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托福tpo31写作范文 第1篇

The reading passage refutes the idea that the lines in the Sinosauropteryx fossil indicated a feathered dinosaur by demonstrating several counterarguments. The lecturer, however, is strongly convinced that lines could represent feathers through addressing the questions advanced by the reading.

To start with, according to the reading, those lines may derive from decomposition of a died dinosaur’ skin instead of being part of a living one. The lecturer does not believe this point for the reason that other animals’ fossils that are buried at the same site have not shown such kind of decomposition; instead, their functional skin structures have been perfectly preserved in the volcanic ash. Therefore, these lines are likely to be well-preserved feathers instead of fibers.

Moving on, the reading proposes that the lines may be the frills rather than remains of feathers. The listening argues this is not true. She further explains that there is an apparent chemical difference between feathers and frills. Feathers contain protein called beta-keratin while frills do not. And the chemical analysis suggested that Sinosauropteryx’s structures contain protein beta-keratin.

Last but not least importantly, the reading puts emphasis on such a fact that lines around the backbone and the tail of the Sinosauropteryx cannot play the role of helping it fly or regulating its body temperature but common feathers have these functions. The lecturer, by contrasts mentions other functions of the feathers by using peacock as an example. The peacock has colorful feathers in its tail to attract the mate. Recent analysis has found that Sinosauropteryx’s structures are also colorful, which can also be used for display.

Lastly, the author argues that the burning mirror is less effective and flexible than flaming arrows. Thus ancient Greek won’t bother to devote much effort to build such a useless weapon. Nonetheless, the lecturer argues that since flaming arrows are usual weapons used so much, Roman soldiers were familiar with them and knew how to protect the ship from burning by flaming arrows. But on the other hand, it was extremely hard to predict where the burning mirror would fire the ship. Thus it is more effective to use a burning mirror than flaming arrows.

托福tpo31写作范文 第2篇

True, this fast-paced and ever-changing world imposes enormous pressures on modern people. So it is generally believed contemporaries who are under pressure feel less satisfied with their lives. However, as far as I am concerned, modern people’s sense of satisfaction with life does not pale when compared with people in the past.

First, due to technological development, there has been no time in history where the lived lives of people have changed more dramatically. With the technology revolutionizing the world, modern life becomes increasingly convenient. A quickly reflection of a typical day reflects this: most people commute to work in an automobile that runs on an internal combustion engine. During the workday, chances are high that employees will interact with a computer that processes information very fast. In holidays, jet planes take people to other bits of the world in a matter of 14 hours, or family members have face-to-face communication through wireless networks that utilize satellites orbiting the earth. Each of these common occurrences could have been inconceivable in the past: people went to work by taking crowded buses or walking to their workplaces far away from home; computers were not available to help them handle piles of work; in horse-and-buggy generation, achieving intercontinental travel was impossible. From these cases, we can safely draw the conclusion that people in this day and age would derive more satisfaction and happiness than before.

Second, policies published by the government makes education more accessible for modern people across the whole age spectrum. Consider school-age children. Now, nine-year compulsory education ensures their right of being educated, even if they are born in rural and remote areas. In addition, government-sponsored exchange programs send millions of college students to study abroad without placing a large financial burden on their families. Without this project, there would be no possibility for them to transform their dreams of receiving higher education in western universities into truth. Two decades ago, however, many children who grew up in underdeveloped areas could not receive much formal schooling because tuition fees were unaffordable to their families. The deprivation of education was undoubtedly a tragedy for them and their families. For college students at that times, pursuing knowledge in prestigious higher education institutions in western countries was a luxury. Only those from upper class families can afford to study overseas. Thus, in terms of education, modern people would definitely feel satisfied.

In conclusion, contemporaries can feel more satisfied and happier than people in the past.

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托福tpo31写作范文 第3篇





托福tpo31写作范文 第4篇

The reading passage concentrates on the subject of + 话题. The professor's lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/ she argues that + 听力立场, which contradicts what the reading claims.

The professor argues in the lecture that + 听力理由 is because + 听力细节. Apparently, the professor's argument challenges its counterpart in the reading, since it asserts that + 阅读理由 1.

Furthermore, the professor insists that + 听力理由 2, despite the statement in the reading passage that + 阅读理由 2. He/ she proves this point with the evidence that + 听力细节.

Finally, the professor indicates that + 听力理由 3. Nevertheless, the author of the reading contends that + 阅读理由 3. The professor confirms that this claim is weak by pointing out that + 听力细节.


托福tpo31写作范文 第5篇

A fossil skeleton of a dinosaur called Sinosauropteryx, preserved in volcanic ash, was discovered in Liaoning, China, in 1996. Interestingly, the fossil included a pattern of fine lines surrounding the skeletal bones. Some paleontologists interpret the lines as evidence that Sinosauropteryx had feathers. However, critics have opposed the idea that Sinosauropteryx was a feathered dinosaur, citing several reasons.

First, the critics points out that the fine lines may not even represent functional structures of a living dinosaur, but rather structures that were formed after the animal’s death. After the animal died and was buried in volcanic ash, its skin may have decomposed into fibers. The skin fibers then became preserved as lines in the fossil; the lines were misinterpreted as evidence of feathers.

Second, even if the fine lines are remains of real structures of a Sinosauropteryx, scientists cannot tell with certainty what part of the dinosaur’s anatomy the structures were. Many dinosaurs had frills, ornamental fan-shaped structures growing out of some parts of their bodies. Some of the critics argue that the lines surrounding the skeleton are much more likely to be fossilized remains of frills than remains of feathers.

A third objection is based on the fact that the usual functions of feathers are to help animals fly or regulate their internal temperature. However, the structures represented by the lines in the Sinosauropteryx fossil were mostly located along the backbone and the tail of the animal. This would have made the structures quite useless for flight and of very limited use in thermoregulation. This suggests that the lines do not represent feathers.

托福tpo31写作范文 第6篇

The evidence that the lines in the Sinosauropteryx fossil represent feathers is very strong. The arguments of the critics are unconvincing.

First, it is unlikely that the lines are a result of the decomposition of the dinosaur ’s skin, because we don’t see any such decomposition in the fossils of other animals buried at the same site. In fact, the fossils of many other animals buried at the site show evidence that their functional skin structures have been beautifully preserved in volcanic ash. The well-preserved condition of the other fossils makes it likely that the Sinosauropteryx’s lines are also well-preserved functional structures, possibly feathers, and that they are not fibers caused by decomposition.

Second, the idea that the lines represent frills… well, there is an important chemical difference between feathers and frills. Feathers contain a great deal of a protein called Beta-keratin. Frills, on the other hand, do not contain beta-keratin. Our chemical analyses suggest that the Sinosauropteryx structures did contain beta-keratin. So that indicates that the structures were feathers, not frills.

Third, feathers can be used for other functions than flight and thermoregulation. Think of a bird, like peacock, for example. The peacock has long, colorful feathers in its tail. And it displays its tail in order to attract a mate. That’s a distinct function of feathers called the display function. Recently, we have been able to do analyses on the Sinosauropteryx structures that show us that the structures were colorful. They were orange and white. The fact that they were colorful strongly supports the idea that they were feathers that this dinosaur use for display.

托福tpo31写作范文 第7篇

三分钟阅读任务结束后,就开始进入听力任务。当听力开始时,屏幕上便不再显示阅读文章。考生会听到一位演讲者从一个不同角度对同一个话题进行讨论。听力材料长度约 230-300 词。(听力时间两分钟)。


1.不要尝试逐字逐句地记录;2.草稿纸布局使用要合理:建议左半边阅读部分论点,右半边听力部分与之相对的论点以及论据;3.行距要尽量宽松,保持清洁;4. 不影响记忆的情况下,单词可以缩写,甚至可以使用中文;5.用符号表示逻辑关系;6. 特别注意数字、年代、人名、地名以及专有名词;7.醒目地表示元素(理由、例子、论点等)的顺序,分辨元素间的逻辑关系(并列、递进、转折、时间顺序等)。


1. 时间分类(time sequence)

First, later, next, finally, before, after, now, previously, last, then, when, immediately, formerly, subsequently, meanwhile, presently, initially, ultimately

2. 举例(example)

For example, such as, for instance

3. 列举(enumeration)

And, too, 1,2,3, finally, furthermore, first, second, third, last, another, next

4. 补充(continuation)

Also, in addition, and, further, another, as well as

5. 比较或反差(comparison or contrast)

表示比较的有 :like, likewise, similarly, as, at the same time, as well as, in comparison, both, all

表示反差的有 :on the other hand, in contrast, however, but, in spite of, despite, nevertheless, on the contrary, instead, rather, notwithstanding, though, yet, regardless, although, unlike, even though, whereas

6. 强调(emphasis)

Important to note, most above all, especially, valuable, a central issue, especially relevant, should be noted, the most substantial issue, remember that, a major event, the principal item, pay particular attention to, the chief factor, most of all, a significant factor

托福tpo31写作范文 第8篇

▪ 尝试使用词汇和短语去回应任务,但是几乎没有或完全没有连贯的观点表达,句式词汇的使用极其有限;

▪ 有严重且频繁的语言错误;









