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2018年12月六级范文 第1篇

5. A) He is too busy to finish his assignment in time.

B) He does not know what kind of topic to write on.

C) He does not understand the professor’s instructions.

D) He has no idea how to proceed with his dissertation.

6. A) It is too ) It is a bit outdated.

C) It is ) It is interesting.

7. A) Biography. B) ) Philosophy. D) Beauty.

8. A) Improve his cumulative ) Develop his reading ability.

C) Stick to the topic ) List the parameters first.

2018年12月六级范文 第2篇

1. A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.

B) It lists the various challenges physicists are confronting.

C) It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved.

D) It is one of the most fascinating physics books ever written.

2. A) Physicists’ contribution to humanity.

B) Stories about some female physicists.

C) Historical evolution of modern physics.

D) Women’s changing attitudes to physics.

3. A) By exposing a lot of myths in physics.

B) By describing her own life experiences.

C) By including lots of fascinating knowledge.

D) By telling anecdotes about famous professors.

4. A) It avoids detailing abstract concepts of physics.

B) It contains a lot of thought-provoking questions.

C) It demonstrates how they can become physicists.

D) It provides experiments they can do themselves.

2018年12月六级范文 第3篇

16. A) About half of current jobs might be automated.

B) The jobs of doctors and lawyers would be threatened.

C) The job market is becoming somewhat unpredictable.

D) Machine learning would prove disruptive by 2013.

17. A) They are widely applicable for massive open online courses.

B) They are now being used by numerous high school teachers.

C) They could read as many as 10,000 essays in a single minute.

D) They could grade high-school essays just like human teachers.

18. A) It needs instructions throughout the process.

B) It does poorly on frequent, high-volume tasks.

C) It has to rely on huge amounts of previous data.

D) It is slow when it comes to tracking novel things.

2018年12月六级范文 第4篇

Perhaps it is time for farmers to put their feet up now that robots are used to inspect crops, dig up weeds, and even have become shepherds, too. Commercial growing fields are astronomically huge and take thousands of man-hours to operate. One prime example is one of Australia’s most isolated cattle stations, Suplejack Downs in the Northern Territory, extending across 4,000 square kilometers, taking over 13 hours to reach by car from the nearest major town—Alice Springs.

The extreme isolation of these massive farms leaves them often unattended, and monitored only once or twice a year, which means if the livestock falls ill or requires assistance, it can be a long time for farmers to discover.

However, robots are coming to the rescue.

Robots are currently under a two-year trial in Wales which will train “farmbots” to herd, monitor the health of livestock, and make sure there is enough pasture for them to graze on. The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, cattle and food, using thermal and vision sensors that detect changes in body temperature.

“You’ve also got color, texture and shape sensors looking down at the ground to check pasture quality,” says Salah Sukkarieh of the University of Sydney, who will carry out trials on several farms in central New South Wales.

During the trials, the robot algorithms (算法) and mechanics will be fine-tuned to make it better suited to ailing livestock and ensure it safely navigates around potential hazards including trees, mud, swamps, and hills.

“We want to improve the quality of animal health and make it easier for farmers to maintain large landscapes where animals roam free,” says Sukkarieh.

The robots are not limited to herding and monitoring livestock. They have been created to count individual fruit, inspect crops, and even pull weeds.

Many robots are equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms to avoid injuring humans as they work side by side. The robots also learn the most efficient and safest passages, and allow engineers and farmers to analyze and better optimize the attributes and tasks of the robot, as well as provide a live stream giving real-time feedback on exactly what is happening on the farms.

Of course, some worry lies in replacing agricultural workers. However, it is farmers that are pushing for the advancements due to ever-increasing labor vacancies, making it difficult to maintain large-scale operations.

The robots have provided major benefits to farmers in various ways, from hunting and pulling weeds to monitoring the condition of every single fruit. Future farms will likely experience a greater deal of autonomy as robots take up more and more farm work efficiently.

46. What may farmers be able to do with robots appearing on the farming scene?

A)Upgrade farm produce

B) Enjoy more leisure hours.

C) Modify the genes of crops.

D) Cut down farming costs.

47. What will “farmbots” be expected to do?

A)Take up many of the farmers’ routines.

B)Provide medical treatments for livestock.

C)Lead the trend in farming the world over.

D)Improve the quality of pastures for grazing.

48. What can robots do when equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms?

A)Help farmers choose the most efficient and safest passages.

B)Help farmers simplify their farming tasks and management.

C)Allow farmers to learn instantly what is occurring on the farm.

D)Allow farmers to give them real-time instructions on what to do.

49. Why are farmers pressing for robotic farming?

A)Farming costs are fast increasing.

B)Robotics technology is maturing.

C)Robotic farming is the trend.

D)Labor short is worsening

50. What does the author think future farms will be like?

A)More and more automated.

B)More and more productive.

C)Larger and larger in scale.

D)Better and better in condition.

2018年12月六级范文 第5篇

22. A) The lack of supervision by both the national and local governments.

B) The impact of the current economic crisis at home and abroad.

C) The poor management of day centres and home help services.

D) The poor relation between national health and social care services.

23. A) It was mainly provided by voluntary services.

B) It mainly caters to the needs of the privileged.

C) It called for a sufficient number of volunteers.

D) It has deteriorated over the past sixty years.

24. A) Their longer lifespans.

B) Fewer home helpers available.

C) Their preference for private services.

D) More of them suffering serious illnesses.

25. A) They are unable to pay for health services.

B) They have long been discriminated against.

C) They are vulnerable to illnesses and diseases.

D) They have contributed a great deal to society.

2018年12月六级范文 第6篇

[A] When Katlyn Burbidge’s son was 6 years old, he was performing some ridiculous song and dance typical of a first-grader. But after she snapped a photo and started using her phone, he asked her a serious question:“Are you going to post that online?” She laughed and answered, “Yes, I think I will.” What he said next stopped her. “Can you not?”

[B] That’s when it dawned on her: She had been posting photos of him online without asking his permission. “We’re big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to, but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online,” says Burbidge, a mom of two in Wakefield, Massachusetts. “Now when I post a photo of him online, I show him the photo and get his okay.”

[C] When her 8-month-old is 3 or 4 years old, she plans to start asking him in an age-appropriate way, “Do you want other people to see this?” That’s precisely the approach that two researchers advocated before a room of pediatricians (儿科医生) last week at the American Academy of Pediatrics meeting, when they discussed the 21st century challenge of “sharenting,” a new term for parents’ online sharing about their children. “As advocates of children’s rights, we believe that children should have a voice about what information is shared about them if possible,” says Stacey Steinberg, a legal skills professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville.

[D] Whether it’s ensuring that your child isn’t bullied over something you post, that their identity isn’t digitally “kidnapped”, or that their photos don’t end up on a half dozen child pornography (色情) sites, as one Australian mom discovered, parents and pediatricians are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting children’s digital presence. Steinberg and Bahareh Keith, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Florida College of Medicine, say most children will likely never experience problems related to what their parents share, but a tension still exists between parents’ rights to share their experiences and their children’s rights to privacy.

[E] “We’re in no way trying to silence parents’ voices,” Steinberg says. “At the same time, we recognize that children might have an interest in entering adulthood free to create their own digital footprint.” They cited a study presented earlier this year of 249 pairs of parents and their children in which twice as many children as parents wanted rules on what parents could share. “The parents said, ‘We don’t need rules—we’re fine,’ and the children said, ‘Our parents need rules,’” Keith says. “The children wanted autonomy about this issue and were worried about their parents sharing information about them.”

[F] Although the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidelines recommending that parents model appropriate social media use for their children, it does not explicitly discuss oversharing by parents. “I think this is a very legitimate concern, and I appreciate their drawing our attention to it,” David Hill, a father of five, says. He sees a role for pediatricians to talk with parents about this, but believes the messaging must extend far beyond pediatricians’ offices. “I look forward to seeing researchers expand our understanding of the issue so we can translate it into effective education and policy,” he says.

[G] There’s been little research on the topic, Steinberg wrote in a law article about this issue. While states could pass laws related to sharing information about children online, Steinberg feels parents themselves are generally best suited to make these decisions for their families. “While we didn’t want to create any unnecessary panic, we did find some concerns that were troublesome, and we thought that parents or at least physicians should be aware of those potential risks,” Steinberg says. They include photos repurposed for inappropriate or illegal means, identity theft, embarrassment, bullying by peers or digital kidnapping.

[H] But that’s the negative side, with risks that must be balanced against the benefits of sharing. Steinberg pointed out that parental sharing on social media helps build communities, connect spread-out families, provide support and raise awareness around important social issues for which parents might be their children’s only voice.

[I] A . Mott survey found among the 56 percent of mothers and 34 percent of fathers who discussed parenting on social media, 72 percent of them said sharing made them feel less alone, and nearly as many said sharing helped them worry less and gave them advice from other parents. The most common topics they discussed included kids’ sleep, nutrition, discipline, behavior problems and day care and preschool.

[J] “There’s this peer-to-peer nature of health care these days with a profound opportunity for parents to learn helpful tips, safety and prevention efforts, pro-vaccine messages and all kinds of other messages from other parents in their social communities,” says Wendy Sue Swanson, a pediatrician and executive director of digital health at Seattle Children’s Hospital, where she blogs about her own parenting journey to help other parents. “They’re getting nurtured by people they’ve already selected that they trust,” she says.

[K] “How do we weigh the risks, how do we think about the benefits, and how do we alleviate the risks?” she says. “Those are the questions we need to ask ourselves, and everyone can have a different answer.”

[L] Some parents find the best route for them is not to share at all. Bridget O’Hanlon and her husband, who live in Cleveland, decided before their daughter was born that they would not post her photos online. When a few family members did post pictures, O’Hanlon and her husband made their wishes clear. “It’s been hard not to share pictures of her because people always want to know how babies and toddlers (学走路的孩子) are doing and to see pictures, but we made the decision to have social media while she did not,” O’Hanlon said. Similarly, Alison Jamison of New York decided with her husband that their child had a right to their own online identity. They did use an invitation-only photo sharing platform so that friends and family, including those far away, could see the photos, but they stood firm, simply refusing to put their child’s photos on other social media platforms.

[M] “For most families, it’s a journey. Sometimes it goes wrong, but most of the time it doesn’t,” says Swanson, who recommends starting to ask children permission to post narratives or photos around ages 6 to 8. “We’ll learn more and more what our tolerance is. We can ask our kids to help us learn as a society what’s okay and what’s not.”

[N] Indeed, that learning process goes both ways. Bria Dunham, a mother in Somerville, Massachusetts, was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos. But when she considered posting them online, she took the perspective of her son: How would he feel if his classmates’ parents saw photos of him chest-up in the bathtub? “It made me think about how I’m teaching him to have ownership of his own body and how what is shared today endures into the future,” Dunham says. “So I kept the pictures to myself and accepted this as one more step in supporting his increasing autonomy.”

36. Steinberg argued parental sharing online can be beneficial.

37. According to an expert, when children reach school age, they can help their parents learn what can and cannot be done.

38. One mother refrained from posting her son’s photos online when she considered the matter from her son’s perspective.

39. According to a study, more children than parents think there should be rules on parents’ sharing.

40. Katlyn Burbidge had never realized she had to ask her son’s approval to put his photos online.

41. A mother decided not to post her son’s photo online when he asked her not to.

42. A woman pediatrician tries to help other parents by sharing her own parenting experience.

43. There are people who decide simply not to share their children’s photos online.

44. Parents and physicians should realize sharing information online about children may involve risks.

45. Parents who share their parenting experiences may find themselves intruding into their children’s privacy.

2018年12月六级范文 第7篇

12. A) A good start.

B) A detailed plan.

C) A strong determination.

D) A scientific approach.

13. A) Most people get energized after a sufficient rest.

B) Most people tend to have a finite source of energy.

C) It is vital to take breaks between demanding mental tasks.

D) It is most important to have confidence in one’s willpower.

14. A) They could keep on working longer.

B) They could do more challenging tasks.

C) They found it easier to focus on work at hand.

D) They held more positive attitudes toward life.

15. A) They are part of their nature.

B) They are subject to change.

C) They are related to culture.

D) They are beyond control.

2018年12月六级范文 第8篇

19. A) The engineering problems with solar power.

B) The generation of steam with the latest technology.

C) The importance of exploring new energy sources.

D) The theoretical aspects of sustainable energy.

20. A) Drive trains with solar energy.

B) Upgrade the city’s train facilities.

C) Build a new ten-kilometre railway line.

D) Cut down the city’s energy consumption.

21. A) Build a thank for keeping calcium oxide.

B) Find a new material for storing energy.

C) Recover super-heated steam.

D) Collect carbon dioxide gas.






