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2014考研英语一作文官方范文 第1篇







Shown in the picture is an eye-catching scene of mutual assistance between a mother and her child across 30 years. One can, evidently, find that a young mother,with smile on her face, is holding her little girl's hand, walking on a road in the left picture, while a bit different walking scene comes up because daughter has grown up to the extent of taking care of her mother after 30 years, in the right picture.

Recently, it has been hurt that we read the news that children grow up in a abusive home, even parents give their children away, or children fail to perform their obligations to support their elderly parents. Obviously, the happiness feeling from the picture above conveys a message----both parents and childeren are loving and supporting each other. That means parents must pay much attention on child-care while grown-up children have to accompany and support parents in their last years. Actually, it turns out that filal piety and loving kids, one of the Chinese traditional virtue, bring harmony and pleasure into familly, leading a great progress of family, such as Zhu xiaohui, one of Top Ten People who Inspired China.

A string of measures are in store for promoting the good behavior on parent-child relationship. Particularly, it couldn't be more better for the massmdeida to take a role of public service advertising. Furthermore, I, as a related major student, behave myself,for example, listen to my mother and communicate with my parents , for a more encouraging family.





2014考研英语一作文官方范文 第2篇





小tips注意:有的学生会写食堂饭菜改善,尽量不要提这么建议,现在基础没有吃不好这个问题,一般是熬夜,运动少,体质差, 可以一个措施对应一个状况。写2-3条即可,所有的建议做法要合乎情理和逻辑。

Dear president:

According to a research of students' physicial condition in our university , we, one of sports club, find that students are less fit compared with the past years, especially in their strength and endurance. I am writing for the purpose of suggesting students's physical development.

The research results reveal that it is wise to refrom our traditional course to cultivate the cognition of helath-related fitness involving how to keep abs tight, breathe. Also, the student union are expected to hold beneficial activities, such as marathon in campus, ten-mile hike, to encourage youngsters to participate in sports. More importantly, it would be better to support sports facilities construction,which will attract more students to have a go.

With the above measures, I convinced that students' physical condition will get a large jump.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




研究结果表明,明智的做法是重新构建我们的传统课程,培养对健康相关的认知,包括如何保持腹肌紧致、呼吸. 此外,学生会还应举办有益的活动,如校园马拉松、十英里徒步旅行,以鼓励青少年参与体育运动。更重要的是,支持体育设施建设会更好,这将吸引更多的学生尝试。



52. Directions:

2014考研英语一作文官方范文 第3篇

Dear Mr. President,

I am a student of our university. And I am writing this letter to bring forward some effective suggestions to our college students about how to improve their body health.

Initially, exercising, though not a student's first priority in his/her daily life, should be stressed by all of us as well as our university, because it is vital to not only our physical health but mental health as well. Furthermore, developing a regular and healthy diet, which provides vitamins and other nutrients to our body, would undoubtedly benefit our body.

I hope that you will find my suggestions useful and propagandas be launched among the students. I am looking forward to your earlier response.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






