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托福tpo50独立写作范文 第1篇



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Teachers should not make their social or political views known to students in the classroom.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


It is indisputable that teachers play a pivotal role in teaching and guidance students in classes. They provide students a lot of precious knowledge which is very necessary for them in the future. However, should teacher show their social or political viewpoints to students? Each person has their own opinion toward this question. Some people approve it but others have the opposite one. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the latter that teachers should not make their social or political point of views in classes because it can reduce studying efficacy and influence viewpoints of students.

First and foremost, those teachers express their social or political opinions on the classes could reduce students’ studying efficiencies. In the classes, it is better for both teachers and students to focus on lectures and related problems. Teachers should discuss with students about

the lectures, share their researching or working experiences instead of talking about their political viewpoints. It definitely will increase the studying efficacy in the classes. Moreover, it also provides students a lot of real and valuable experiences. They could use these if they face difficulties when they work in the real environment. Indeed, when teachers show their point of views on the classes, it should be considered to waste time of students

Last but not least, when teachers make their social or political viewpoints known to students, they may influence students’ viewpoints. As a matter of fact, students usually do not have definite social or political standpoints. They are quite naive because they pay all their attention on studying and academic issues. Therefore, when teachers like showing their viewpoints, they may discuss or talk continuously about that issues. This really has an influence on the opinions of students, especially when their teachers’ opinions are biased. Additionally, this also prevents the free development of students. For instance, when my teacher usually express his disapproval about government, he makes us have the same opinions with him. Hence, most students of our class consider the policies or agreements of government are wrong or unsuitable without having any understanding about it. Obviously, the viewpoints of teachers have the potential to change the viewpoints of students

All in all, because when teachers manifest their social or political viewpoint on classes, it influences the studying effectiveness and students’ positions, I personally consider this is not a necessary work. I strongly recommend teachers concentrate on teaching and discussing academic-related issues on classes.



作为新托福写作考试的一大重点部分,独立写作要求考生在30分钟内完成一篇字数在300字左右的文章。而根据对ETS最新的评分标准的解读,我们发现阅卷者评判考生的文章遵循的原则是:“Readers should focus on what the examinee does well.”。这就意味着整个评分过程是考察考生表现出优点的过程,而并非对考生的文章吹毛求疵的过程。因此,即使是一篇满分的文章,也是允许考生有少量的错误。在本章中,写作组的专家将就独立写作部分的字数要求进行分析。

对于独立写作的字数要求,官方的说法是:“An effective response is typically about 300 words long. If you write fewer than 300 words,you may still receive a top score,but experience has shown that shorter responses typically do not demonstrate the development of ideas needed to earn a score of 5.”。可见,若想得到高分,考生最好能将文章写到300字以上,虽然有些文章字数不足但仍可得到满分,但是毕竟这种情况比较罕见,要充分对于考题展开论述,从而有利地支持文章观点,充足的字数是必须的。









1. 人山人海:有人直译为:People mountain people sea.

这就是「中国英文」,老外很难理解。他们指「人多」时,通常只说:「There is a large crowd of people.」如果看到电影院门前大排长龙,也只说:「There is (was) a long movie line.」

不过在诗词用语 (poetic expression) 里,老外也有使用:「a (the) sea of faces」,颇有咱们「人山人海」的味道。例如:

Looking out upon the sea of faces, Mr. A delivered a touching speech.(望着一片人山人海的听众, A先生发表一篇动人的演说。)

Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.(柯林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向他致意。)

可见,说话者通常要在台上或高处,才有「人海」的感觉。因此,可以说:I saw a sea of faces from the top of the building. 但在平地的人群中,就不说:「I saw the sea of faces.」也不说:「There is a sea of faces.」只说:「I saw a large crowd of people.」

2. 家家有本难念的经:有人译成:Every family cooking - pot has a black spot. (意思是:每个家庭的锅子都有黑色的污点)


Many families have skeletons in the closet. (许多家庭的衣柜里都有骨骸) (骨骸就是指家丑)


Every family has its own source of shame. (每个家庭都有自己的丑事)


Every family has its own problem.

3. 天下无不散的宴席:有人直译为:There are no feasts in the world which do not break up at last.


All good things come to an end. (意思是:所有好的事情,总有结束的一天。)


Eventually, all bosom friends will drift apart. (bosom friend 是指知心的好友)

4.平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚:有人照字直译为:When times are easy, we do not burn the incense,but when the trouble comes, we embrace the feet of the Buddha.


Worship God every day; not just in times of adversity. (要每天敬拜神,不是只在困难时。)


If you study hard every day, exams will not seem overwhelming. (如果你每天用功,考试就不会形成压力。)

5. 挂羊头,卖狗肉:有人照字直译为:He advertises mutton, but sells dog's flesh. 或 He hangs up a sheep's head at the shopfront and sells dog meat.


He applied bait-and-switch tactics in business. (他经商的策略是先引诱顾客来,再改变货物的品质。)

(Bait-and- switch 当名词用) (也可不用连字号)

This store uses bait and switch policy.


Let the buyer be aware! (让消费者提高警觉) ;或 Say one thing and do another.

6. 一言既出,驷马难追:有人译成:One word lets slip and four horses will fail to catch it. 或 A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses.


A word once let go cannot be recalled.


You can not take back what you have said. (你说出的话,就不能再收回来。)

7. 祸从口出,言多必失:有人译为:The mouth is the gate of misfortune and evil.


Careless talk leads to trouble. (不小心说话,会带来麻烦); 或 The less said the better. (说的愈少愈好)


Shut the mouth and open the eyes. (闭嘴少说,张眼多看。)











托福tpo50独立写作范文 第2篇

With the masses increase in affluence and awareness, college students tends to be spoiled with all kinds of well-equipped dorms. Private Jacuzzi, big screen TV set and even tanning salon are not rare on some college dorms. When it comes to the question of what the school should build in the dorm, I personally would say it is in the students’ best interest to build an entertainment room for the following reasons.

Admittedly, a quiet study room can provide a place for students to focus on their academic assignments and an exercising room affords them the opportunities to keep fit and stay in good shape, nonetheless, these facilities are redundant since an above-average university has at least one decent library and a recreation center for students and faculty members. Thus, it is not necessary to include such facilities in the campus dorms, and there are obvious benefits to build an entertainment room with home theater sets and video game consoles.

First off, an entertainment room provides students a chance to get away from busy life and study and switch off. As is known to all, college life can be overwhelming, students are constantly under lots of academic pressure, like presentations, group projects, final exams, so on and so forth. Barely do they have chance to release their pressure, fortunately with an entertainment room, they can watch movies or play video games together. As the saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Indeed, recent research on the correlation between leisure time and students’ academic performance conducted by National Association of Psychiatrists shows that a student with certain amount of time spent in doing entertainment activities are observed to have higher grade than those who don’t. Consequently, entertainment room helps to improve students’ academic performance.

Additionally, an entertainment room provides a chance for students to catch up with their peers and bond more with one another. When playing video games or watching movies together, not only can students escape from their busy schedule, but also they can get a chance to talk to other students who also live in the same dorm building. Students who happen to live in the same dorm might have totally different majors and areas of concentration, so connecting with each other can help students to gain more exposure in other fields. Plus, students can use their moments in the entertainment room to get to know others who are from different regions of the country or even from other part of the globe, by interacting with people who are from distinctive culture backgrounds students can broaden their horizons and have unique perspective on different things. Without an entertainment, students living on the same floor might be strangers for four years, which can be a nightmare.

In conclusion, it is more advisable for the university to build an entertainment room since it provides students a chance to switch off, and also students can catch up with their peers and bond more with one another.

托福独立写作真题满分范文 想要高薪但是工作时间长的工作吗

Would you prefer a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time.


托福tpo50独立写作范文 第3篇

Scientists are considering the possibility of sending humans to Mars in the coming decades. Although there have been successful manned missions to the Moon in the 1960s and 1970s, Mars is 150 times further away from Earth than the Moon is. Thus the project of sending humans to Mars would require solving an array of problems the Moon missions did not have to face.

One problem is that a round-trip to Mars and back is likely to take at least two years. The trip to the Moon lasted only a few days, and it was easy to bring enough supplies of food, water, and oxygen; but the cargo capacity of space vehicles is too limited to put on board the food, water, and oxygen required by a crew for a period of two years. Without those essentials, though, a Mars mission is impossible.

A second problem is that astronauts on the Mars mission would be in the zero-gravity environment of space for many months at a time. Spending a long time in the zero-gravity environment has negative effects on the human body, such as decreased muscle mass and lower bone density. Over the course of a two-year mission, the effects would be so severe, they would make it impossible for humans to make the trip without experiencing grave medical problems.

Finally, astronauts on a mission to Mars would be exposed to dangerous levels of space radiation, much of which comes in the form of charged particles emitted by the Sun. Earth’s magnetic field, which normally protects us from dangerous solar radiation, would not be able to protect a spaceship traveling in interplanetary space. Constructing a shield that would protect the whole spaceship from space radiation is at present impossible because it would add too much weight to the ship.

托福tpo50独立写作范文 第4篇

University courses lay a very solid academic foundation for the future development of college students. Facing the great selections of these courses, some say that history classes should be made compulsory for college students, for the reason that they could be more familiar with the advancement and evolution of human society. I disagree. I believe, despite minor merits, asking students of all majors to attend history classes would be problematic.

Initially, history courses would exert more academic pressure on students. College students have already had to study many theories and professional subjects related to their majors and their schedule is very tight. For example, a medical student is not only obliged to finish his professional papers for credit, but he also needs to find the opportunity to get clinical experience. Likewise, a student majoring in Marketing is required to read piles of books and analyze numerous business cases. Besides, working part-time in local companies to put theory into practice is what occupies most of their free time. Their load, therefore, is so heavy that they could not afford to take any irrelevant courses, such as history. In this case, universities should not add this course, because students would worry whether they are able to finish their assignment on time and how likely they would pass final examinations.

In addition, a required history course would lead to unnecessary financial costs for parents and students. To guarantee the quality of lecturing, colleges have to hire talented and senior history professors and experts, such as those from the best-known universities or history research institutes. This would increase the cost of schooling. Normally, a lecture given by a famous history professor costs over a thousand dollars, and these costs would be reflected in the tuition fee, which would increase students’ financial pressure. The case of my cousin Jeremy, a first-year physics student in the University of Hong Kong, illustrates this point. At the end of last semester, he was told to pay extra two thousand dollars for this year’s school fees because of the addition of a compulsory forty-hour course on World History on their syllabus. As this was hardly affordable for his family, they needed to take out a loan from a bank in the end.

Admittedly, taking history courses does have its merits. On the one hand, students could learn to prevent repeating the mistakes of the past. For instance, they would learn about the cause of the world wars and other bloody battles that claimed the lives of millions. On the other hand, students could also gain a better understanding of current issues by studying historical events. For example, by studying the American Revolution a student could be enlightened on the current world democracy. However, this knowledge could be acquired by other methods other than required courses; history seminars, TV documentaries and comparable books are all available options for students to learn about history.

托福tpo50独立写作范文 第5篇


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


As people regard education as an essential part of life more and more, where the educational budgets should be devoted to rises to a hot topic. Some people hold the view that money is supposed to be put into classes and libraries, while others believe that an equal amount of financial support should be given to sports and social activities at universities and colleges. From my perspective, sports and social activities make a complete campus life together with classes and libraries, so I firmly agree with the statement. First of all, playing sports makes a person healthy and energetic to face the future challenges. It can be seen everywhere that more and more students wear glasses, and too much reading along with facing computers for a long time makes it even worse. Then they may suffer from eye problems or other physical diseases. The only way of improving this case is to encourage them to take some time relaxing in sports. Furthermore, playing a ball game together is the best method to promote teamwork spirit. After a period of playing together, members will develop a way to solve problems and achieve their common goal. Therefore, sports strengthen one's body as well as enhance the spirit of teamwork. Besides, social activities can help foster abilities that students cannot gain during classes or self-studying. Though being smart and diligent, some students are called pedants because of not being able to exchange ideas with others freely. Only if a person is equipped with knowledge and is capable of expressing it can he become competent. So, it is significant for them to take part in social activities with the aim of lifting their communication skills. When pedants are forced to talking with others, it's a great chance for them to make new friends and express their thoughts, which may be an opportunity for their future career. Last but not the least is that the places provided for sports and social activities are in need of money. It is common that the school will spend a large sum of money to purchase updated books and facilities to fulfill the requirements of classes and libraries. However, finding a suitable place to play sports or hold social activities is always hard. Take my university as an example, if I want to read a book, I can easily find a seat in the library, but if I want to run for half an hour, the crowded gym will just turn me into a upset mood. Then, requiring the same amount of financial support to ameliorate the condition is just reasonable. In a nutshell, financial support should be contributed to sports and social activities just like classes and libraries, for they help with strengthening bodies, making progress in communication skills and they are in shortage of fund.


Some people claim that universities and colleges should not spend a great deal of money on sports and social activities, as their budgets should prioritize classes and libraries. However, as educational institutions, universities and colleges have an obligation to provide a wide range of knowledge to their students to help them develop academically and socially. An increasing number of businesses have high demand for people who are not only specialists in their fields, but also skilled in social interaction. With the ever changing science and technology, no task can be fulfilled by a single person and given the need for collaboration, social skills and team spirit are indispensable qualities for success. Clearly, sports and social activities in universities and colleges provide students with the perfect settings to practice their social skills. By playing football in a team or joining in a contest, for instance, students can develop a sense of belonging and experience team spirit, both of which are quite essential for their future careers. Aside from fostering social skills and team spirit, sports and social activities can greatly help students release their pressures. Nowadays, students not only have to finish all the tasks assigned by teachers, but also have to attend many extra-curricular training courses. Even the most enthusiastic people feel tired and exhausted if they keep this busy schedule for a pretty long time. For example, when I was in high school, I would play basketball with my classmates. I could always get good refreshment and resume schoolwork with higher efficiency later on. Admittedly, academic education will always be at the heart of a university. In universities, sports and social activities should by no means take the place of a focus on academic study. However, what I believe is that universities and colleges are supposed to invest in academics as well as sports and social activities. For instance, in the United States, almost all famous universities have plenty of sports teams and social groups, and universities provide adequate financial support for these events. Both of these fields are highly valued. For these reasons, I maintain that universities and colleges should spend enough money on academic education and social movements to prepare students for their future development.



想要提高写作速度,离不开熟练度的提高。每天半小时,电脑左右两边各一word文档,左边是英文材料,从词汇到句型到段落到 篇章,右边是空白文档。先边看边打,再试着把左边遮去,这样反复操练,既提升了速度,又巩固了词句,提升了语感,还能顺便背下几个好的段落。













为什么呢?好看呗!试想一下,如果你的作文各段都连在一起的,你自己看起来舒服吗?更别说挑剔的考官来看了!你的作文如果不能从内容上征服考官,至少要在 篇章结构上给人一种舒适的感觉!所以,每段写作记得空一行,你写着舒服,考官看着也舒服,正所谓“你好我也好!”


缩写好吗?不好!因为首先不缩写的话可能是两个单词,缩写完单词数就少了!不过,这个点其实并不是最关键的,重点在于托福写作是应试作文,应该保持正式文体的写作风格!缩写会给人一种非正式的赶脚!所以,能够不缩写的尽量不要缩写。比如can’t,最好在托福写作中写成cannot,而can not则是英式英语的写法,记住了!






In the show,if participators answer twenty problems that the host mentioned correctly,they will get five hundreds thousand U。S。 dollars as a prize。




In conclusion,issue of whether parents are the best teachers is a complex one,requiring subjective judgement,consequently,there are no easy or certain answers。



First of all,children can earn money from their jobs,although there isn’t too much,but they will keep their salary gingerliness。






The second argument-it might have been noticed by others-is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to compare parents to teachers because parents are a kind of people, teachers are a kind of vocation.


They shocked their friends, devastated their families, crushed their best friends.


The show is so compelling but attractive.



To some extends, I agree with the author’s general assertion that if parents also have a comprehensive sense of professional knowledge.

——To some extends应改为To some extent


For example, when a doctor faces a patient who has got cancer, the doctor cannot tell the truth, for the truth may cause the patient’s immediate death.



According to a comprehensive investigation which is carried out by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shows that there is an increase in the number of university students who are taking part-time jobs.

该句中的shows that是多余的成分。


However, the questions such as “Have you ever regretted marrying your husband” may be very privacy and embarrassingly.



All of the players gonna to tell the truth in attempt to win $500,000.


In addition, I think people shoudn’t always tell the truth to others.

——在托福作文中尽量不要用缩写,这里应该写should not。


Another point is that young people are more aggressive and energetic, and it’s suitable for them to choose such jobs, which will provide them with rich experience that is essential for their future success.




Some people claimed that news media has enormous influence and is a detrimental creation.

—— claimed应该改为claim


They also mention that in modern society there are too much entertainment bothering them as the huge gap lying between them and the success.


托福tpo50独立写作范文 第6篇

题目为:The diagram below describes how to change organic waste into garden fertilizers. Describe the process.以下为范文及范文解析

The flow chart illustrates the process by which organic waste are converted into garden manure.

It is noticeable that five stages are shown on the diagram. The processes begin with preparing equipment and end at spreading compost materials.

At the initial stage, a plastic container which is about two cubic meters can be used and the cover on the top of it should be kept sealed. Meanwhile, drilling some holes enables air to pass through the device. After that, waste materials including food, grass and newspaper are put into the container layer by layer, of which the depth is the same with 15 centimeters.

At the third stage in the process, the materials are mixed with moderate nitrogen and water is added to keep sufficient moisture before placing the container on hot weather condition. Then, gases escape from the holes after the device is heated by hot weather. Finally, six months later, compost ingredients and worms are produced into high-quality fertilizers which could be spread on gardens.字数 167 words



be converted into 转换成为

garden manure 花园肥料

It is noticeable that…… 显著的是..

At the initial stage 最开始阶段

After that 之后

layer by layer, 逐层

At the third stage in the process 第三阶段

are mixed with 被混合

high-quality fertilizers 优质肥料

托福tpo50独立写作范文 第7篇

To sum up, I think universities should not require history courses for all students.(建议补充分论点的总结)
















