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英语邮件请假格式范文 第1篇

Dear Jenny,

I do not need to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for me these days and how grateful I am for the comfort and understanding you gave me when I needed them so desperately.

No one knows better than you how important my mother meant to me and what an aching void my life has become without her. But I am trying to take your advice and I hope that returning to my work next week will help heal the sorrow

I really do not know what I would have been without you. Thank you again for everything you have done for me!



英语邮件请假格式范文 第2篇

Dear schoolmate,

I don’t know who you are, but I am really grateful to you. Yesterday, I lost my library card in the playground. I didn’t realize it until I got home after class. I was so upset, because it’s too bothersome to register another one. But today, when I got to school, the guard told me that someone picked my library card and gave it to him. I was so exciting to hear the news. You did not leave your name and I don’t know who you are. I am really appreciated for what you did.


英语邮件请假格式范文 第3篇



一、 会议议题

1. 讨论根据XXXX《XXXX深化改革整体上市总体方案》具体要求,讨论浙江XXXX有限公司股权剥离相关事宜。

二、 出席人员





英语邮件请假格式范文 第4篇

Dear Jack,How is everything going ?I am writing to tell you that I have found a new job in a bank, which is located in the main business area. It's really not easy to have an oppotunity to work in a bank and I am very happy. And I will move to my new house next week. It is ROOM 312 of city park in the Oxford street, which is near the bank I work it is a little bit far from your house, I will visit you as I usually do. And welcome to my new house ! My new phone number is 7635089, and I am looking forward to 110 words

英语邮件请假格式范文 第5篇

Dear Mr. Liu,

I've been trying to get information on a company in Wuhan called ABC Corporation. I watched their products in the Guangzhou Fair but I've had difficulty finding much information on the company. I've tried several standard sources on the internet but with little luck.

Would you have access to an annual report or any other type of information that would help me better understand the company and its operation? I'm especially interested in their overall financial health and projected future performance. I'm assuming you have access to information sources that are beyond my reach.

I appreciate your assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Zhou Feng




英语邮件请假格式范文 第6篇

Dear Tom,

It is nice to receive your email. Now I’d like to tell you something about the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City. It took 200,000 workers more than 13 years to build the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City was finished being built in 1420. The largest museum in the world, the Palace Museum, holds cultural treasures from the past 5,000 years of Chinese history. The City’s palaces have 9,999 rooms altogether. Chinese people traditionally have thought of nine as a lucky number. Students from all over China can now visit in groups at no charge every Tuesday. The museum is under construction.

I hope you can come to China and take a look at this museum with your own eyes.

Best wishes.

Li Ming

英语邮件请假格式范文 第7篇

Dear Mr Sze,

The 20th Taiwan Chinese Calligraphy Competition, organized by the Good Hope Association and Modern Trade Ltd., will accept entries from 3 March to 15 April

As a renowned expert in Chinese calligraphy, you are cordially invited to present as a member of our panel of judges. We would also like to invite you to give away the prizes at the prize presentation ceremony, and to deliver a speech to the audience.

Details of the Competition are as follows:

To help raise the standard of Chinese calligraphy among primary and middle school students, and to arouse their interest in traditional Chinese culture.

Primary Division:students of Primary 6 or below. Junior Middle School Division: students of 14 to 16. Senior Middle School Division: students of 16 or above


First-stage selection by respective schools, second-stage selection and final decisions by the Panel of Judges.

of prize presentation ceremony:

15 July 2004 (tentative; details to follow)

I would appreciate it if you would give me a reply at your earliest convenience so that the necessary arrangements can be made soon without delay. In case of queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at 24088507 during office hours. Thank you.

Yours sincerely.


英语邮件请假格式范文 第8篇

Dear Sir,

Very glad to send E-mail to you, I’m Annie. I have learned your name from the website which shows you are interest in ball chair.

First I’d like to introduce our company,which is one of the largest ball chair manufacturers in China, mainly produce ball chair,egg chair,bubble chair and other chairs. We would like to supply high-class products and satisfy every customer's needs.

We approach you today in the hope of establishing long

business relations with you and expect, by our joint effects, to enlarge our business scope.

It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries for any of the items against which we will send you our competitive price with high quality.

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

Thanks& best regards

Yours faithfully, Steven


Website:  Add:

Tel:  Fax: 0086-

Cell phone:   E-Mail:

英语邮件请假格式范文 第9篇

Dear professor Li,

I am a undergraduate from the Department of physics and I fortunately took a major course on which you lectured. Your lessons impressed me deeply.

As a senior, I face the choice between hunting for a job and continuing to study. I prefer to apply for a chance to pursue a Master’s degree abroad.

I have taken required English exams and got excellent scores. What’s more, I have finished my personal statement, which is attached to this letter. I’m now writing to ask if you can write a reference for me, which will greatly facilitate my admission into a . university.

Best wishes for your health.

Your Student,


英语邮件请假格式范文 第10篇


1. Dear Mr./Ms,

Mr. John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at . about the opening of a sample room let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time you would suggest.

Yours faithfully,





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Dear Mr. / Ms,

Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green''''s visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June. He would, however, be pleased to see Mr. Green any time after his return.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,





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2. Dear Mr/Ms,

I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.

Yours faithfully




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Dear Mr/Ms,

Thank you for your letter of September shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable. We will be happy to meet with you at 9:30 . on Wednesday, October 7, if the time is convenient for you.

We look forward to meeting you.

Yours faithfully





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3. Dear Mr. / Ms,

I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.

I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on you at . on that day.

If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time.

Yours faithfully






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4. Dear Mr. / Ms,

Mr. Jack Baron, our personnel director, has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at half past two.

I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come.

Yours faithfully






Dear Mr. / Ms,

Mr. Jack Baron, our personnel director, has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon, 5th August, at 2:30 pm.

I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come.

Yours faithfully





英语邮件请假格式范文 第11篇

Dear Mr. Wang,

I am very sorry that I shall be unable to come to your classes today owing to a bad cold. I enclose a certificate from the doctor who is attending me. He said it will be two or three days before I shall be able to resume my school.


April 20




英语邮件请假格式范文 第12篇

Dear Li Ying,

Haven’t seen you for a long time. How have you been? I am missing you all the time. As the weather is splendid now, Jack、 Lucy and I have made a plan to go out to the countryside by bike. Each of us may take food for the picnic, which we will have at the hillside. The countryside must be very lovely, with grass and trees growing flourishingly, flowers full bloom and bright sunshine. We can enjoy the scenery to our hearts’ content, at the same time and take some pictures as a memory . It is possible for us to meet at the bus stop 8 a. m. I am sure we will have a good time. Do come and join us.

Yours always,


英语邮件请假格式范文 第13篇



Thank you for your order No. 599. In order to e_ecute it, please open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$ 50,000 in our favor. This account shall be available until Sep. 20. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the order as requested.



Dear Sir:

Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20. Please advise us by fa_ when the order has been e_ecuted.



Dear Sir:

We are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory. We are afraid that your L/C will be e_pire before shipment. Therefore, please e_plain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to e_tend the L/C to .


Gentlemen: Sept. 5, 2001

We received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation. As requested, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to e_tend the L/C up to and including September 30. Please keep us abreast of any new development.



Dear Sirs: Sept. 25, 2001

Concerning our order No. 599 for 200 mountain bikes, so far you have shipped only 50 bikes against the shipment. We are notifying you that we reserve our right to claim on you for the shortage, if it is confirmed. We have given our customers a definite assurance that we would supply the goods by the end of September. We hope you will look into this urgent matter.

Yours faithfully


Gentlemen: Sept. 30, 2001

In response to your letter of , we regret your complaint very much. Today we received information from Hong Kong that the remaining 150 bikes were on a ship that developed engine trouble and had to put into port for repairs. The trouble was not serious, and the vessel is now on her way. She would arrive at your place tomorrow or the ne_t day.


英语邮件请假格式范文 第14篇

Dear Peter,

We've just received your notice telling that you will set a new branch. Congratulations on it! We are so glad from the bottom of our hearts as you have always been putting our interestsfirst.

We will always support your services and enjoy your shopping environment all the a good business and more once again on your going to open up anew branch!

Best wishes!






英语邮件请假格式范文 第15篇


Dear Sir/Madam:

Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Companys Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance .Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.



Dear sir,

Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,I believe,given me the e*perience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursday's newspaper.

Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the the course of my work,I have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time e*perience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

The years before I was employed at the New World,I was a secretary for Long Brother,an accounting I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single.

I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope. My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.

Yours faithfully

英语邮件请假格式范文 第16篇

1. I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you...

我发邮件是想找你确认/询问/想通知你 有关…

2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2.


3. With reference to our telephone conversation today...


4. In my previous e-mail on October 5...


5. As I mentioned earlier about...


6. As indicated in my previous e-mail...


7. As we discussed on the phone...


8. from our decision at the previous meeting...


9. as you requested...


10. In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided...


11. This is in response to your e-mail today.


12. As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique selling points in china.


13. As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to get back to you about the pending issues of our agreement.


14. I received your voice message regarding the subject. I'm wondering if you can elaborate . provide more details.


15. Please be advised/informed that...


16. Please note that...


17. We would like to inform you that...


18. I am convinced that...


19. We agree with you on...


20. With effect from 4 Oct., ...


21. We will have a meeting scheduled as noted below...


22. Be assured that individual statistics are not disclosed and this is for internal use only.


23. I am delighted to tell you that...


24. We are pleased to learn that...


25. We wish to notify you that...


26. Congratulation on your...


27. I am fine with the proposal.


28. I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to join the workshop scheduled for 22-24 Nov,2008.


29. We are sorry to inform you that...


30. I'm afraid I have some bad news. 恐怕我今天要宣布一些坏消息。

31. There are a number of issues with our new system.


32. Due to circumstances beyond our control...


33. I don't feel too optimistic about...


34. It would be difficult for us to accept...


35. Unfortunately I have to say that, since receiving your enquiries on the subject, our view has not changed.


36. We would be grateful if you could...


37. I could appreciate it if you could...


38. Would you please send us…?


39. We need your help.


40. We seek your assistance to cascade/reply this message to your staff.


41. We look forward to your clarification.


42. Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.


43. I would really appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time. Please let me know what suits you best.


44. Please give us your preliminary thoughts about this.


45. Would you please reply to this e-mail if you plan to attend?


46. Please advise if you agree with this approach.


47. Could you please let me know the status of this project?


48. If possible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal when it is finished.


49. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by next Monday.


50. Hope this is OK with you. If not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.







