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商务英语道歉信范文 第1篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for letter of 5 May 2004.

I must apologies for the delay in replying to your letter of 15 April. Unfortunately some members of our staff have recently been off sick. This, at a time when several of our employees take their annual leave, has resulted in unavoidable delays in replying to letters.

I enclose the price list of our company as requested and look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely

商务英语道歉信范文 第2篇

Dear Miss Dong,

You know that I enjoy your class very ’s interesting and your class last good friend of my senior high school came to see I have to welcome him and take him look around our should I to make up the class? I should let you know in advance .But there are some reasons that I can’t tell hope you will accept my sincere apology.


Li Ming

商务英语道歉信范文 第3篇

Dear Mr. Clinton

Thank you for your letter of 9 May 20XX concerning faulty goods purchased in our store in London.

I am very sorry indeed that you were not satisfied with the pencils that you bought from our store.

Our company in always trying to improve the quality of its merchandise and we are very unhappy when one of our products does not give satisfaction. In fact, this was due to the breakdown of our packing machine.

In the meantime I regret the disappointment you were caused. As a gesture of goodwill, I have pleasure in refunding the cost of the pencils. And enclose a gift voucher that you can use in our London branch.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I hope any further purchases you many make at our stores will be up to our usual high standards

Yours sincerely

Paul Harvey

Customer Relations.

商务英语道歉信范文 第4篇

Dear Kate:

Excuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your “Robinson Crusoe” which I read through with great interest. I had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me.

Never having seen the book, She was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer. However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner. Thanking you again for the loan.

Sincerely yours,


商务英语道歉信范文 第5篇

Dear ,

Good day to you! We checked with EMS, they told us generally need taking three months to post documents to your adress. So we are apologized to you for contract being late to your company, but we will push EMS to send it to you as soon as possible, and informations to you once available. Pls don't hesitate to contact with us if you have any doubt, tks.

Best regards.



商务英语道歉信范文 第6篇

Dear Tom,

It’s a long time since we met last time and I miss you very much. hanks for your invitation. However, I regret to tell you that I can’t travel o America this winter holiday for some unavoidable reasons.

First of all, it’s the coming of the Spring Festival that makes me refer to stay at home rather than take a travel to America. As far as

we Chinese are concerned, the Spring Festival is a family time treasured

by us all. What’s more, the College Entrance Examination is coming. So

significant is it to me that I will attend some tutorial classes during this

winter holiday for some of my weak divisions. Taking all the above

factors into consideration, I have to say sorry again

Anyway, shall I make it after the Exam? I will appreciate it if you

can be my guide at the time. Yours

Li Hua

商务英语道歉信范文 第7篇


wish to advise you that the goods your ordered have been shipped today.


are pleased to inform you that the last lot consignment has been duly dispatched.


m/s “ Vicoria” has left our port carrying the goods for your order No 303. today.

承载你方303号订单货物的“ Vicoria”船已离开我方港口

ship is scheduled to arrive at your port on the 28th October and you may now make all the necessary preparations to take delivery of the goods.


goods were shipped by the direct steamer “ Eli:” on May 10th and are estimated to reach Shanghai before June 1st.

货物由“ Eli:”号直航船在5月10号运出,预计在6月1日前到达上海

trust that the goods will reach you in perfect condition.


trust the consignment will reach you safely and open up to your satisfaction.


have dispatched your order for Indian rugs which are scheduled to arrived at your port next Friday.


shirts under contract No 60,we have booked space on SS.” Eagle” due to arrive in your city around the beginning of next month.


shipment will be made in three equal monthly installments, beginning fro next month.


商务英语道歉信范文 第8篇

Dear Mr. Sation

With reference to your letter dated 3rd May 2004, I am writing to apologies for the mistake we made.

The mistake was made because our computer broke down on 29 April. I can assure you we will send the cheque of $200 to you in two days. We will offer you 20% discount for you next stay.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this error has caused you and we look forward to meeting you again.

Your sincerely

商务英语道歉信范文 第9篇

dear frank:

i am terribly sorry to tell you that i have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. i read it everyday and intended to finish it next month. last night when i came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. i will try to recover it as soon as possible. if i fail to find it, i will get a new book for you.

but i am afraid it can never take the place of the old one. old books are like old friends. once lost, they can never be replaced. they are connected with cherished associations which the new ones can never have. and for this irrecoverable loss, i am to blame. i was so careless with my things. this is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.

yours truly

商务英语道歉信范文 第10篇













商务英语道歉信范文 第11篇

Dear Mr. Johnson

Thank you very much for your letter of 3 May 20XX.

We wish to offer our sincere apologies for the long delay in replying to your letter. We have recently moved our headquarters to a new location in the south of city and this has resulted in some considerable delay in replying to enquiries. The move has now been completed and I can assure you that there will be no more delays in the future.

The catalogue you require are enclosed and I hope that you will continue to use us as your main supplier.

Your sincerely








商务英语道歉信范文 第12篇


1、建立贸易关系(Establishment of business relations)

2、询盘(一般的或具体的)(Enquiry (general and specific))

3、报盘(实盘或虚盘)( Offer (firm or without engagement))

4、贸易磋商(Business negotiations)

5、有关成交(Conclusion of business)

6、有关销售合同或销售确认书(Sales contract or confirmation);

7、有关购货合同或购货确认书(Purchase contract or confirmation).

8、促销信(Sales promotion)

9、订货和执行(Order and the fulfillment)

10、有关信用证(Letter of Credit)

11、催证(Urging the establishment of L/C);

12、改正(L/C amendment);

13、信用证展期(Extension of L/C).


15、催运(Urging shipment);

16、装运通知(Shipping advice).

17、续订(Repeat order)



20、提出索赔(to lodge a claim);

21、理赔(to settle a claim).


23、寻找代理(Ask for an agent);

24、加工贸易(Processing trade);

25、补偿贸易(Compensation trade);

26、建立合资企业(Establishing a joint venture)

商务英语道歉信范文 第13篇

Dear Mr. / Ms. xxx ,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.

Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.


Li Hua

商务英语道歉信范文 第14篇

Dear Mr Harrison:

Thank you for your telephone call of 18 May 20xx.

I am extremely sorry for the delay in sending the sample shirt to you. It was late because David Murray, our Production Manager, has been sick for three weeks. The sample, is now on its way and you should get the sample within three days.

I apologies again for the delay and I hope the sample will meet with your satisfaction.

Your sincerely


商务英语道歉信范文 第15篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for letter of 5 May 20xx.

I must apologies for the delay in replying to your letter of 15 April. Unfortunately some members of our staff have recently been off sick. This, at a time when several of our employees take their annual leave, has resulted in unavoidable delays in replying to letters.

I enclose the price list of our company as requested and look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely






商务英语道歉信范文 第16篇

Dear Mr. Clinton

Thank you for your letter of 9 May concerning faulty goods purchased in our store in London.

I am very sorry indeed that you were not satisfied with the pencils that you bought from our store.

Our company in always trying to improve the quality of its merchandise and we are very unhappy when one of our products does not give satisfaction. In fact, this was due to the breakdown of our packing machine.

In the meantime I regret the disappointment you were caused. As a gesture of goodwill, I have pleasure in refunding the cost of the pencils. And enclose a gift voucher that you can use in our London branch.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I hope any further purchases you many make at our stores will be up to our usual high standards

Yours sincerely

Paul Harvey

商务英语道歉信范文 第17篇

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International Business English Writing you gave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day. I suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. Please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill. I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Sincerely yours, Wang Hua 范文 4 Directions: One of your pen friends, John, will be visiting your city. However, for some reasons, you can not meet him at the airport on time. Write a letter asking to wait for you at the airport and tell him how to recognize you. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You don’t need to write the address. Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Alice instead.



商务英语道歉信范文 第18篇

Dear Tom,

How is everything going with you?

I’m terribly sorry that I’m not able to go to your birthday party this Saturday afternoon. I’m in Beijing now because my mother is seriously ill and will have an operation here. She is in bad need of my care these days, so I’m staying here to take care of her in the hospital.

I wish you a happy birthday and hope everything will go well with the party. By the way, I have sent you the latest CD of Zhang Jie. I hope you’ll like this birthday present.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.


Wang Tao

商务英语道歉信范文 第19篇


You are invited to a dinner at a friend's house, but you are not able to attend because of the preparation for a coming examination. Write a letter to your friends to express your apology, explain your reason, and suggest a meeting at another time.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use _Li Ming_ instead.

Do not write the address.


Li Ming

商务英语道歉信范文 第20篇

Dear Mr. / Ms. xxx,

I was very concerned when I received your letter of yesterday complaining that the central heating system in your new house had not been completed by the date promised.

On referring to our earlier correspondence,I find that I had mistaken the date for completion. The fault is entirely mine and I deeply regret that it should have occurred.

I realize the inconvenience our oversight must be causing you and will do everything possible to avoid any further delay. I have already given instructions for the work to have priority and the engineers working on the job to be placed on overtime. These arrangements should see the installation completed by next weekend.

Yours faithfully

商务英语道歉信范文 第21篇


I am writing this letter to express my apology that xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I feel terribly sorry about this. Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours Sincerely


商务英语道歉信范文 第22篇

Dearest mother,

How are you and dad doing? I hope my letter will ease the disappointment you must be feeling after I called you to say that I will not be able to go home for Christmas holidays.

I am so sorry to miss the family dinner on Christmas eve this year. I have a ton of requirements to finish before the year ends and I could not afford to have a vacation this year.

I will simply spend Christmas eve with friends here and then go back to the college campus to work on my project and other documents I must submit on the first week of January.

Don't worry, this is but a small sacrifice for us to make so that I finish my studies soon. I know you will be delighted come graduation day and I will do my best to graduate with honors. I will miss you all!



商务英语道歉信范文 第23篇



Opening Phrases & Sentences Generally Used In Business Letters

1. I will write you particulars in my next.

2. Particulars will be related in the following.

3. I will relate further details in the following.

4. I will inform you more fully in my next.

5. I will go (enter) into further details in my next.


1. As stated below,

2. Annexed hereto,

3. Attached you will find...

4. As shown on the next page

5. As indicated overleaf(下页,背面)

6. As at foot hereof,

7. Sent with this,

8. As the drawings attached,

9. As shown in the enclosed documents,

10. As already mentioned,

11. As particularized on the attached sheet,

12. As detailed in the previous letter,


1. We hope to receive your favour at an early date.

2. We hope to be favoured with a reply with the least delay.

3. We await a good news with patience.

4. We hope to receive a favourable reply per return mail.

5. We await the pleasure of receiving a favourable reply at an early date.

6. We await the favour of your early (prompt) reply.

7. A prompt reply would greatly oblige us.

8. We trust you will favour us with an early (prompt) reply.

9. We trust that you will reply us immediately.

10. We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply.

11. Will your please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?

12. Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do.

13. We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post.

14. We are awaiting (anxious to receive) your early reply.

15. We thank you for the anticipated favour of your early reply.

16. We should appreciate an early reply.

17. We thank you in anticipation of your usual courteous prompt attention.

18. We thank you now for the courtesy of your early attention.

19. We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay.

20. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

21. Please send your reply by the earliest delivery.

22. Please send your reply by messenger.

23. Please reply immediately.

24. Please favour us with your reply as early as possible.

25. Please write to us by tonight’s mail, without fail.

26. May we remind you that we are still awaiting your early reply.

27. May we request the favour of your early reply?

28. A prompt reply would help us greatly.

29. A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.

30. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

31. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.

32. We look forward to receiving your early reply.

33. We thank you now for this anticipated courtesy.

34. As the matter is urgent, an early reply will oblige.

35. We reply on receiving your reply by return of post.


1. Please excuse my late reply to your very friendly letter of March 1.

2. I hope you will forgive me for not having written you for so long.

3. I hope you will excuse me for not having replied to you until today.

4. I humbly apologize you for my delay in answering to your kind letter of May 5.

5. I have to (must) apologize you for not answering your letter in time.

6. I must ask you to kindly accept our excuses, late as they are.


To inform one of; To say; To state; To communicate; To advise one of;

To bring to one’s notice (knowledge); To lay before one;

To point out; To indicate; To mention; To apprise one of;

To announce; To remark; To call one’s attention to; To remind one of; etc.

1. We are pleased to inform you that

2. We have pleasure in informing you that

3. We have the pleasure to apprise you of

4. We have the honour to inform you that (of)

5. We take the liberty of announcing to you that

6. We have to inform you that (of)

7. We have to advise you of (that)

8. We wish to inform you that (of)

9. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)

10. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)

11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice

12. Please allow us to call your attention to

13. Permit us to remind you that (of)

14. May we ask your attention to

15. We feel it our duty to inform you that (of)

商务英语道歉信范文 第24篇

Dear Mr. Grison

Thank you for your letter of 6 May 2004 concerning the faulty tableware.

I am extremely sorry to learn that the delivery you took on 2 April was of poor quality. This was due to our faulty packing machine. We now have it repaired and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and you have always been one of our excellent customers. Therefore, I greatly regret the inconvenience it has caused and would like to offer my sincere apologies. I can assure you that such occasion will not occur and our supplies in the future will again be of our usual high standards.

I hope that you can use our company as your supplier in the future.

Your sincerely

商务英语道歉信范文 第25篇

Dear Ms Jeremy,

Thank you for your letter of 6 October. After supplying your restaurants for 5 years, I was extremely sorry to hear that the batch of bowls and forks which you received on 2 September was not of usual quality.

After careful investigation, we found that the cause of the problem was a faulty packing machine. It has now been repaired. I can promise you that this type of problem will not happen again.

According to the sales contract between us, we will, of course, replace your faulty delivery free of charge.

I would like to offer our apologies once again and thank you being an excellent customer.

Yours sincerely.

商务英语道歉信范文 第26篇

Hi George,

I’m really, really sorry but I just can’t make it for basketball practice this evening. We’ve got a biology test tomorrow and I haven’t yet started studying for it. I can’t afford to fail the test, because I already failed the last one.

I promise to make up for it by the next practice session.


商务英语道歉信范文 第27篇

Dear Mr. Harrison,

Thank you for your telephone call of 18 May 2004.

I am extremely sorry for the delay in sending the sample shirt to you. It was late because David Murray, our Production Manager, has been sick for three weeks. The sample, is now on its way and you should get the sample within three days.

I apologies again for the delay and I hope the sample will meet with your satisfaction.

Your sincerely

商务英语道歉信范文 第28篇



英文定义是something that you write to show that you are sorry for doing something wrong。 通过定义大家可以看出, 道歉信就是表达你对所犯的错误的歉意。它的特点是: 首先提及对方的来信,然后主段首句表示歉意并立即解释原因。通常在结束前根据情况可能再次表达歉意。




(感谢您205月18日的来信。非常抱歉没有及时给您寄送衬衫样品。延误寄送样品是因为我们的生产经理戴维 莫瑞病了三周。衬衫样品现在正在路上,您应该能在三日内收到。我为你您带来的不便再次表示抱歉。希望我们的样品能令您满意。)

(非常感谢您年5月3日的来信。 我们为延误很长时间回复您的信件表示真诚的歉意。我们最近把公司总部搬到位于城市南部的一个新地方。这导致了大量回复询问信函的延误。现在搬家已经结束并且我可以向您保证今后不再会有延误。我随信附上您要的目录。我希望您继续把我们作为您的主要供应商。)



(感谢您2004年5月3日的来信。我写此信以表达我们对所犯错误的歉意。犯这个错误的原因是因为4月29日电脑出了故障。我可以向您保证我们将在两天内把200美元的支票寄给您。我们将在您下次入住饭店时给您提供20% 的折扣。对于我们所犯错误给您带来的'不便,请接受我们的歉意,盼望与您再次见面。)





I am very sorry for ...

We are very/extremely sorry to learn that...

I/We must apologies for...(the delay in replying to your letter).

I/We sincerely apologies for...(not replying to your letter).

I wish to offer my sincere apologies for...

Please accept our apologies for ...(the inconvenience this error has caused you).


This is due to...

(This/The move to a new office)... has resulted in ...

The mistake was made because...


I/We can assure you that...

商务英语道歉信范文 第29篇

Dear Mr. Hunnicutt,

I am writing to apologize for the incorrect invoice you received from us. Owing to a breakdown in communications, we did not credit you with a 10% discount, as agreed.

We shall send you the correct invoice as soon as possible and make sure that such a mistake will not occur again. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience we have caused.

Your sincerely,

Peter Gibson

Accounts Manager

**New words:

商务英语道歉信范文 第30篇

Dear Ms Sciberras,

I would like to apologise for not returning the books but I have been away from school for a week because I had the measles. I will not be coming to school for another week or so. I promise I will return the books as soon as I am back.

Thank you.


Anita Borg

商务英语道歉信范文 第31篇



It is my pleasure to write here for you.


Further to our conversation earlier, .........

As discussed over the phone, .......

Thanks for you kind reply.

Thank you for your inquiry/email.

Thanks for your letter. It is my pleasure to receive your reply!

Thanks for your mail of ............


We will noted and many thanks!

I hope everything with you is fine.

Many thanks for your support.

I hope you are well and in good health!

FYI: for your information


(1) We hope to receive your favors at early date.

(2) We hope to be favored with a reply with the least delay.

(3) We await good news with patience.

(4) We hope to receive a favorable reply per return mail.

(5) We await the favor of your early (prompt) reply.

(6) A prompt reply would greatly oblige us.

(7) We trust you will favor us with an early (prompt) reply.

(8) We trust that you will reply us immediately.

(9) We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply.

(10) Will you please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?

(11) Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do?

(12) We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post.

(13) We are waiting (anxious to receive) your early reply.

(14) We should appreciate an early reply.

(15) We thank you for the courtesy to your early attention.

(16) We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay.

(17) Kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

(18) Please send your reply by the earliest delivery.

(19) Please send your reply by messenger.

(20) Please reply immediately.

(21) Please favor us with your reply as early as possible.

(22) Please write to us by tonights mail, without fail.

(23) May we remind you that we are awaiting your early reply?

(24) May we request the favor of your early reply?

(25) A prompt reply would help us greatly.

(26) A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.

(27) Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

(28) Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.

(29) We look forward to receiving your early reply.

(30) As the matter is urgent, an early reply will reply.

(31) We reply on receiving your reply by return of post.

商务英语道歉信范文 第32篇

Dear Mr Gatt,

I am sorry to hear about the problems you have been experiencing with the order you placed with us on the 23rd January.[1] I cannot as yet say who is at fault but I assure you there will be a full investigation.[2] Moyra Brown, who is our production assistant, will contact you shortly to arrange suitable compensation for the inconvenience that has been caused.[3]

I would like to apologise once more.[4]

Yours sincerely,

George Hili

商务英语道歉信范文 第33篇

Dear Ms Jeremy:

Thank you for your letter of 6 October. After supplying your restaurants for 5 years, I was extremely sorry to hear that the batch of bowls and forks which you received on 2 September was not of usual quality.

After careful investigation, we found that the cause of the problem was a faulty packing machine. It has now been repaired. I can promise you that this type of problem will not happen again.

According to the sales contract between us, we will, of course, replace your faulty delivery free of charge.

I would like to offer our apologies once again and thank you being an excellent customer.

Yours sincerely


商务英语道歉信范文 第34篇

Dear Bob,

I have just returned home and thanks for your kind help during my stay in Canada. Unfortunately, when I opened my luggage, I found the music CD that I forgot to return to you.

I am really sorry for would like to pay for it so you can buy another copy at your local store. If you want to keep exactly the same one, I can mail the CD to you as soon as possible.

Again I apologize for the inconvenience I have accept my sincere apology and reply to me at your earliest convenience and advise me of your wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

商务英语道歉信范文 第35篇


have to ask for compensation of £6,000 to cover the loss incurred as result of the inferior quality of the goods.


are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $20,000, which we have sustained by the disqualified goods.


are willing to accept the shipment only if you allow a 30% reduction in price.


hope you will settle this claim as soon as possible.


for shortage must be made within 30 days after arrival of the goods.


remit us the amount of claim at an early date.


examination, we have found that many of the sewing machines are severely damaged.


dispatch, within one week, the replacement of another five refrigerators with a price reduction of thirty percent of the total value of the five refrigerators.


should be obliged if you would forward us a replacement for the machine as soon as possible.


insist that you should send perfect goods to replace the defective goods.


商务英语道歉信范文 第36篇


I am writing this letter to express my apology that ______________.

I feel terribly sorry about this. Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours Sincerely______

商务英语道歉信范文 第37篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing this letter to apologize to you. I’m so sorry that we made a mistake about the shipment of vacuum cleaners.

Those vacuum cleaners we sent to you were meant to be sent to European countries, but as the old worker was retired, the new one wasn’t so experienced. Besides, the model number and the price of goods in March and July are so similar that the worker mistaken them.

I am awfully sorry for this and we promise you a replacement shipment. We will also give a 10% discount to compensate.

I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and I will try my best to avoid the same accident happening again.



商务英语道歉信范文 第38篇

Dear David,

I’m writing this letter to express my sincerely appologies to you for losing the book you lent to me. I’m very appreciated you lent it to me. In order to give it back to you as soon as possible, I took it to the library yesterday.

I also borrow some other books in the library before I left. Unluckily, when I arrived at my dormitory, I couldn’t find your book. I searched all my dormitory and the road from the dormitory to the library. The next day I also looked for the library.

However, I couldn’t find your book. I’m sorry I can’t give back to you on time as I promised before. But I will buy a new one for you you can accept my appologies.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Lei

商务英语道歉信范文 第39篇


I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.

Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.


Li Hua

商务英语道歉信范文 第40篇

1. As a special case , we may consider accepting your payments by D/P.


the amount of each transaction is below $500, we agree to D/A days terms.


could grant you the favourable terms of payment as D/A 45 days after sight.


view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepare to accept payment by D/P at sight.


or D/A is only accepted if the amount involved for each transaction is less the £1,000.


request a 10% payment at the time of ordering . The remaining amount must be paid within 60 days.


can only accept 20% cash payment in local currency. The other 80% by L/C should reach us 15 to 30 days before the delivery.


8. If the payment is made by installments, the annual interest is calculated by 6% and paid off at the end of each year.


payments must be made within 60 days.


telegraphic transfer shall reach the bank of China at least five days before the delivery date of vessel.


letter of credit for each order shall reach us 30 days.


days prior to the date of delivery, you should pay against the presentation of the drawn on the opening bank.


payment shall be made by telegraphic transfer to the bank of China , Head

office ,Beijing, China, for our account, within five business days after the contract signature date.


payment of 25% of the contract value shall be paid within 30 days of the date of signing the contract.


payment shall be made by five annual installments of 20% each.


require full payment within 45 days with a 15% discount for cash payment in



total amount must be paid in full upon receipt of the shipping documents.


require payment by L/C to reach us one month prior to the time of shipment.


are requested to pay $5,000 as a down payment.


percent of the contract value shall be paid in advance by cash, and 90% by sight draft drawn under an L/C.







