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大学英语练字范文 第1篇

江苏省海门市货隆中心小学三(3)班 张t铖




大学英语练字范文 第2篇

I used to write very ugly words, so my mother decided to send me to a training and calligraphy place. My mother finally found a training and calligraphy place by all means. At first, I was very reluctant to learn to practice calligraphy, but later, I gradually became interested in practicing calligraphy.

Today, my mother took me to sign up for a total of 500 yuan. There are 15 classes. My mother settled me here to practice calligraphy after she paid the money. In the afternoon, she came to pick me up. The teacher took a piece of paper for practicing calligraphy and asked me to write it. The teacher said, “today we learn the number one, two and three.” The teacher taught me one stroke at a time, and then went to teach other students. I wrote it carefully. After a long time, I finally finished it. At 11 o'clock, the teacher began to score. I thought, “there are scores here?” I was puzzled and gave the finished words to the teacher for grading. I was surprised to find that I got 98 points in the exam this time. When I came here for the first time, I got such a good score. My mother must be very happy to come home. My mother came to pick me up. I told my mother about my achievements in practicing calligraphy today. But my mother just smiled and said to me, “son, you did well in the exam this time, but don't be proud!” I replied, “well, I will.” After a week, I came to learn to practice again. Something happened this time. When I was writing, one of my classmates threw the pen water on my clothes when there was no water. I cried anxiously, “what can I do? This is a new dress my mother bought for me.” The classmate timidly said to me, “I'm sorry.” Do you think a word of sorry can solve the problem? I said angrily. Then the teacher came, and he said to the two of us, “what happened?” I said at the beginning of that classmate's speech, “he has blackened my clothes.” The teacher said to me calmly, “just for this little thing, it's not worth hurting the harmony.” Finish saying, the teacher put our hands together, I wanted to take them back, but thought: “that classmate is also careless, forgive him once!” At last, we both laughed and became good friends.

Practicing Chinese characters brings me fun, harvest and laughter. I love practicing Chinese characters!

大学英语练字范文 第3篇








大学英语练字范文 第4篇








大学英语练字范文 第5篇

Millions of women use cosmetics, often called “make-up”. The cosmetics industry is one of the biggest in the world. Most large stores sell cosmetics, and there are always shops at airports selling them word “cosmetics” refers to anything that people put on their faces to make them look better. Lipstick, face powder and cream, and eye make-up are the most popular. Although more women than men use cosmetics, there are cosmetics for men as well as women.

Some people even have cosmetic surgery to make their faces look different. They have the shape of their noses and eyes changed.

The most widely used cosmetic is probably lipstick, as many women who do not wear any other make-up will often put on a little lipstick.

Lipstick is made by mixing together different oils and colors. This mixture is then allowed to get hard and is cut into the shape of a small pencil. When a woman presses the lipstick to her lips, the end of it becomes soft, and some of it sticks to her lips, giving them extra color.

Cosmetics were probably first used in India, but it was the Egyptians, six thousand years ago, who made the most use of them. Rich Egyptian women painted their eyes green and black. They used a red color to paint pretty designs on their fingernails, the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet. Pictures of Cleopatra always show her wearing a lot of make-up.

The Romans also used cosmetics. They liked to make their skin very white and to paint their eyes. They also used a kind of lipstick.

In England at one time, very rich women had baths in milk to make their skin beautiful. They also used a lot of sweet-smelling powder to stop people smelling their bodies, which were often very dirty because they did not wash very often or change their clothes.

At one time, some cosmetics were not safe. They were bad for the skin, and some of the lipsticks and powders that people used were even poisonous. Nowadays, people in the cosmetics industry take great care to make sure that everything they use is completely safe.

5. What does the word “Cosmetics” refer to ________.

A. lipstick B. make-up C. creams D. surgery

6. According to the passage people use cosmetics ________.

A. only at airports

B. only to color their feet

C. to make themselves look better

D. instead of surgery

7. From the passage we know that in earlier times ________.

A. cosmetics were never used in milk baths

B. cosmetics were never used on the eyes

C. cosmetics were never used on the skin

D. sometimes cosmetics were harmful to the skin

8. Which of the following statements is true?

A. In order to make their faces look different some people even have cosmetic surgery.

B. In England, women have baths in milk to make their skin beautiful.

C. Cosmetics were probably first used by the Egyptians six thousand years ago.

D. Not all cosmetics are safe so we should be careful to use them.

大学英语练字范文 第6篇

一、 中译英

1、 我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。

2、 在学校我能扫地和浇花。

3、 我经常在星期六做作业和看书。

4、 我的数学老师又高又瘦,他很和蔼可亲。

5、 星期三午餐我们吃土豆和鱼。

6、 现在三点钟。该是上音乐课的时候了。

7、 这些苹果需要12元。

8、 这件是你的连衣裙。它是绿黄相间的。

9、 天气很暖和。让我们一起去踢足球。



1、I don’t like grapes. Because they are sour.

2、Are you helpful at home? Yes, I am.

3、We have science, art and English on Mondays.

4、The canteen is on the first floor.

5、What’s the weather like in London? It’s cloudy.


1、 my desk. A. that is B. This’s C. That’s

2、Are skirts? A. They B. they C. it

3、Is she old? A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she’s. C. Yes, he is.

4、What do you have Tuesdays? A. to B. in C. on

5、What day is it today? A. Monday. B. monday. C. Mondays.

6、Are you a boy? A. Yes, I’m not. B. Yes, I’m. C. Yes, I am.


1、he is my english teacher.

2、This’s a bag room.

3、do you have lunch at school!

4、i’d like have a try!

5、I have many tomatos on the table.

6、it is a orange sheeps.

7、can john cook meal.


1、go, it, to, home, is, time

2、can, do, she, dishes, the

3、horses, how, there, are, many

4、Chinese, who, is ,teacher, your

5、lunch, what, like, you, would, Fridays, for, on

6、because, fish, the, I, is, like, it, fresh


一、 中译英

1、 我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。My favourite fruit are grapes./ Grapes are my favourite fruit.

2、 在学校我能扫地和浇花。I can sweep the floor and water the flowers at school.

3、 我经常在星期六做作业和看书。I often do homework and read books on Saturdays.

4、 我的数学老师又高又瘦,他很和蔼可亲。My math teacher is tall and thin, he’s very kind.

5、 星期三午餐我们吃土豆和鱼。 We have potatoes and fish for lunch on Wednesdays.

6、 现在三点钟。该是上音乐课的时候了。 It’s three o’clock now. It’s time for music class.

7、 这些苹果需要12元。 These apples are twelve yuan.

8、 这件是你的连衣裙。它是绿黄相间的。 This is your dress. It’s green and yellow.

9、 天气很暖和。让我们一起去踢足球。 It’s warm. Let’s play football.

10、这件衬衫多少钱? How much is the shirt?


1、I don’t like grapes. Because they are sour. 我不喜欢葡萄。因为它们是酸的。

2、Are you helpful at home? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 你在家里能干吗?是的。/不,我不是。

3、We have science, art and English on Mondays. 在星期一我们有科学、美术和英语。

4、The canteen is on the first floor. 餐厅在第一层楼。

5、What’s the weather like in London? It’s cloudy. 伦敦的天气怎么样?它是多云的。


1、 C my desk. A. that is B. This’s C. That’s

2、Are B skirts? A. They B. they C. it

3、Is she old? A A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she’s. C. Yes, he is.

4、What do you have C Tuesdays? A. to B. in C. on

5、What day is it today? A A. Monday. B. monday. C. Mondays.

6、Are you a boy? C A. Yes, I’m not. B. Yes, I’m. C. Yes, I am.


1、he is my english teacher. He is my English teacher.

2、This’s a bag room. This is a big room. / That’s a big room.

3、do you have lunch at school! Do you have lunch at school?

4、i’d like have a try! I’d like to have a try!

5、I have many tomatos on the table. I have many tomatoes on the table.

6、it is a orange sheeps. It is an orange sheep.

7、can john cook meal. Can John cook the meals?


1、go, it, to, home, is, time It is time to go home.

2、can, do, she, dishes, the Can she do the dishes?

3、horses, how, there, are, many How many horses are there?

4、Chinese, who, is ,teacher, your Who is your Chinese teacher?

5、lunch, what, like, you, would, Fridays, for, on What would you like for lunch on Fridays?

6、because, fish, the, I, is, like, it, fresh I like the fish, because it is fresh.

大学英语练字范文 第7篇

还有一种练习方式是精听练习,其步骤如下:一边听一边看听力材料原文,划出自己不认识或似曾相识但反应不过来的词;录音结束,开始查生词,写在原文的旁边,只要写出这个单词在这篇文章中的意思即可;然后将这篇材料当阅读文章快速精读一遍,彻底看懂;再一边看原文,一边放录音,嘴上要跟读,反复几遍,一直听到可以不看原文彻底听懂为止。如大家比较常用的SSS(Scientific American’s Sixty-second Science),非常短,但信息量很大,是很好的练习材料。

大学英语练字范文 第8篇






大学英语练字范文 第9篇

交流类比较简单,大家可能都有过类似的经历,英语听力训练的目标和方法当您和外国友人面对面交谈的时候,你发现比较容易领会对方的意思,而当您听两个外国友人交谈时却会觉得非常不容易理解。这种情景下对听力的要求其实并不高,只要您能够准确的听清一些关键的单词和关键的句子结构就可以理解了。好多考试中听力部分的难度也类似于这个阶段,对于考生来说,最主要的就是要尽快切入场景,之后,您就会有一种越听越顺的感觉。所以这一部分的训练目的主要是增加对常用单词和句子结构的反应能力和敏感性。我们推荐的材料是Voa special English 的Feature节目,对于准备在近期参加考试的朋友我们推荐他们同时多结合考试的模拟题结合训练。

大学英语练字范文 第10篇

Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn't listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.

It was New Year's Day. Mr. Lang didn't go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn't think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen.

_I saw there weren't any policemen outside, daddy,_ said the boy, _so I went to the crossing and asked some to come._

1. Mr. Lang was paid much because _______.

A. he was a driver

B. he worked in a factory

C. he had a lot of work to do

D. he had worked there for a long time

2. Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.

A. she couldn't find any work

B. she thought her husband was tired

C. her husband spent all time in gambling

D. she wouldn't stop her husband gambling

3. _______, so he was put into lockup.

A. Mr. Lang often gambled

B. Mr. Lang was late for work

C. Mr. Lang didn't help his wife at home

D. Mr. Lang wasn't polite to the police

4. The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.

A. he didn't love her any longer

B. he wouldn't stop gambling

C. he had been put into lockup

D. he was hardly sent away by the factory

5. Which of the following is right?

A. The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again.

B. The boy thought his father needed some policemen.

C. The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon.

D. The boy hoped his mother to come back.

(1-6 CBDAAB)


1. C、细节题。根据第1段第2句话 As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much 可知答案为 C。

2. B、推断题。根据第1段第3句话 His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home 可知答案为 B。

3. A、推断题。根据 His wife told him not to do it but he didn't listen to her. She had to tell the police 可知答案为 A。

4. A、细节题。根据 …he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him可知答案为 A。

5. B、语义理解题。根据最后一句话 I saw there weren't any policeman outside, daddy, so I went to the crossing and asked some to come 可知答案为 B。

大学英语练字范文 第11篇


_量_ 的原则的具体体现,就是我们说的四个字。每次听力训练,坚持在30分钟以上。这主要是提供一次给耳朵和大脑接收有声语言输入的刺激过程,时间长度不够,刺激不充分,效果就不好。这其中的原理,有点像有氧运动。如果你不能每次坚持30分左右、心率在一定范围(因人而异)内的运动量训练,则效果一定大打折扣。所以,这个30分钟的量一定要坚持。可以是30分钟重复不停地听同一个内容,也可以听不同内容,长度相当于30分钟的材料,或者交错进行。那么一个星期进行多长时间的训练为好呢?起码要进行6次以上的训练,每次30分钟。这个量的训练频率,加上最好以90篇素材内容为一个量的级别的高强度训练,可以逐步使自己在一个可控的范围内做到有目标和方向,又能循序渐进,即有序,加上可数的量的配合,最终达到一定程度的提高,并可以通过这种方法,逐步地、适时地进入到更高一级的层次。

大学英语练字范文 第12篇

Since reading, I have been most impressed by almost every Chinese teacher who asked us to write well and practice. At that time, although I listened to the teacher, I didn't insist on it, but I only practiced occasionally. Now, the students' winter vacation plan, the primary school students' winter vacation plan, the middle school students' winter vacation plan, the college students' winter vacation plan, the practice summary of winter vacation life. Looking at my words, I really regret that I wasted too much time and didn't practice them well. It's just this year that the school principal gave us homework during the winter vacation. I think I'll use the time to practice calligraphy.

But after three days, I practiced two pages a day. On the fourth day, I felt a little itchy. Let's just think about it. Anyway, I can't write a good word at once, but another voice came to me again. I want to insist, don't give up. At last, through the conflict, I persisted. Especially when I encounter something unpleasant, I will take out the paper and pen and practice quietly. As a result, nothing bothers me. Now practicing calligraphy has become a habit of my life. If I don't practice one day, I feel like there is still something unfinished. After my own efforts, I have made some progress in my writing, and I will continue to stick to it in the future.






