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英语topic话题范文模板 第1篇

Our college is located in the northern suburbs. But the transportation is convenient and the environment is pleasant. There is a small mountain behind the university campus. Not far from her. The campus is a big lake, and we often go swimming there on Sundays.

There are FIMR teaching buildings and five restaurants on campus. The classroom is big and bright. Each classroom is sufficient for 60 students to study inside. Behind the Bishops Building is the college library, where teachers and students are busy borrowing and returning books every day. I usually go there once a week to borrow and return books.

Our college life is rich and interesting. On the one hand, we have many experienced teachers, sufficient books, scientific instruments, and equipment to help us with our learning. On the other hand, we are encouraged to participate in many university activities, such as seminars, gatherings, lectures, sports events, factory visits, etc. Basketball and volleyball matches are held almost every week.

In short, studying in our college is a great honor, so students will remember their alma mater after graduation.





英语topic话题范文模板 第2篇



Personal information

范文Dear Mr. Smith,I'm Li Hua, a student from Hongxing Middle 'm writing to apply for the position of volunteer you advertised on China experience has made me a qualified volunteer for your activity. First, I'm not only fluent in English but alsohave a good sense of cross-cultural communication, which enables me to provide a good service. Second, I am familiar with the history of the ancient Silk Road and know many stories about it. Third, as an outgoing member of the Students' Union, I have gained much experience in organizing social activities. In a word, I think I wouldn't let you down if I were given this opportunity. Looking forward to your early , Li Hua亲爱的史密斯先生,我叫李华,是红星中学的学生。我写信是想应聘你们之前刊登在《中国日报》上提到的志愿者职位。我有足够的经验,能担任该活动的合格志愿者。首先,我不仅英语流利,而且有良好的跨文化交际意识,这使我能够提供良好的服务。第二,我熟悉古代丝绸之路的历史,知道很多相关的故事。第三,作为一个外向的学生会成员,我有很多组织社会活动的经验。总之,我认为如果我有这个机会,我不会让你失望。期待您的早日回复。祝好!你的,李华


Family,friends and people around

范文Dear Peter,I'm Li Hua. Learning that you want to learn Mandarin and are in search of a teacher, I'd like to recommend my friend Li Ming to Ming is a 20-year-old young man who studies in Zhejiang University, majoring in Chinese. Not only can he speak Standard Mandarin, but also he is able to speak fluent English. Having been the winner of both English and Chinese speech contests several times, he was awarded the Image Ambassador of his university. So with a good command of English, he surely has no difficulty in communicating with you. And when knowing that you want someone to help you with Mandarin, he is quite willing to offer would appreciate it if you could take my recommendation into consideration. Yours truly,Li Hua亲爱的彼得,我是李华。得知你想学中文,正在找老师,我想向你推荐我的朋友李明。李明是一个 20 岁的年轻人,在浙江大学学习中文。他不仅能说一口标准的普通话,而且能说一口流利的英语。曾多次获得英语和汉语演讲比赛的冠军,并被授予“学校形象大使”的称号。正因为有良好的英语水平,所以他和你交流不会有什么困难。如果你需要的话,他会很乐意帮你的。如果您能考虑我的建议,我将不胜感激。你的朋友,李华


Personal environments

范文Dear Sir or Madam,I'm Li Hua, an exchange student from China. Having learned that you're looking for volunteers to monitor the water quality of the river, I'd like to be one of them. In my hometown, my family have lived on a river for decades. I know how important the river is to people. The river to us is what milk to a baby. That is why I'm willing to join you in helping protect the river from being polluted through monitoring its water quality. I promise I will spare no effort to do the job and do it would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity to do something for us all. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely,Li Hua尊敬的先生或女士:我是李华,一名来自中国的交换生。得知你们正在寻找志愿者来监测这条河的水质,我想加入你们。在我的家乡,我的家人已经在河边生活了几十年。我知道这条河对人们是多么重要。这条河对我们来说就像牛奶对婴儿一样。这就是为什么我愿意和你们一起,通过监测河流的水质来保护河流不受污染。我保证我将不遗余力地做好这项工作。如果您能给我机会,让我为大家做点什么,我将不胜感激。期待您早日回复。你的朋友,李华


Daily routines

范文Dear Peter,I'm glad that you will come to study in our school as an exchange want to learn about our daily life in school. I'd like to take Monday for boarding school students, we get up at 5:40 am, doing morning running and reading until 7:00 am. Four classes, Chinese, Maths, Physics and English, are arranged from 7:40 to 12:00. There are three classes lasting from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm. School is over at 5:00 pm, which is the time to throw ourselves into the after-school activities, like doing sports or reading in the library. At night, having finished our homework, we will stay in the dormitory, sweeping, washing clothes and chatting. Then, we'll go to bed before 10:00 we are busy, we feel fulfilled at school every day. Yours truly,Li Hua亲爱的彼得,我很高兴你作为交换生来我们学校学习,在这里我就以星期一为例,让你了解一下我们在学校的日常生活。作为寄宿学校的学生,我们早上 5 点 40 起床,开始晨跑和早读,一直到早上 7 点。语文、数学、物理和英语四节课安排在 7:40 到 12:00。下午 14:00 到 17:00 有三节课。下午 17:00 放学,之后就到了我们课外活动的时间,如做运动或在图书馆阅读。晚上,做完作业,我们会呆在宿舍、扫地、洗衣服、聊天。然后,我们在晚上 10 点前睡觉。虽然我们很忙,但我们每天都很充足。你的朋友,李华


School life

范文Today, a high school delegation from the UK came to our school to have a cultural exchange activity, which offered us a good opportunity to learn more about each first, we showed the delegation around our cultural corridor where pictures and art works about Chinese and English culture were exhibited. Thena cultural lecture was held at the lecture hall, during which students from both countries introduced the development of their own culture. Finally, the art performance that represented Chinese and English culture turned out to be the highlight of the the cultural exchange activity, we have enhanced the understanding of different cultures and promoted the friendship between the two schools.今天,一个来自英国的高中代表团来到我们学校进行文化交流活动,这给了我们一个很好的机会去了解彼此。首先,我们带领代表团参观了我们的文化走廊,那里展出了中国和英国文化的图片和艺术作品。随后在报告厅举行了一场文化讲座,来自两国的学生介绍了各自文化的发展。最后,代表中、英两国文化的艺术表演成为活动的亮点。通过文化交流活动,我们增进了对不同文化的了解,增进了两校之间的友谊。


Interests and hobbies

范文Dear Peter, How are you doing? Knowing that you are interested in astronomy, I'm writing to invite you to attend a lecture on astronomy given by Mr Green, a professor in a famous three hour lecture will start at 8:30 am on Thursday next week in the lecture hall. Mr Green will not only talk about how life began on the Earth, but also introduce some great astronomers as well as the great achievements they have addition, there will be a question-and-answer period when we can ask Mr Green any questions about astronomy. I believe we can learn more about astronomy from the lecture. Looking forward to your sincerely,Li Hua亲爱的彼得,你好吗?得知你对天文学感兴趣,我写信是想邀请你去听一位著名大学教授格林先生关于天文学的讲座。讲座将于下周四上午 8:30 在报告厅开始,持续三小时。格林先生不仅会讲述地球上生命是如何开始的,而且还将介绍一些伟大的天文学家以及他们所取得的伟大成就。此外,还有一个问答环节,我们可以向格林先生提问任何有关天文学的问题。我相信我们可以从讲座中学到很多关于天文学的知识。期待你的到来。你的朋友,李华



范文Hi, Painful,The problem you are facing is quite common among us teenagers. As a student of your age, I quite understand you, and I have some advice for , you should understand that your parents care about you. They often compare you with others perhaps because they want to let you be aware of your disadvantages and help you become better. If you don't like it, you can tell them about your feeling, saying that you feel stressed out. Secondly, you can tell them that you have the confidence to improve yourself in some areas. And meanwhile, let them know that you want to be yourself. I believe your parents can understand you and make some what I said above can be of some help to you. Yours, Li Hua嗨,痛苦,你所面临的问题在青少年中很普遍。作为同为这个年龄的学生,我很理解你并有一些建议给你。首先,你应该明白,你的父母关心你,经常拿你和别人比较,也许是因为他们想让你意识到自己的缺点,帮助你变得更好。如果你不喜欢,你可以告诉他们你的感受,说你感到压力很大。其次,你可以告诉他们,你有信心在某些方面提高自己。同时,让他们知道你想做你自己。我相信你的父母能理解你,并做出一些改变。希望我上面所说的对你有所帮助。你的朋友,李华


Pinterpersonal relationships

范文Dear Mike,I quite sympathize with you and understand how you feel. To help you save your friendship, here is my advice. To begin with, having been friends with him for so many years, you should trust him. Maybe something happened to him or his family. He probably doesn't want you to get involved in it. So it may be a good idea to give him some time to be alone. Finally, you can ask another friend to help find out the reason, which is the key to solving the problem. I hope these suggestions are helpful and that you and Tom are on good terms as before. Yours truly,Li Hua 亲爱的迈克,我很同情你,也理解你的感受。为了帮助你挽救你的友谊,下面有几个建议。首先,和他做了这么多年的朋友,你应该相信他。也许他或他的家人出事了,他可能不想让你卷入其中。所以一个好办法是给他一些独处的时间。最后,问题的关键是,你可以请另一个朋友帮忙找出原因。我希望这些建议对你有帮助,希望你和汤姆像以前一样相处得很好。你的朋友,李华


Plans and intentions

范文Dear Alex,I'm glad to learn from your letter that you're going to pay a visit to Beijing 'd like to be your guide and give my suggestions for your two-day trip the morning of the first day, I suggest we climb the Great Wall, which is famous all over the world. After lunch, we can enjoy the Bird's Nest and the Water Cubic where the 2008 Olympics was held. Next day, I recommend we go sightseeing in the Peking University and Tsinghua University, the two most noted universities in China. We'd better visit the Forbidden City in the afternoon, so you can appreciate the splendid royal 'd be happy if my suggestions are helpful to you. And I'm looking forward to your sincerely,Li Hua亲爱的亚历克斯,我很高兴从你的信中得知你最近要来北京访问。我愿意做你的向导,给你两天的旅行提些建议。在第一天的早上,我建议去爬世界著名的长城。午餐后,我们可以欣赏 2008 举办奥运会的鸟巢和水立方。第二天,我推荐去参观中国最著名的两所大学——北京大学和清华大学。下午最好去参观故宫,这样你就能欣赏到富丽堂皇的皇宫了。如果我的建议对你有帮助,我会很高兴。期待着你的到来。你的朋友,李华


Festival,holidays and celebrations

范文Dear Peter,With Chinese New Year drawing near, I'd like to invite you to celebrate it at my New Year is regarded as one of the most important festivals in my country. On the New Year's Eve, families and relatives will gather together to have a big dinner. When it comes to the reunion dinner, people often think of dumplings. But actually, the reunion dinner is usually served with abundant foods, such as fish, chicken, beef aswell as many other dishes. Some foods can have special meanings expressing people's good wishes for the coming new my family will be excited about your coming. I'm sure you'll have a good time with forward to your truly,Li Hua 亲爱的彼得,随着中国新年的临近,我想邀请你来我家庆祝。中国新年被认为是我国最重要的节日之一。在除夕夜,家人和亲戚会聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。说到团圆饭,人们经常想到饺子。但实际上,团圆饭通常有丰富的食物,如鱼、鸡、牛肉以及许多其他菜肴,一些具有特殊意义的食物用来表达人们对新年的美好祝愿。我全家都会为你的到来而兴奋。我相信你会和我们玩得很开心的。期待你的到来。你的朋友,李华



范文Dear that our library is going to buy books,I'd like to offer some we need most are popular science books. Usually popular science books explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific addition to reading for knowledge,we read for fun and inspiration. That is why I recommend another category of books:literary works,written by masters,present great thoughts through fascinat ing language and not only offer us joy and excitement,but also encourage us to think 'll be glad if you can consider my sincerely,Li Hua亲爱的王先生,知道我们图书馆将要新购一批书籍,我想对此提出一些建议。我们最需要的是科普书。科普书籍一般以简单有趣的方式解释自然的基本原理,能帮助我们更好地理解科学,激发我们对科学的好奇心。除了为知识而阅读,我们还为了乐趣和灵感而阅读。这也是我推荐另一类书籍的原因:文学书籍。写经典作品的大师们,通过迷人的语言和故事表达伟大的思想。它们不仅给我们带来欢乐,而且鼓励我们批判性思考。如果您能考虑我的建议,我会很高兴。你的朋友,李华


Food and drink

范文Welcome to “Mum's Restaurant”. We are making every effort to offer you various dishes, which are perfect in color, aroma and taste. The dishes we prepare are not only delicious, but also rich in the vegetables we buy on the market are planted on the organic farm and the meat is also fresh, which guarantees the quality of the particular, we don't use any nonfood additives. What's more, recently we promote some special dishes and you will be given a 15 percent discount on them. We promise that you have never had such delicious dishes before. Come and try, and you will not regret!欢迎光临“妈妈餐厅”。我们努力为您提供色香味俱全的各种菜肴。我们做的菜不仅美味,而且营养丰富。为了保证菜的质量,我们在市场上购买的蔬菜都是种植在有机农场的,肉类也是新鲜的。特别是,我们不使用任何非食品添加剂。更重要的是,最近我们推出了一些特别的菜,会有 15% 的折扣。我们保证你从来没有吃过这么美味的菜。来试试吧,你不会后悔的!



范文Nowadays, many students go to school without having of them buy the fried food served by the small food stalls at the school gate, which will do harm to their health in the long run. In order to solve this problem, our school works out a healthy breakfast plan together with the students' parents. Every morning from now on, our school canteen provides students with different kinds of healthy food. This plan guarantees that every student can have breakfast in time. On behalf of the Students'Union, I call on every student to have healthy breakfast regularly, so as to benefit your health as well as your study.现在有许多学生不吃早餐就去上学;还有一些人在学校门口的小吃摊上买油炸食品,这从长远来对他们的健康有害。为了解决这个问题,我们学校和学生的父母一起制定了一个健康的早餐计划。从现在开始,我们学校食堂每天早上都会为学生提供各种各样的健康食品。这个计划保证每个学生都能按时吃早餐。我代表学生会,呼吁每个学生定期吃健康的早餐,这样有利于你的健康和学习。



范文Dear Albert,I'm glad to know that you're planning to visit our city and now I'd like to tell you something about , the capital city of Sichuan Province, is located at the western edge of the Sichuan Basin and the climate here is pleasant all year round. With abundant natural resources, it is the birthplace of Sichuan cuisine, in which the Sichuan pepper is the most unique and important spice. Besides, there are many tourist attractions worth visiting. For example, the Dujiangyan, an irrigation system constructed by the State of Qin, contributes to the agricultural development of addition, Chengdu is home to giant pandas and I'm sure you will fall in love with forward to your Hua亲爱的艾伯特,我很高兴知道你计划参观我的家乡,现在我想告诉你一些关于它的事情。成都,是四川省的省会城市,位于四川盆地的西部边缘,这里终年气候宜人,自然资源丰富。它都是川菜的发源地,而川椒则是川菜最独特、最重要的香料。此外,这里还有许多值得参观的旅游景点。如,一个秦国建造,为成都的农业发展做出了贡献的灌溉系统——都江堰。此外,成都还是大熊猫的故乡,我相信你会爱上它们的。期待你的到来。你的朋友,李华


Entertainment and sports

范文Dear Jay,How is everything going? Knowing that you are also a fan of Jay Chou, I would like to invite you to go to his concert in our city on Thursday Chou is a famous Chinese pop singer, whose Blue and White Porcelain is one of my favorite songs. I recommended it to you before, and you said you liked it. Besides, you said you also liked his unique voice. I believe the concert will be a perfect chance to enjoy his music and know more about wonder if it will be convenient for you to meet me at the school gate at six . this Thursday. I would appreciate it if you could go with me sincerely,Li Hua 亲爱的杰,一切都好吗?知道你也是周杰伦的粉丝,我想邀请你周四晚上去我们城市听他的演唱会。周杰伦是中国著名的流行歌手,他的《青花瓷》是我最喜欢的歌曲之一。我以前向你推荐过,你说你喜欢。另外,你说你也喜欢他独特的声音。我相信音乐会将是一个欣赏他音乐和了解他的完美机会。我想知道这个星期四下午六点你是否方便在学校门口接我。如果你能和我一起去,我会很感激。你的朋友,李华


Travel and transport

范文Dear Tom, Believe it or not, now I'm writing to share my traveling experience in Guilin with 's in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, famous for its mountains and waters. I have been here for five days, during which time not only did I enjoy the fascinating scenery like the magical terraces, unique mountains and clear rivers, but also I tried the traditional weaving of Zhuang people. What impressed me most was the spectacular folk-song-singing competition on the Lijiang River, which attracted thousands of visitors and enjoys a world-wide reputation for its beautiful scenery, so it's well worth visiting. I dare say a foreigner failing to Guilin hasn't really been to China. I strongly recommend you visit it after finishing your study. Yours truly,Jack 亲爱的汤姆,信不信由你,现在我要和你分享我在桂林的旅行经历。它位于中国广西壮族自治区,以山水闻名。我在这里已经五天了,在这五天里,我不仅欣赏了神奇的梯田、独特的山川和清澈的河流等迷人的风景,还尝试了壮族的传统编织。给我印象最深的是漓江上壮观的民歌比赛,吸引了成千上万的游客和当地人。桂林以其美丽的风景享誉世界,所以很值得一游。我敢说,没去过桂林的外国人就没有真正去过中国。我强烈建议你完成学业后去参观。你的朋友,杰克


Language learning

范文Dear Mr. Smith,I'm writing to invite you to bethe judge of the coming English film dubbing competition in our inspire us to learn English and improve our speaking ability, an English film dubbing competition is to be held at two o'clock this Friday afternoon in the school hall. Competitors will show their talents for imitation and the exact understanding of the characters in the film. You've been the judge of such competitions for several times and have much experience. So we would be honored to have you with us in the competition. Please drop me a line to let me know your 're looking forward to your coming.Yours, Li Hua亲爱的史密斯先生,我写信是想邀请你担任我们学校即将举行的英语电影配音比赛的评委。为了激励我们学习英语,提高我们的口语能力,英语电影配音比赛将于本周五下午两点在学校礼堂举行。参赛选手将展示他们的模仿才能,以及对电影角色的准确理解。你曾多次担任此类比赛的评委,经验丰富。所以如果你能和我们一起参加比赛,我们感到万分荣幸。请写信告诉我你的决定。期待着你的到来。你的朋友,李华



范文Hello, everyone,I'm honored to show you around Dujiangyan tomorrow. To help you have a knowledge of it, I'd like to make a brief introduction to , with a long history of over 2000 years, is an ancient irrigation system situated in the Chengdu Plain, Sichuan Province. Once the plain was often flooded by the Min River which rushed down from the Min mountains. Therefore, Li Bing, one of the governors for the state of Qin, together with his son, headed the construction of the irrigation system, Dujiangyan. It not only acts as a way to prevent flood and irrigate the crops but also a kind of transportation. Now it's listed as a World Heritage Site as well as a AAAAA tourist attraction. Meanwhile, it's the oldest irrigation system in the world that is still in use today. I bet that your visiting it in person will leave you a wonderful , Li Hua大家好,我很荣幸明天带你们参观都江堰。为了帮助你们了解它,我想在这里做一个简单的介绍。都江堰位于四川省成都市平原,是一个有着 2000 多年悠久历史的古老灌溉系统。从前,平原经常被从岷山奔流而下的岷江淹没。因此,秦国的一位官员李冰和他的儿子主持了都江堰灌溉系统的建设。它不仅是一种防止洪水和灌溉农作物的方法,也是一种交通工具。现在它被列为世界文化遗产和 AAAAA 级旅游景点。同时,它是世界上至今仍在使用的最古老的灌溉系统。我相信你们参观后,一定会有个美好的印象。你的朋友,李华


The world and environment

范文Hello, Tom,How are you doing?I'm honored to be invited to my foreign teacher's this weekend. Invited to pay a visit to a foreigner for the first time, I'm worried that some of my manners may appear impolite in her eyes due to cultural difference. So I'm asking for your you please tell me some rules of etiquette needed to obey? As a student of hers, I think it's good manners to bring a gift for her. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me what kind of present I should take. Additionally, do you think it's necessary for me to dress up for the visit?Under your guidance, I believe I will have a good time. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours truly,Li Hua你好,汤姆,最近好吗?我很荣幸这个周末被邀请到自己外教家做客。因为第一次被邀请去拜访一个外国人,所以我担心由于文化差异,自己的一些举止可能在她的眼中显得不礼貌。因此我需要征求你的建议。你能告诉我一些需要遵守的礼仪规则吗?作为她的学生,我认为给她带礼物是最基本的礼仪。如果你能告诉我应该带什么样的礼物,我将不胜感激。另外,你认为我有必要打扮一下去拜访吗?有你的建议,我会很开心。期待你早日回复。你的朋友,李华


Popular science and modern technology

范文Science and Technology Influence LifeAs we can see, science and technology have been deeply influencing our life. Take our school for there are several HD-cameras monitoring the whole campus in case of emergency or school bullying. At meal time, we can watch TV news in the dinning hall, learning the latest international and domestic only can our teachers use multimedia equipment to make their classes more lively, but also they can mark papers on the computer, which greatly improves the efficiency of , we can do many things conveniently, such as paying by Alipay, getting food by card, going to school by shared bike and so on. In a word, it is the development of science and technology that makes such a comfortable and convenient life available to us.科学技术影响生活正如我们所看到的,科学技术已经深深地影响了我们的生活。以我们学校为例:现在有几个 HD-camera 监控整个校园,以防发生紧急情况或校园欺凌事件。吃饭的时候,我们可以在餐厅里看电视新闻,学习最新的国际和国内事件。我们的老师不仅可以使用多媒体设备让课堂更生动,而且可以在电脑上批改作业,这也大大提高了工作效率。此外,我们做事情也变得方便,如支付宝支付、用校园卡购买食物、骑自行车上学等等。总而言之,正是科技的发展使我们能够拥有如此舒适、方便的生活。


Topical issues

范文Hello, Steven,Knowing that you are a true fan of Wu Jing, I'd like to invite you to join me in watching a movie starred by latest film Wolf Warriors 2 will be on at Guangming Cinema on October 27, 2017. The action movie tells the story of a military man named Leng Feng. He was dismissed by his troops. Then he was determined to spend the rest of his life wandering on the sea. However, by accident, he got involved in a war in Africa. The action scenes in Wolf Warriors 2 are said to be more thrilling than those in Wolf Warriors and I bet it will be a visual feast for the audience. Hoping you can enjoy it with me and looking forward to your early truly,Li Hua 你好,史蒂文,我知道你是吴京的忠实粉丝,所以想邀请你一起看一部吴京主演的电影。他的最新电影《战狼 2》将于 2017 年 10 月 27 日在光明影院上映。这部动作片讲述了一个叫冷峰的军人的故事。他被部队开除了。于是,他决心在海上漂泊,度过余生。然而,一次偶然的机会,他卷入了非洲的一场战争。据说《战狼 2》的动作场面比《战狼》更刺激,我敢打赌这将是一场视觉盛宴。希望你能和我一起去看,期待你早日回复。你的朋友,李华


History and geography

范文Hello everyone,I'm Li Hua, a student from Class One, Senior 's my honor to be here to talk about protecting cultural relics. As is known to us all, cultural relics are treasures that our ancestors created for the whole nation. They are meaningful and valuable to all of us. Once destroyed, they will never come back. Therefore, it's our responsibility to protect them. What should we do to protect cultural relics? On the one hand, I think we should improve people's awareness of protecting them, letting them know that destroying cultural relics means destroying our culture. On the other hand, every one of us should live by a principle that by no means will we sell or buy cultural a word, let's make efforts to protect cultural relics together. That's all. Thanks for listening!大家好,我叫李华,是高三一班的学生。我很荣幸在这里和大家讨论保护文物。众所周知,文物是我们的祖先为整个国家创造的财富。它们对我们所有人都是有意义、有价值的。文物一旦被摧毁,就再也不会回来了。因此,保护它们是我们的责任。我们应该做些什么来保护文物?一方面,我认为应该提高人们保护文物的意识,让他们知道破坏文物意味着破坏我们的文化。另一方面,我们每个人都应该本着这样的原则生活:我们绝不出售或购买文物。总之,让我们一起努力保护文物。谢谢聆听!



英语topic话题范文模板 第3篇

Earth, this water blue planet world draped in a white veil, is the only home that we humans rely on for survival. But as humans, we have been extensively damaging the ecological environment of the Earth for the sake of resource development.

Water is the milk of Mother Earth, the source of life, and a good friend of humans and animals... Everywhere in the world, there is water, streams, rivers, rivers, seawater, the vast Yangtze River, the rippling Baotu Spring, the colorful East China Sea, and so on. However, many clear and magnificent waters no longer exist. Why? Because of human destruction of nature! Water is one of the victims. According to statistics, all small factories in a factory area can discharge approximately 800-1000 tons of wastewater per day, which is a surprising number. Many sewage pipes are connected to streams and rivers, and sewage is directly discharged into clear rivers through these pipes. The harmful substances in the wastewater and the chemical synthesis elements of humans can greatly harm the fish in the water, causing them to be poisoned or even die! At the same time, humans throw foul smelling garbage into rivers, lakes, and seas everywhere. Many marine creatures treat garbage bags as delicious food, but once they swallow plastic bags, their esophagus will be blocked, making them unable to eat and ultimately having to accept the fate of passing away.

Air is an essential element in human life. Without air, there would be no humans, no animals or plants in the world. But now, the air is being eroded and polluted bit by bit. Who is the main culprit? Yes, its human. Fire, industry, transportation, and oil smoke emissions all pollute the fresh and sweet air, turning it into harmful air. If humans inhale harmful air into their bodies, it can cause various diseases. And it will also affect the animals, so we humans can only suffer on our own.

So, lets call on all humanity to protect the ecological environment! Human beings belong to nature, but nature does not belong to humans. Nature is the true and rightful ruler of this world. We cannot harm nature. Water, we must protect it, love it, and never let a drop of sewage flow into the once poetic, clean and pure river. We must not let animals who rely on water as their home be disturbed. We also need to save water and not let water alone cry silently. Air, we also need to cherish it. Take care of it like you treat your own child, the air will be destroyed, and humanity will eventually come to an end. Lets stop polluting the air, protect it, purify it, and use the technology that makes humans proud now to govern it! Let nature and technology become the kings of the world at the same time, and make Earth the most beautiful planet in the universe!

Protecting the environment, starting from every drop around us.






英语topic话题范文模板 第4篇

The above bar chart shows the results of a report concerning the ideal career standards of most university students. Based on the data offered, steadiness, high salary and comfortable environment are highly acclaimed by students. What is reflected in the chart is most thought-provoking and worth discussing among the general public for the time being.

The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows. To begin with, the spirit of challenge is missing among most university students. As is indicated in the chart above, the majority of students regard steadiness as their top ideal career standard. The very fact shows that now most university students lack the confidence and courage to face hardships and difficulties in terms of work. Whats more, most students are money-oriented and self-centered. Therefore, high income and comfortable environment are viewed as the most important factors in terms of their standards, which indicates most people lack the spirit of serving the people and rewarding the society. In short, the employment ideal of university students needs to be adjusted.

In my view, some necessary measures should be taken to establish new ideal occupation standards among university students. For one thing, a widespread education campaign must be launched to popularize correct employment concepts. For another, a healthy social environment should be created so as to guide the development of students mind. Only in these ways can university students find their ideal jobs in our harmonious society.




英语topic话题范文模板 第5篇

I’d rather have the university assign a roommate to share a room with me. As far as I’m concerned, this is part of the university experience. Students should meet new people and be open to new experiences. I like leaving this up to chance.

Actually, even though the university will choose, it’s not totally a matter of chance. We all filled out information sheets. The school knows what we’re majoring in, what our interests are, and our study habits and our goals. I think they’re probably very good at matching roommates using this information. They’ve had a lot of practice. Besides, if a mistake is made, I can change my room assignment next semester.

If I did want to choose my own roommate, I’d first pick some candidates from the list supplied by the university. Then I’d write to them and they’d write back. Through our letters, we’d find out if we shared common interests, such as sports or movies. More importantly, we’d find out if we like doing the same things in our free time. Because my investigation, I’d probably get someone compatible with me. It’s a lot of work to go through, though. Besides, the process of finding similar interests isn’t all that different from what the university does.

Trying to predict whom I’m going to get along with is not a science. I might choose someone who sounds just like me and still find that the two of us just don’t get along as roommates. Besides, I think it would be boring to room with somebody who’s just the same as me. I’d rather be with someone who has different interests and likes to do different things. Maybe I’d even get a roommate from another culture. After all, one of the reasons I’m going to the university is to be exposed to a lot of new experiences. So, I’d rather have the university choose my roommate for me.





英语topic话题范文模板 第6篇

Bacteria are extremely small organisms. When we measure our own size in inches or centimeters, the size of bacteria is measured in micrometers. One micrometer is one thousandth of a millimeter: the diameter of the needle is about one millimeter.

The length of rod-shaped bacteria is usually 2-4 micrometers, while the diameter of circular bacteria is usually 1 micrometer. Therefore, if you magnify a circular bacterium a thousand times, it will only be the size of a needle. If an adult is enlarged to the same size, their height will exceed one mile ( kilometers).

Even with a regular microscope, you must observe carefully to see bacteria. Using a magnification of 100 times, it was found that bacteria can hardly see tiny rod-shaped or punctate shapes. People cannot recognize their structure. By using special stains, some bacteria can be seen attached to their bodies, resembling wavy _hair_ called flagella. The others only have one flagella. The flagella rotate, pushing bacteria through the water surface. Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move around on their own, while others can glide on the surface through some little-known mechanisms.

From the perspective of bacteria, the world is completely different from humans. Water is as sticky to bacteria as molasses are to us. Bacteria are too small and are influenced by the movement of surrounding chemical molecules. Bacteria under the microscope, even those without flagella, often bounce in water. This is because they collide with water molecules and are pushed back and forth. The molecules move so fast that within one tenth of a second, the molecules around the bacteria are replaced by new ones; Therefore, even bacteria without flagella will constantly adapt to constantly changing environments.





英语topic话题范文模板 第7篇

If I were to leave my home for a year, there is one thing I definitely would take with me: my cellphone. With my cell phone, I could call my friends or family if I ever was lonely, needed advice,or just wanted to talk.

If I were away from home for a year, I would be very lonely, especially in the beginning before Imade friends. If I could call my mother and father, I would hear their familiar voices and I wouldnot feel so lonely. Hearing my friends’ voices would also help me overcome my sadness.

I’ve never been on my own so there are many things I am not familiar with. I’ve never opened abank account, got a driver’s license, or made my own food. If I had to cook chicken orsomething, I could call up my mother and she could tell me how to make dinner.

Sometimes, I may just want to talk in my own language. With my cell phone, I could call myfriends and tell them about my new life. This would make them jealous of me. I would call thema lot so they could hear all the wonderful things I am doing.

For me a cell phone is a necessity. I would need it anytime I was lonely, anytime I needed to dosomething I didn’t know how to do, and anytime I just wanted to talk. Of course, the phone billwill be sent to my parents.






英语topic话题范文模板 第8篇

Skiing is a popular activity among young people. It provides answers that young people generally seek. Skiers can enjoy the thrill of sliding down sparkling white slopes at astonishing speed. Usually, after instantly coloring, they must avoid trees, tree stumps, and rocks - or find themselves suddenly scattering in the snow. If their skills exceed the average level, they can perform thrilling jumps and jumps in the air, which will also bring joy to the audience.

Indeed, this behavior carries risks, but it is a risk that young people enjoy. In addition, skiing is beneficial for health. When skiers trek on mountain roads or ski on deep snowy slopes, it provides a eerie feeling and is usually very laborious. The best skiers know that they need strong muscles to successfully control their skis, so they practice to maintain their physical health. Another desirable feature is that no matter where skiers gather, they usually form friendships.

Friendship rapidly develops on slopes and in nearby shelters, where skiers can find food, warmth, and rest. Their daily experience and youthfulness easily attract these people together and make them happy companions.




英语topic话题范文模板 第9篇

This picture is really thought provoking. As is vividly shown in the above picture, a book is lying above the grass and beautiful flowers. Beside it, there is a topic thatsays:“reading”. There is no denying that the picture implies that reading is of utmost importance to us.

Considering every aspect of it, we may attribute its significance to three factors. First of all, reading can broaden our horizon, widen our knowledge and eich our experience. Besides, reading is to success what water is to a fish. It can put us in a favorable position in the job market. Last but not least, if all of us are willing to read more and extensively, our society will be more progressive and prosperous.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that reading is indispensable in our daily life. Therefore, the mass media, such as television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to enhance our awareness of reading. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future and a beautiful world.



英语topic话题范文模板 第10篇

As is portrayed in the picture, a boiling hotpot contains various forms of both domestic and alien cultures. The hodgepodge could be categorized as a mixture of literature, moral values and performing arts. It reveals to us that our modern culture is netplicated and diverse.

I cannot help relating this picture to reality and wondering why this happened in reality. For one thing, the globalization has made it possible that the cultures from all over the world can meet and mix together and we can enjoy the benefits of alien cultures without going abroad. For another, the harmonious coexistence between the traditions and modern cultures gives us a rich identity and spiritual wealth.

What is right attitude we should take toward the phenomenon? First of all, we should get lost in face of the diverse cultures and values. We must remember we must preserve our own national and local cultures in which we take root. Secondly, in the mixture of cultures and values we must learn to distinguish the good from the harmful. We should absorb the nutritious good cultures and values but at the same time we must defend ourselves against the danger of being polluted by the bad cultures and values.




英语topic话题范文模板 第11篇

This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture. The old grandma, when alive, was fed poorly with a bowl of rice for every meal. In contrast, after her death, there is a memorial tablet set up for her, in front of which is a table of delicacies as tributes. Apparently, the grandma’s children merely want to show off how well they treat their mother while they were actually ingrates.

Ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon is not rare in today’s society. For one thing, enormous economic development brings not only wealth, but also the public obsession for material possessions, individual gain and loss which undermines the once sacred bond between parents and children. For another, people seem to be fond of boasting off how they abide by traditions through holding grand funerals for their parents. As a matter of fact, some even compete about the extravagance of the event.

I contend that those who practice as the picture reveals miss the essence and deep values of our traditions. Filial piety should not be expressed via superficial “performance”, but via children’s genuine care and love for their parents. Thinking about how parents have taken care of us when we were babies in cradles, we should realize that they all need due attention when aging.





英语topic话题范文模板 第12篇

Book Knowledge vs. Experience

Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books.

In this way, we wont repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements.

Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not.

In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.






英语topic话题范文模板 第13篇

How concise but thought-provoking the picture is! What is clearly depicted in the picture is that a boy,sitting in front of a computer, is selecting courses through the system of selecting courses, who takes a considerable number of factors into consideration ,which include the emphasis of innovation, the updating of knowledge and the level of difficulty as well as the scoring, the qualified rate and burden of assignment. Apparently,it is how to make the best courses for college students that is what the author intends to convey to us.

It is not uncommon to find that with the development of society and economy,the competition is becoming increasingly intense and the updating of knowledge is getting quicker and some courses are easy to learn and get high scores,it may be out of addition ,it has been universally acknowledged that the awareness of innovation will not only be beneficial to our personal growth and success but also contribute to the development and progress of society and economy ,which is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants

to achieve success should ,the courses stressing innovation should be , the way to success is full of obstacles and hardships. Anyone who is eager to get successful must realize that there is no shortcut to success at all because all achievements come from laborious trial and effort. Accordingly ,young students are supposed to choose some courses with great difficulties to improve their abilities.

After what we have discussed above,we can reasonably come to the conclusion that whatever the prospect is,however difficult the situation is,we ,young students ,should have the courage to face difficulties ,be willing to absorb new knowledge and cultivate the consciousness of am strongly convinced that only by doing so,can our promising future be guaranteed.




英语topic话题范文模板 第14篇

Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city. The city offers a wide choice of jobs for adults and schools for children. It also provides plenty of facilities for culture, entertainment and , department, stores, cinemas, and so on. Besides, transportation is usually well developed in the city, with a variety of modes of travel, including buses, trains and subways.

In the country, on the other hand, one can enjoy the advantages of fresh air and food, and a more relaxed life style. Housing is usually spacious and inexpensive in the country. And, as for recreation, what could be more relaxing than a stroll down a country lane amid beautiful scenery? However there are advantages to living in either the city or the country. City air tends to be polluted, and the streets are always crowded and noisy. In the country, on the other hand, the lack of stimulating activities can make a person feel bored and isolated.

All in all, I would say that living in the city is best, for the convenience the city offers in terms of education and work; after all, one can always spend vacations in the countryand get the best of both.




英语topic话题范文模板 第15篇

Environmental protection is a topic of global concern, and in recent years it has become a hot topic! Nowadays, it is related to our livelihood! It calls on every person on Earth to cherish their living environment and benefit future generations. Environmental protection starts from around us, from the hours around us!

When I was a child, I often saw blue skies and white clouds, filled with stars. When I was a child, the lake water was clear and transparent, with green trees providing shade. When I was a child, my clothes could be cleaned with just a wooden stick. When I was a child, I could eat all kinds of grains and grains with a delicious taste, and my body could still thrive.

When I was a child, I could smell the pungent smell of soil after the rain in the countryside. When I was a child, the weather was so regular, warm in winter and cool in summer. I miss my childhood so much, I miss that pure living environment so much.

But now everything has changed, and we must pay attention to the necessity of environmental protection. It is related to our living environment and whether our descendants can have a better living environment.

Now we have a clearer understanding of the significance of environmental protection, which is to better protect our planet from wanton destruction and uncontrolled use.

Every plant and tree in nature is closely related to us, and their destruction can also affect our human health and the changes in our living environment. Human beings should learn to coexist harmoniously with living beings, rather than arbitrarily logging and bullying them.

The resources of nature are not continuous, and we cannot overdevelop, overgraze, or open up wastelands. We must use them in moderation. In recent decades, the reduction of forest area in tropical countries has been very serious. At the current rate of forest area reduction, in 40 years, some Southeast Asian countries will never see a tree again.

Due to urbanization, agricultural development, deforestation, and environmental pollution, natural areas have become increasingly small, leading to the extinction of species. The extinction of species is highly likely to cause epidemics. Freshwater resources are also under threat, and water resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Due to overfishing, the fishery resources in the ocean are decreasing at a terrifying rate.

If we dont work together to protect the environment, we may lose the Earth we rely on for survival in a few years. Before its too late, lets start with our small things and try our best to do things within our capabilities, so that our children and descendants can also see the same blue sky and white clouds, so that they can also see such green mountains and waters! Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. We only have this kind of Earth. If we dont have this Earth in a few years, where can we go in the vast interstellar space? As long as we can start from small things, work together to protect our home, and let our planet, which we live on, come back to life. Only then can we survive here and live up to our future generations!










英语topic话题范文模板 第16篇

While utilizing the natural resources on Earth, humans also discharge a large amount of waste, causing serious damage to the ecological environment and turning the Earth into a _garbage ball_. What should we do? People began to reflect.

In order to protect the Earth we rely on for survival and make our homes more beautiful, people must do this: sort and recycle garbage.

Many of the waste in our lives can be utilized as resources in other settings. Garbage classification and recycling can turn waste into treasure. The recycling and utilization of waste paper, plastic, glass, and metal can all become valuable resources, reduce environmental pollution, and alleviate the pressure of garbage treatment. For example, white garbage - foam and plastic bags can become oil after treatment; Waste batteries can extract valuable metals; Waste paper can be used to produce recycled paper; Waste glass can be used to remanufacture glass; Fruit peels, vegetable residues, etc. can be used to make good organic fertilizers

In order to make Guangzhou more beautiful, garbage sorting requires everyone to participate together. But now many citizens are not very familiar with what garbage classification is, why it is necessary, and what benefits garbage classification has. I suggest that the government and various social forces must also strengthen their publicity and education efforts, such as distributing a booklet on garbage classification to each household, which lists the detailed classification of garbage. For example, waste paper, plastic, glass, metal, etc. are recyclable waste; Fruit peels, vegetable residues, etc. are organic waste; Waste batteries, lamps, etc. are hazardous waste. In this way, not only can it enhance the environmental awareness of citizens, but it can also make it clear to everyone how to classify garbage at a glance. In addition, one can also enter the community for publicity and education, implement garbage classification in households, and establish household records related to garbage classification; Organize community garbage classification training; Organize citizens to visit _Garbage and Environment Exhibition_, garbage sorting stations and landfills, and experience firsthand the harm that garbage causes to the environment; Organize more environmental volunteers to the community to promote garbage classification, publish a series of advertising posters on garbage classification, and hold garbage classification exhibitions; Through primary and secondary education, let children drive families; Organize media to track and report on units and communities that have done well in garbage classification, and provide publicity and encouragement to families and individuals who have done well in garbage classification; At the same time, it is also possible to consider using incentive mechanisms to encourage citizens to carry out garbage sorting. For example, the German government has adopted methods such as giving garbage bags to citizens to stimulate and ensure peoples initiative in garbage classification.

If everyone can have more environmental awareness when throwing garbage, then the whole society can be less troubled by garbage. Lets all take action and participate in the activity of garbage sorting and recycling!






英语topic话题范文模板 第17篇

The picture presents a touching sight to us. Two handicapped men are walking quite quickly by binding their disabled legs together and holding fast to each other’s shoulders, with their crutches left behind. What respectable persons they are! They have surpassed their own physical deficiency and explored a smoother and easier way of advancing by drawing strength and support from each other. Obviously, what is highlighted in the picture is cooperation.

In modern times, cooperation has become an efficient and effective way to solve many problems. To begin with, through cooperation, we can heighten our strength so as to accomplish the things that are impossible to be done only by one person. We all have our own limitations and with the fast development of science and technology, we are facing a world that is more and more sophisticated.

Therefore, we often need to combine others’ abilities and resources to gain success. What’s more, cooperation is not the simple addition but fusion of all partners’ strength. Making use of different members’ strong points, offsetting the weaknesses, supporting mutually and sharing resources with each other, we can then attain to a capacity that is much stronger than the sum of all partners.









