunications and Financial Services Agreements.


China will grandfather the existing level of market access already in effect at the time of China's accession for . services companies currently operating in China. This will protect existing American businesses operating under contractual or shareholder agreements or a license from new restrictions as China phases in their commitments.


China generally prohibits foreign firms from distributing products other than those they make in China, or from controlling their own distribution networks. Under the Agreement, China has agreed to liberalize wholesaling and retailing services for most products, including imported goods, throughout China in three years. In addition, China has agreed to open up the logistical chain of related services such as maintenance and repair, storage and warehousing , packaging, advertising, trucking and

[1] [2]

大学英语summary范文 第28篇

With the development of technology, more and more electric books are used by people; in the meantime, many people still read traditional books. I think both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Electric books and traditional books can be very different from each other. Electric books are light to carry, and they are so divers that you can read them on your mobile phone, MP4. To the contrary, the quality of traditional books can be well guaranteed. Moreover, most of electric books are network novel, and most of traditional books are professional books. Many people enjoy reading traditional book. Finally, if you read the electric book too long, you will feel dizzy with agitation. So reading the traditional books can make you healthy.

However, they have one thing in common that is they provide us knowledge. I think they will develop better in the future to make up their disadvantages.






