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外企年终计划英文范文 第1篇

Dear Jane,Thank you very much for your letter concerning the change of your 'm writing to confirm that I will attend the New Directions Book Fair on time. As a matter of fact, I should be flying to Wuhan on July 30th to meet some clients. However, I have changed my travel plan and fly one day early so as not to miss the book fair. I believe it will be a great opportunity for us to meet our publishing partners and exchange ideas and information with them. I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at the sincerelyAlice Smith

亲爱的简:对于您关于安排变更的来信表示感谢。我写信确认我将准时参加这次图书展销会。事实上,我应该在30号抵达武汉与我的客户见面。可是,我已经改变了我的旅行安排,为了能参加展会我将提前一天抵达。我相信此次展会将会是一个很好的与我们的出版合作商交流意见和信息的好机会。我期待与你和你的同事在展会上的碰面。爱丽丝•史密斯 谨上

外企年终计划英文范文 第2篇

Dear Sir,Dear Jane,Thank you very much for informing me of the change. The book fair is really a big project. As far as I know, there will be a lot of representatives from all over the world attending the fair. Since our company cooperated with many foreign companies, our book sales has increased from three billions to twenty-nine billions, and set the highest record for best-seller book. The purpose of holding this book fair is to establish further relationship of cooperation with foreign companies, and share information with them at the same time. As a result, both sides can benefit a lot from it. I can make sure I get the right time for the book fair. Thank you!Yours sincerelyAlice Smith

亲爱的简:非常感谢你通知我计划的变更。这次图书展销会确实是一项巨大的项目。据我所知,届时,将有很多来自五湖四海的代表与会。自从我公司与一些国外的公司合作以来,我们的图书销售量以从三十亿增长到两百九十亿,创造了畅销书的最高纪录。举行这次展会的目的是与外国公司建立更深厚的合作关系,同时也能相互交流信息。因此,双方都能从中获利。我能确定我知道了变更后的时间。谢谢你!爱丽丝•史密斯 谨上

外企年终计划英文范文 第3篇

Dear Sir,I am writing to inform you that the project which was made on last Monday was changed. On Monday, June 25, our company made the project about the New Directions Book Fair. All staffs would attend the fair on July 15. However, our company will have a recruitment on that day. Because our company is in short of staffs for the book fair, and needs to recruit a lot of new members to make sure the fair function well. So the fair is put off until July 30. If you have any further information, please feel free to call me. As the time of the project was changed, please pay more attention! Best regards!Yours sincerelyJane White

亲爱的先生:我写信是要通知您原定于上星期一的计划有所改变。上星期一,即6 月 25 日我公司制定了有关新坐标图书展销会的计划。7 月 15 日,全体员工将出席展会。但由于我们公司要举行展会且正处于人员短缺的情况,所以7月25日急需招聘新成员,以确保展会顺利进行。所以展会推迟到 7 月 30 日。如果您需要任何详细信息,请随时打电话给我。由于计划变更,请多加注意变更后的时间。简•怀特 谨上






