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公告英语作文范文 第1篇

Thank you for your full support when the Spring Festival is coming. All employees of XX company wish you a happy Spring Festival and a auspicious year of the horse. In order to celebrate the traditional Spring Festival, the company is scheduled to have a holiday of XX days from January XX to XX.

XX will work in XX. If the holiday brings inconvenience to you, we will thank you very much for your understanding. We look forward to your support in the new year.

We hope that we can have better cooperation to make the business of XXX company more brilliant.



公告英语作文范文 第2篇

Next month, Bertrand Delanoe, the French capital, invented a new way to say _I love you_ on Valentine's day. Bertrand Delano, the left-wing mayor known for his innovative city festivals, said the electronic version would carry the best short love letters on Valentine's day in February and throughout the weekend, adding that they would _help Parisians tell each other 'I love you'_, urging Parisians to send messages with a note stating which block they would like them to pick at a special committee It's the best to put up light signs on the main squares and intersections around the French capital, displaying everything from city festivals to traffic warnings/.


下个月,法国首都贝特兰·德拉诺(Bertrand Delanoe)发明了一种在情人节说“我爱你”的新方法。贝特兰·德拉诺是以创新性城市节日著称的左翼市长,他说,电子版将在xx月情人节和整个周末携带最好的简短情书,并补充说,它们将“帮助巴黎人告诉彼此‘我爱你’”,他敦促巴黎人发送信息时附上一张纸条,说明他们希望他们在一个特别委员会挑选哪个街区张贴在法国首都周围的主要广场和十字路口,展示从城市节日到交通警告的灯饰牌是最好的――/。

公告英语作文范文 第3篇

It is clear that what the reader gets is the author's intention, and the reader does not have to guess ‰ all readers' questions have been answered, and the reader has enough information to evaluate the information and take action ‰ all the information in the information is accurate, there are no punctuation errors, spelling, grammar, word order and sentence structure it saves the reader's time, and the style, organization and visual effect of the information help It establishes a good reputation, shows the positive image of the article and his or her organization, regards the reader as a person, not a number, and consolidates the good relationship between the author and the reader ‰ I hope we all have good business communication skills.







