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小车分享 14906

小车 分享

商务英语信函回信范文 第1篇

外贸函电的规范与否直接影响到客户对公司的印象,对于外贸人员来说,每天写外贸函电,回复函电。你的函电是否规范呢? 把直接的函电于下文对照看看。。。


Dear Sir or Madam:

Enclosed is our new price list which will come into effect the end of this month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks. The explanation for our increased prices stems from the fact that we are now paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year, along with some of our subcontractors having raised their prices as much as 15%.

As you know, we take great pride in our product an dare proud of the reputation for quality and dependability we have built over 15years. We will not compromise that reputation because of raising costs. We have, therefore, decided to raise the price of some of our products.

We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your cooperation.

With best regards,



Dear Sir or Madam:

This is regarding our quotation dated 2 November, and our mail offer dated 8 November concerning the supply of widgets(小机具).We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month.

For your information, the market is firm and growing. There is very little likelihood of any significant change in the visible future. As this product is in great demand and the supply is limited, to secure your order, we would recommend that you accept this offer without delay.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your mail. We are disappointed to hear that our price for your required product is too high for your acceptance. You mentioned that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 8% lower than our quote.

We accept your position, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products. Although we are keen to do business with you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer.

We do want to try and work with you, and meet your request, but the best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 3%.We hope that this will meet your approval.

We look forward to hearing from you.

With best regards,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your order of 500b/w TV sets by your letter dated 17 July.

We have considered your proposal to pay by a 30-day letter of credit. We do not usually accept time credit; however, in view of our long and mutually beneficial relationship, we are willing to make an exception this time.

I must stress that this departure from our usual practice relates to this transaction only. This one-time accommodation does not set a precedent for future transactions.

I am enclosing our sales contract covering the order. I would be grateful if you would follow the usual procedure.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter dated 2 October requesting payment against documents for contracts and 483.

We are pleased to say that we agree to your request. We wish, however, to make it clear that in our future transactions, involved for each transaction is less than US$5,000 or the equivalent in Renminbi. Should the amount exceed that figure, payment by letter of credit will be required.

We would like to say that this exception is allowed only in light of our long and mutually beneficial association.

Yours sincerely,


商务英语信函回信范文 第2篇




Dear Mr/Ms,

Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green’svisit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, ourmanager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until thesecond half of June. He would, however, be pleased tosee Mr. Green any time after his look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

商务英语信函回信范文 第3篇


Dear Sir or Madam:

We thank you for your letter dated 6 June and are pleased to acknowledge your order No. 463 of the same date for ceramic tiles.

The modified terms of payment you propose are quite acceptable and a telex has been dispatched to you to this effect.

All the items in your order can be supplied from stock and will be packed and shipped immediately upon the remittance by telegraphic transfer being received.

The following documents will be air mailed to you immediately after shipment is made:

1. Bill of lading in duplicate

2. Invoice, FOB Shanghai in triplicate

3. Guarantee of quality

We will, of course, notify you by telex as soon as your order is shipped.

You can rely on us to give prompt attention to this and any future orders you may place with us.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your request for a trial delivery of ceramic resistors but regret to say that we cannot agree to your proposal.

As an exception, the best we can do for the trial delivery is to offer you direct payment at sight terms.

If you accept our proposal, you run very little risk, since our brand products are well known for the quality, attractive design and reasonable price. Our lines sell very well all over the world and have done so for the last 30 years. We do not think you will have any difficulty in achieving a satisfactory performance with this item.

If you find our proposal acceptable, please let us know and we can then expedite the transaction.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

This is in regards to your order for 5,000widgets and our sales confirmation No. 341. We would like to remind you that the delivery date is approaching and we have not yet received the covering letter of credit.

We would be grateful if you would expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we can ship the order on time. In order to avoid any further delay, please make sure that the L/C instructions are in precise accordance with the terms of the contract.

We look forward to receiving your response at an early date.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Your letter of credit issued by the Royal Bank of Canada has arrived.

Upon further examination, we have found that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed.

As direct sailings to Portugal are infrequent, we have to transshipment may be necessary. With regard to partial shipment, it would speed matters up if we have in stock instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be completed.

With this in mind, I send you a letter today asking for the letter of credit to be amended to read “part shipment and transshipment allowed”.

I trust this amendment will meet your approval and you will send e-mail to us that effect without delay.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter of credit covering your order for 10,000 widgets.

We regret to say that, owing to a delay on the part of our suppliers, we will not be able to get the shipment ready before the end of this month. We faxed you earlier today to that effect.

We expect that the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of August. We are arranging to ship it on the Great Wall-sailing from Shanghai on 7 August.

We are looking forward to receiving your faxed extension to the letter of credit so that we can effect shipment of the goods.

We send our sincere apologies for the delay and trust that it will not inconvenience you.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for you interest in our products. We hope the samples we sent you on 5 February were up to your expectations.

We would like to sort out the credit formalities as soon as possible possible so that we can begin trading. Could you provide us that we can begin trading. Could you provide us with the requisite financial information so that we can open your new account immediately?

Please include a recent financial statement, the name of your bank and references,together with any other relevant credit details. The information you provide will, of course, be held in the strictest confidence.

We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with your company.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your order No. 6565 dated 1 July for 100widgets.

I regret to say that our records show that we do not have sufficient letter of credit. We can fulfill your order only upon the receipt of a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.

We are sorry for the delay and await your instructions.

Yours sincerely,


商务英语信函回信范文 第4篇




in before email attached ,including the xxx picture.(看,简约至此,称谓,落款全省了.高!但若发至的不是个人邮箱,恐怕对方也就收不到了.于是不得不连名带姓的重发一次,看来这时间也不一定真能节省下来.)


Thanks for your mail. As for the copy of CE and SAA, I will fax them to you within these two days.(“within two days”? fax是及时性的动词,你是说你要花上两天的时间去传真?这样的话,我就不得不在传真机跟前不吃不喝地干等两天?拜托,如果不能确定具定传真时间,就请说“I’ll advise you the exact fax time once confirmation”)


Per your information, you would like us to quote you the prices as below. Pls kindly check. Thanks. XXX


Thanks for your Email. But I would like to know your customers’ opinion at first. How about their target prices?(到底是你的智商有问题,还是我的智商有问题?我不知道你的其它客户是否会在你第一次报价之后就告诉你目标价,但我肯定是要让你失望的啦,因为Iam not as stupid as you think.)


I have deleted a lot of email last week to save hard disk space. I will ask xxx to check that for you tomorrow morning, is that ok? (不会吧,这茶是否凉得也太早了一点?我们的单你们还在做着,现在就把我的邮件给全部删了?看来我们的事在您眼中是无足轻重呀).


商务英语信函回信范文 第5篇

2. 回信

本公司断定我们所提供的货色优良, 价格公道, 感谢贵公司给我们一个机会, 使我们的要求得以实现。

we are certain that we are offering a sound article at popular price, and we should appreciate an opportunity to substantiate our claims.

贵公司5月6日函悉, 本公司无法承购贵公司开价的商品。此复。

in answer to your favour of the 6th may, we inform you that we are unable to take the goods offered by you.

关于贵公司所询麦麸一事, 现可提供该货20吨。

in answer to your inquiry for bran, we offer you 20 tons of the same.

贵函收悉, 此地商场仍保持平静。

answering to your letter, we state that the market remains quiet.

至今未复5月8日贵函, 甚感歉疚, 还望原谅。

kindly excuse our not replying to your favour of the 8th may unitl today.

本月8日贵函敬悉。??先生是位诚实可靠的人, 特此告知。

in response to your letter of the 8th inst., i am pleased to say that mr. ?? is a man of trustworthy character.

关于所询h.先生的情况, 谨此高兴地告知, 他是一位足以信赖的人。

in response to your inquiry respecting mr. h., we have pleasure in stating that he is a thoroughly reliable man.

关于s.公司的情况, 我们特此欣然函复。

we are glad to answer your inquiry concerning s. & company.

关于j.先生的情况, 谨此高兴地告知, 我们认为他是绝对可以信赖的人。

answering to your inquiry respecting mr. j., we are pleased to say that we found him absolutely reliable.

17日贵函关于结帐一事, 谨此告知, 我们将很快寄去支票。

replying to your letter of the 17th respecting the account, i will send you a cheque shortly.

谨复贵公司本月10日函询; 我们不能提供贵公司特定的那种餐盘的报价。

replying to your inquiry of the 10th inst., we are unable to offer you plates of the size you specify.

贵函收悉, 我们已将样品提交本公司的买方, 特此奉告。

in reply to your letter, we are pleased to inform you that we have shown the sample to our buyer.

你方6月12日的来函收悉, 兹寄去面额为150美元的支票一张, 谨此奉复。

in reply to yours of 12th june, i send herewith a cheque, valuing $150.

商务英语信函回信范文 第6篇


1 ESP: English for Specific/Special Purposes 专门用途英语

2 BE: Business English 商务英语

3 Correspondence for Import & Export 进出口函电

4 Good quality stationery1 优质信笺信纸

5 Neat typing 整洁

6 Even spacing 间隔匀称

7 Short paragraphs 段落精短

8 Correct Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation2 语法、拼写、标点正确


1 potential business 潜在业务

2 prospective3 customer 潜在顾客

3 customers of long standing4 长期顾客

4 potential supplier 潜在供应商

5 trade fair 贸易博览会

6 the latest issue of 最新一期…

7 integrated software package 完整软件包

8 substantial order 大宗订单

9 quantity discount 数量折扣

10 cash discount 现金折扣

11 list price 标价、目录价格

12 export terms 出口条件

13 pictured/illustrated catalog 带插图的商品目录

14 article number / Art. No. 货号

15 bulk buyer 大买户

16 business concern 商行

17 business relations / relationship 业务关系

18 business status 业务状况

19 commercial counselor 商务参赞

20 commercial counselor’s office 商务参赞处

21 means of packing 包装方法

22 parent company 母公司

23 sales literature 促销资料

24 trading association 贸易关系

25 trade journal 行业刊物

26 firm offer 实盘

27 non-firm offer: offer without engagement 虚盘

28 trade discount 同业/批发折扣

29 bill of exchange (bill / draft; B/E) 汇票

30 documents against payment: D/P 付款交单

31 shipping documents 装运单据

32 line of business 业务/经营范围

33 specific inquiry 具体询价


1 regular customer 老顾客

2 be in a position to do 能够

3 for your consideration/reference 供你方考虑/参考

4 promotional novelties 促销小礼品

5 profit margin 利润赚头/幅度

6 by separate post/mail/cover: separately 另邮/函

7 bathroom fittings 浴室设备

8 building contractor 建筑承包商,营造商

9 net price 净价

10 cash with order: CWO 订货付款,随订单付现

11 sample cutting 剪样

12 ceiling price 限价

13 consumer goods 消费品

14 counter-offer 还盘

15 counter-bid 还价

16 current/prevailing price现价

17 durable goods: durables耐用品

18 fancy goods 花俏商品

19 gross price 毛价,总价

20 lead time 从订货到交货的间隔时间

21 offer sheet 报盘单

22 quotation sheet 报价单

23 retail price 零售价

24 rock-bottom price 最底价

25 make an offer / a quotation报盘/价

26 offer firm 报实盘

27 quote a price报价

28 credit status 资信状况

29 correspondent bank 往来行

30 publicity brochure 宣传小册子

31 down payment 预定金

32 find a ready sale/market for 畅销

33 end-user 最终用户

34 Ex Works: EXW 工厂交货(价)

35 Cost & Freight: CFR 成本加运费

36 Cost, Insurance and Freight: CIF 成本加保险费运费

37 Carriage & Insurance Paid to: CIP 运费保险费付至…

38 Carriage paid to: CPT 运费付至…

39 Delivered At Frontier: DAF 边境交货

40 Delivered Duty Paid: DDP 完税后交货

41 Delivered Duty Unpaid: DDU 未完税交货

42 Delivered Ex Quay: DEQ 目的港码头交货

43 Delivered Ex Ship: DES 目的港船上交货

44 Free Alongside Ship: FAS 船边交货

45 Free Carrier: FCA 货交承运人

46 Free On Board: FOB 装运港船上交货


1 captioned order 标题所述订单

2 by courier 由快递公司传递

3 make out a contract 缮制合同

4 make up the order 备货

5 please sign and return one copy for our file 请签退一份供我方存档

6 bulk delivery 大宗货物的交付

7 replenish stocks 补充库存 / 进货

8 maximum discount 最大折扣

9 contractual obligation 合同义务

10 counter-sign 副署,会签

11 counter-signature 连署签名

12 general terms and conditions一般交易条件

13 import license: I/L 进口许可证

14 mode of payment 付款方式

15 proforma invoice: P/I 形式发票

16 prompt shipment 即期装运

17 provisional order 临时订单

18 purchase confirmation: P/C 购货确认书

19 purchase contract 购货合同

20 purchase order: P/O 订单

21 regular order 经常订单,定期订单

22 regular purchase 定期购货

23 repeat order 重复订单,翻单

24 sales contract: S/C 销售合同

25 trial order 试销订单

26 accept an order 接受订单 /订货

27 acknowledge an order (卖方)确认订单

28 arrive at / come to an agreement 达成协议

29 book an order 接受订单/货

30 cancel an order 撤销订单/货

31 complete an order 处理订单,备货

32 confirm an order (买方)确认订单

33 decline an order 谢绝订单

34 deliver an order 交付订货

35 draft a contract 起草合同

36 enter into a contract 订立合同

37 fill / fulfill / make up an order 处理 订单,备货

38 meet an order 备货

39 place an order 下/放订单,订货

40 process an order 处理订单,备货

41 refuse / reject an order 拒受订单

42 supply an order (根据订单)供货

43 unit price 单价


1 obtain indemnity 获得赔偿

2 a cover note 承保单

3 a marine policy 海洋运输保单

4 a floating policy 全额保单

5 an open policy 预约保单

6 a valued policy 定值保单

7 declaration form 启运通知书

8 a claims form 索赔申请书/表

9 be for the buyers’ account 由买方付款

10 assessor’s report 估损报告

11 survey report 货物检验报告

12 insurance certificate保险凭证

13 insurance claim 保险索赔

14 insurance surveyor (保险公司)货物检查员

15 a complete write-off 报废东西

16 at your end 在你地

17 the People’s Insurance Company of China: PICC 中国人民保险公司

18 the state-owned company/enterprise 国有公司/企业

1 bar code 条形码

2 bulk cargo 散装货;统装货

3 bulky cargo (体大质轻的)泡货

4 bulky parcel 大宗包裹

5 color assortment 颜色搭配

6 country of origin 原产地国

7 customary packing习惯包装

8 equal assortment平均搭配

9 flexible container 集装包/袋

10 gunny bag 麻袋

11 iron drum 铁桶

12 lot number 批号

13 metric ton 公吨

14 open-top container 开顶式集装箱

15 state-of-the-art 最先进的

16 gross weight 毛重

17 net weight 净重

18 indicative marks指示性标志

19 shipping marks 装运标志;唛头

20 warning marks 警告性标志

21 neutral packing 中性包装

22 nude cargo 裸装货

23 packing list 装箱单

24 paper bag 纸袋

25 long ton 长吨

26 short ton 短吨

27 seller’s usual packing 卖方习惯包装

28 size assortment 尺寸搭配

29 trade mark 商标


1 ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 估计到达时间

2 ETD: Estimated Time of Departure 估计离开时间

3 Secure the vessel 弄到船只

4 Cargo capacity 载货能力

5 Charter party 租船合同

6 Air waybill 空运提单

7 Carrying vessel 运货船

8 Direct steamer 直达船

9 Dock receipt 码头收据

10 Document of title 产权单证

11 Freight prepaid 运费已付

12 Freight to collect 运费到付

13 General cargo vessel 杂货船

14 Negotiable instrument 可流通/转让票据

15 Sailing schedule 船期表

16 Sailing date 启航日期

17 Shortlanded memo 短卸单

18 Take delivery of 取货

19 Make delivery of 发货

20 Dispatch money 速谴费,快装费

21 Freight ton 运费吨

22 Measurement ton 尺码吨

23 Weight ton 重量吨

24 Weight memo 重量单

25 Ocean transportation 海洋运输

26 Full container load: FCL 整箱货

27 Less than container load: LCL 拼箱货

28 Bill of lading: B/L 海运提单

29 Partial / part shipment 分批装运

30 Port of destination 目的港

31 Port of shipment 装货港

32 Shipping advice 已装船通知

33 Shipping order 装船通知单,装货/运单

34 Shipping space 舱位

35 Storage cost/charges 仓储费

36 Time charter 定期租船

37 Voyage charter 定程租船

38 Time of shipment 装运/船期


1 aggregate amount 总价/金额

2 L/C amendment advice 信用证修改通知书

3 accepting bank 承兑行

4 days of grace 宽限期

5 expiry date 失效期

6 extension of the L/C 信用证展期

7 operative instrument 有效票据

8 waiver of legal rights 放弃合法权利

9 banking/bank charges 银行手续费

10 cash against documents 凭单付现/款

11 cash against documents on arrival of goods 货到后凭单付现/款

12 conversion rate 兑换率

13 exchange rate 外汇率

14 financing of projects项目融资

15 fine bank bill 有信用的银行汇票

16 first class bill 信誉好的汇票

17 foreign exchange: forex 外汇

18 protest for non-payment 拒付证书

19 protest note 拒付通知书

20 finance a project 为项目提供资金

21 honor a draft 承兑汇票

22 dishonor a draft 拒付汇票

23 protect a draft 备妥货款以支付汇票

24 clean shipped on board bill of lading 清洁的已装船提单

25 opening / issuing bank 信用证开证行

26 correspondent bank 往来行

27 advising/notifying bank 通知行

28 blank endorsement 空白背书

29 more or less clause 溢短装条款

30 bona fide holder 善意真诚持有人

31 accompanying documents 随附单据

32 time/usance L/C 远期信用证

33 without recourse 无追索权

34 mail transfer: M/T 信汇

35 telegraphic transfer: T/T 电汇

36 demand draft: D/D 票汇

37 debit note 索款通知书

38 D/P after sight 远期付款交单

39 financial standing财务状况

40 status inquiry资信调查


1 short-open (信用证)少开

2 arbitration body 仲裁机构

3 arbitration clause 仲裁条款

4 breach of the contract 违反合同;违约

5 color deviation 色差

6 compulsory arbitration 强制性仲裁

7 faulty goods/packing 有毛病的货物/包装

8 force majeure 不可抗力

9 legal action 诉讼

10 non-conformity of quality 质量不符

11 non-performance of the contract 不履行合同

12 settlement of claims 理赔

13 shoddy goods 次货

14 voluntary arbitration 自愿仲裁

15 slip up 出错

16 wear and tear 磨损;损耗

17 customs examination 海关检查

18 fair average quality: FAQ 中等品,大路货

19 commodity inspection bureau: 商品检验局


1 confirming house 保付商行

2 opportune moment 恰当时机

3 please ignore this letter 不必复函

4 authorized agent 指定代理人

5 channel of distribution 销售渠道

6 del credere agency 保付代理

7 exclusive distribution总经销

8 exclusive / sole agency 独家代理

9 exclusive sales 包销

10 exclusive sales agreement 包销协议,独家经销协议

11 general agency 总代理,一般代理

12 forwarding agent: forwarder 货运代理,运输代理商

13 procurement authorization: P/A 采购授权书

14 salesmen’s traveling and entertainment expenses 销售员旅费及交际费

15 volume discount 总购量折扣

16 trade volume 贸易额;交易额

17 volume of business 营业/交易额

18 advertising agency 广告公司

19 advertising agent 广告代理商/人

20 agency commission 代理佣金

21 annual turnover 年营业额,年成交量

22 buying agent 采购代理商/人

23 commission house 佣金商行

24 insurance agent 保险代理商/人

25 sales room 拍卖场,售货处

商务英语信函回信范文 第7篇


1. Dear Mr. / Ms.,

This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.

We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

Yours faithfully




2. Dear Mr. / Ms,

We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.

We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.

Yours faithfully




商务英语信函回信范文 第8篇



5th Floor, 600 _inshiji Boulevard, Pudong, Shanghai 200120

The People's Republic of China

Tel: (021) 5000000 Fa_: (021) 5000001

24 November 200#

Miss. Liao Wen

Liaison Office

Ganjiang Potteries Ltd.

Shanghai Representative Office

444 Jingling Road #202

Dear Miss Liao:

I am sending the claims form you requested in your fa_ of 23 November 199- and we will consider the matter once we have full details.

I think I ought to point out that this is the fourth time you have claimed on a shipment. Thought I appreciate that your products are fragile, and that in each case the goods have been shipped clean, it would be in your interest to consider new methods of packing. I agree that the claims have been comparatively small, but in future you will have to ask your customers to hold consignments for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. I should also mention that further claims affect your premium when the policy is renewed.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Cooke

Greater China. Region

商务英语信函回信范文 第9篇






作文写不好,学习英语就不知道综合掌握运用自如,成绩就难有突破; 即使掌握了听力、语法,阅读题仍然有可能会做错,作文还是写不好,因为阅读也好作文也好,单词的量和熟练运用是关键。打个简单比方,一个木桶能盛水的高度,不取决于最长的那块木板,而是最短的那块。也就是说,随便哪个专项薄弱,都不能取得好成绩。总之,针对薄弱点,补短板,进行专项学习,提高单词量的掌握,才是提高英语学习成绩的唯一途径.


商务英语信函回信范文 第10篇



85 Victory Street, Manila

The Philippiness

13 June 200#

Mr. Li Mingyang

Export Manager

Unitech M & T Co. Ltd

963 Tianmu Road, 14th Floor

Shanghai 20xx70


Dear Mr. Li:

Our order : 50 Electric Drills

As it is now more than two months since we opened a letter of credit in your favor, We should like to know exactly when you could arrange shipment of the goods. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.


Marco Fillmore

Managing Director

商务英语信函回信范文 第11篇



5th Floor, 600 Xinshiji Boulevard, Pudong, Shanghai 20

The People's Republic of China

Tel: (021) 5000000 Fax: (021) 5000001

24 November 200#

Miss. Liao Wen

Liaison Office

Ganjiang Potteries Ltd.

Shanghai Representative Office

444 Jingling Road #202

Dear Miss Liao:

I am sending the claims form you requested in your fax of 23 November 199- and we will consider the matter once we have full details.

I think I ought to point out that this is the fourth time you have claimed on a shipment. Thought I appreciate that your products are fragile, and that in each case the goods have been shipped clean, it would be in your interest to consider new methods of packing. I agree that the claims have been comparatively small, but in future you will have to ask your customers to hold consignments for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. I should also mention that further claims affect your premium when the policy is renewed.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Cooke

Greater China. Region

商务英语信函回信范文 第12篇





在商务英语的应用中,有时候为了句子的美观或者商务谈判中语气(婉转或强硬)的.需要,在翻译的时候会转变词性。例如,The vital importance of punctual shipment 中的importance 英文中属于名词,但是在中文翻译时却译为“重要性”,属于形容词。又如,商务信函中结尾常用的客套语,We hope to hear favorably from you and feel sure that we could come to an agreement as to terms.句子中的favorably 在英文句子中的词性是副词,但是中文翻译为名词。


(A)如对产品的商务型描述短语, Efficient and durable 可以译为“经久耐用”; Economical and practical 可以译为“经济实惠”


In due course 准时; Hinges upon 关键在于


(A)例如,The above cable is self-explanatory. 如果用基础英语直译根本就翻译不出来,而用商务英语的思维就可以很简明扼要的翻译为“无需我方多加解释”。

(B)又如,A moderate volume of business.属于标准的商务英语用语。这就需要我们平时牢记然后熟练的应用于商务英语的写作中。


商务英语信函回信范文 第13篇



1 bar code 条形码

2 bulk cargo 散装货;统装货

3 bulky cargo (体大质轻的.)泡货

4 bulky parcel 大宗包裹

5 color assortment 颜色搭配

6 country of origin 原产地国

7 customary packing习惯包装

8 equal assortment平均搭配

9 flexible container 集装包/袋

10 gunny bag 麻袋

11 iron drum 铁桶

12 lot number 批号

13 metric ton 公吨

14 open-top container 开顶式集装箱

15 state-of-the-art 最先进的

16 gross weight 毛重

17 net weight 净重

18 indicative marks指示性标志

19 shipping marks 装运标志;唛头

20 warning marks 警告性标志

21 neutral packing 中性包装

22 nude cargo 裸装货

23 packing list 装箱单

24 paper bag 纸袋

25 long ton 长吨

26 short ton 短吨

27 seller’s usual packing 卖方习惯包装

28 size assortment 尺寸搭配

29 trade mark 商标


1 ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 估计到达时间

2 ETD: Estimated Time of Departure 估计离开时间

3 Secure the vessel 弄到船只

4 Cargo capacity 载货能力

5 Charter party 租船合同

6 Air waybill 空运提单

7 Carrying vessel 运货船

8 Direct steamer 直达船

9 Dock receipt 码头收据

10 Document of title 产权单证

11 Freight prepaid 运费已付

12 Freight to collect 运费到付

13 General cargo vessel 杂货船

14 Negotiable instrument 可流通/转让票据

15 Sailing schedule 船期表

16 Sailing date 启航日期

17 Shortlanded memo 短卸单

18 Take delivery of 取货

19 Make delivery of 发货

20 Dispatch money 速谴费,快装费

21 Freight ton 运费吨

22 Measurement ton 尺码吨

23 Weight ton 重量吨

24 Weight memo 重量单

25 Ocean transportation 海洋运输

26 Full container load: FCL 整箱货

27 Less than container load: LCL 拼箱货

28 Bill of lading: B/L 海运提单

29 Partial / part shipment 分批装运

30 Port of destination 目的港

31 Port of shipment 装货港

32 Shipping advice 已装船通知

商务英语信函回信范文 第14篇



85 Victory Street, Manila

The Philippiness

13 June 200#

Mr. Li Mingyang

Export Manager

Unitech M & T Co. Ltd

963 Tianmu Road, 14th Floor

Shanghai 200070


Dear Mr. Li:

Our order : 50 Electric Drills

As it is now more than two months since we opened a letter of credit in your favor, We should like to know exactly when you could arrange shipment of the goods. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.


Marco Fillmore

Managing Director

商务英语信函回信范文 第15篇




你现在的烦恼,我很明白优秀作文 作文人,知心姐姐又何尝没遇见呢?有一次,我一个要好的同学邀请我到她家去学习。可一回家和父母商量,他们坚决反对,我就没有去成了。同学们也渐渐不理睬我了。但是,后来我又和她们友好了,因为我有个绝招,现在就传授给你。你先找来纸或卡片,上面写上“对不起”,还有你为什么不能去参加生日会的.原因。写好后,悄悄地放在同学们的笔盒里。只要同学一打开,看见你的道歉信,就回明白你的处境,原谅你了。也可以写一封信寄给她。父母方面,你可以找个空闲的时间,和父母聊一聊,多多沟通。跟他们说,因为去同学家能加深彼此的了解,促进友谊。但是有朝一日,如果同学们渐渐与你疏远的话,自己会感到孤独。从而渐渐脱离群体生活。我相信,你父母听了你的解释以后,或许会改变主意呢!





商务英语信函回信范文 第16篇


cathay Business Machines Import & Export Corporation

20xx Century Boulevard Pudong, Shanghai 20xx06, China

Tel: Fax:

September 5, 20xx

Universal Software, Inc.

2468 Oak Street

San Francisco CA94105


From the latest issue of Computer World we have learned about your Business Guide software package for IBM-compatible PCs. We would like to find out more information about the package because we think it might be appropriate to the needs of our customers.

Would you mind answering the following questions?

1. Is the program an integrated package, or does it come in several modules?

2. Can the user swith from function to funtion without down-loading?

3. Can the user customize the billing periods?

4. Is there any provision for security?

5. What is the price of the software?

If you have a brochure that describes the package, we would appreciate you sending it along.

Sincerely yours.

SHEN Husheng(Mr.)

Import Manager

商务英语信函回信范文 第17篇

(1)贵函 your letter; your faour; your esteemed letter; your esteemed faour; your alued letter; your alued faour; your note; your communication; your greatly esteemed letter; your eryfriendly note; your friendly adice; yours.

(2)本信,本函 our (my) letter; our (my) respects; ours(mine); this letter; these lines; the present.

(3)前函 the last letter; the last mail; the last post; the last communication; the last respects(自己的信); the last faour(来信)

(4)次函 the next letter; the next mail;; the letter following; the following.

(5)贵函发出日期 your letter of (the) 5th may; your faour dated (the) 5th june; yours of the 3rd july; yours under date (of) the 5th july; your letter bearing date 5th july; your faour of een date(ae); your letter of yesterday; your faour of yesterday''s date; your letter dated yesterday.

(6)贵方来电、电传及传真 your telegram; your wire; your cablegram(从国外); your coded wire(密码电报); your code message; your cipher telegram; your wireless telegram; your telex; your fax.

(7)贵方电话 your telephone message; your phone message; your telephonic communication; your telephone call; your ring.

(8)通知 (noun) adice; notice; information; notification; communication; a report; news; intelligence; message. (erb)(通知,告知) to communicate (a fact) to; to report (a fact) to...on; to apprise (a person) of; to let (a person) know; to acquaint (a person) with; to intimate (a fact) to; to send word; to send a message; to mail a notice; to write (a person) information; to gie notice(预告); to break a news to(通知坏消息); to announce(宣布).

(9)回信 (noun) an answer; a reply; a response. (erb) to answer; to reply; to gie a reply; to gie one''s answer; to make an answer; to send an answer; to write in reply; to answer one''s letter. (特此回信) reply to; answering to; in answer to; in reply to; in response to. (等候回信) to await an answer; to wait for an answer. (收到回信) to get an answer; to faour one with an answer; to get a letter answered.

(10)收讫,收到 (noun) receipt(收到); a receipt(收据); a receier(领取人,取款人); a recipient(收款人) (erb) to receie; to be in receipt of; to be to (at) hand; to come to hand; to be in possesion of; to be faoured with; to get; to hae; to hae before (a person); to make out a receipt(开出收据); to acknowledge receipt(告知收讫).

(11)确认 to confirm; confirming; confirmation;inconfirmation of(为确认...,为证实...); a letter of confirmation(确认函或确认书)

(12)高兴,愉快,欣慰 to hae the pleasure to do; to hae the pleasure of doing; to hae pleasure to do; to hae pleasure in (of) doing; to take (a) pleasure in doing (something); to take pleasure in doing (something); to be pleased to (with)(by); to be delighted at (in)(with); to be glad to (of)(about); to be rejoiced in (at).

(13)随函附件 enclose; inclose.

(14)迅速,立刻 urgently; promptly; immediately; with all speed; at once; with dispatch; with all despatch; with the quickest possible despatch; with the least possible delay; as soon as possible; as quickly as possible; as promptly as possible; at one''s earliest conenience; at the earliest possible moment; at an early date; without delay; without loss of time; immediately on receipt of this letter; by express messenger; by special messenger; by special deliery; by express letter.

(15)回信 by return; by return of post; by return of mail; by return of air-mail.

(16)依照 according to; agreeably to; conformably to;pursuant to; in accordance with; in conformity with (to); in obedience to; in deference to; in compliance with; in agreement with; in pursuance of.

(17)就...,关于 about; regarding; concerning; as to; as regards; with regard to; in regard to;(of); respecting; relatie to; anent; in connection with; referring to; with reference to; in reference to; re.

(18)期满到期及应付之款 to be due; to fall due (become) due(日期将到); duly(正时,及时);in due course (依照顺序).

(19)(每个,按照,通过)per(=by,through)rail.(post,mail,steamer )(通过铁路,邮政,轮船) per pro.= by proxy (由代理) per annum (=yearly,每年) per mensem (=monthly,每月) per diem [daiem] (=daily,每日) per man, per capital (=per head,依照人数,每一人) per piece (每一个,每一件)

(20)表示抱歉(冒昧做了某事) to take the liberty of doing something; to take the liberty to do something; to take the liberty in doing something.

(21)甚感遗憾,请包涵 to regret; to be sorry; to be chagrined; to be mortified; to be exed; to regret to say; to be sorry to say; to one''s regret; to feel a great regret for; to express regret; to be regretted; to be a matter for regret; to be regrettable; to be deplorable.

商务英语信函回信范文 第18篇


K oppermann GmbH

Schubert strasse 16, K-2618, Hamburg, Germany

Telefon: 1 41 61 00 00 Telefax: 0 41 61 00 01

2 April 200#

Ms Ni Minzhi

3W Co. Ltd.

3B Guihua Road

Shanghai 20xx33


Dear Ms Ni,

Order No. 9953

Thank you for your order which has been completed and is being sent to your today.

As agreed we have forwarded our bill, No, 2782 for with the documents to your bank , Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Caohejing Branch, Shanghai. The Draft has been made out for payment 30 days after sight, and the documents will be handed to you on acceptance.

Yours sincerely

H. Koppermann

Managing Director

商务英语信函回信范文 第19篇


Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your order dated 28 April for 40 widgets. We would like to arrange for immediate shipment. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient credit information to offer you open account terms at this time. Would it be acceptable to ship this order cash on delivery?

If you wish to receive open account terms for your next order, please provide us with the standard financial statement and bank reference. This information will be held in the strictest confidence.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter dated 24 March. We are very sorry to hear about your company’s current financial problems.

We have considered your request to delay payment of your outstanding balance of US$ until 1 May of this year. We are happy to tell you that we can agree to your proposal.

We must add, however, that this preferential treatment is being given only because of your current circumstances. It cannot be taken as a precedent for our future commercial relationship.

We wish you better times ahead.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir or Madam:

As a result of our recent exchange of information, we have a strong interest to work with your proposal.

Please see the following terms and conditions as a confirmation of the start of our business relationship.

Product Name:

Spec. Number:





We hope that this first transaction will come to a successful conclusion for both of us. We look forward to continuing a mutually beneficial trade between our companies.

Yours faithfully,


商务英语信函回信范文 第20篇


Business English Certificate (BEC) 剑桥商务英语证书是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考查真实工作环境中英语交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育机构p企业认可,将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。



1. BEC 标准级(Preliminary):能力描述













BEC考核四项语言技能:听、说、读和写。 BEC P级,阅读和写作为一张考卷。BEC V级和H级的考试中,阅读和写作是在分开的试卷上。

商务英语信函回信范文 第21篇


International Sports Equipment Ltd. 375 Jiefang Street, Tianjing 30000, China

Tel: (020) 00 Fax: 2000001

September 12, 200#

Norseman Vehicle Building Ltd.

12 Nobel Street

Stockholm, Sweden

Dear Sirs:

We spoke to your representative, Mr. Bergman, at the international Automobile Expo in Tokyo last week, and he showed us a number of snowmobiles which you produce, and informed us of your terms and conditions.

We were impressed with the vehicles, and have decided to place a trial order for ten of them, your Cat. No SM18. The enclosed order, , is for prompt dilivery as the winter season is only a few weeks away.

As Mr. Bergman assured us that you could meet any order from stock, we have instructed our bank, Bank of China, Tianjing Branch, to open a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit for USD 108,000 in your favor, valid until December 1, 200#.

Our bank informs us that credit will be confirmed by their agents, Scandinavian Bank, Strindberg Street, Stockholm, once you have contacted them, and they will also supply us with a certificate of quality once you have informed them that the order has been made up and they have checked it.

You may draw on the agents for the full amount of the invoice at 60 days, and your draft should be presented with the following documents:

Six copiesof the bill of lading

Five copies of the commercial invoice, c,i,f. Tianjin

Insurance Certificate for USD 118,800(A. R.)

Certificate of origin

Certificate of quality}

The credit will cover the invoices, discounting, and any other bank charges. Please fax us confirming that the order has been accepted and the vehicles can be delivered within the next six weeks.

Yours faithfully

QIAN Jin( Mr. )

Purchase Department


商务英语信函回信范文 第22篇


Forward Bicycle Co. Ltd

987 Jiangnan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China

Tel: (0520) 500000 Fax : (0520) 500001 Zip Code: 215300

February 1, 199#

Gulf Commercial Center

P. O. Box 376

Abu Dhabi

U. A. E

Attention : Mr. Y. Mohammed

Dear sirs,

The 12,000 cycles you ordered will be ready for dispatch by 17th December. Since you require them for onward shipment to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar, we are arranging for them to be packed in seaworthy containers.

Each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 20 are banned together and wrapped in sheet plastic. A container holds 240 cycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 50 containers, each weighing 8 tons. Dispatch can be made from our works by rail to be forwarded from Shanghai harbour. The freight charges from works to Shanghai are US$80 per container, totally US$ for this cnsignment, excluding container hire, which will be charged to your account.

Please let us have your delivery instruction.

Yours faithfully,

Kang Zhuang

General Manager

商务英语信函回信范文 第23篇

dear amy, tracy andsharon,

i just wanted to thank you for yourhospitality during our time together and continued support of therbk baseball business. it's a pleasure to workwith you and look forward to continuing our partnership for manyyears to come! please thank the sagittariusr&d gang as well for their ideas during ourmeeting.

thanks for ma-ki-ng mine and johnbyrne's stay enjoyable and fun as well! it's beena long trip for us and our time together with the sagittarius andphitac gang over the past 5 days has made it go by fast, so we canget home to our families. thank you!

i'll get meeting notes over to youasap.

talk to you soon.

best regards,


商务英语信函回信范文 第24篇



5th Floor, 600 Xinshiji Boulevard, Pudong, Shanghai 20xx20

The People's Republic of China

Tel: Fax:

24 November 200#

Miss. Liao Wen

Liaison Office

Ganjiang Potteries Ltd.

Shanghai Representative Office

444 Jingling Road #202

Dear Miss Liao:

I am sending the claims form you requested in your fax of 23 November 199- and we will consider the matter once we have full details.

I think I ought to point out that this is the fourth time you have claimed on a shipment. Thought I appreciate that your products are fragile, and that in each case the goods have been shipped clean, it would be in your interest to consider new methods of packing. I agree that the claims have been comparatively small, but in future you will have to ask your customers to hold consignments for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. I should also mention that further claims affect your premium when the policy is renewed.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Cooke

Greater China. Region

商务英语信函回信范文 第25篇

Dear sir,

Firstly, We’d like to apologize for the late reply due to the problem of our computer network. We have repaired the machine and mailed back to you. Do you receive it ? The repair charge is US$ 1500, and the receipt will be based on the US$1200 as you requested. After the confirmation, please transfer US$1500 repairing charge to the

following a/c : To show our sincerity, we are willing to reduce price of RS10000 to the lowest US $114,000 . Besides, regarding to the 3 items you request, we will mail to you by express .

Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you success in your business.

.: We are the SMT Machine manufacturer, and we only produce the new we do not carry on the sales of used machines, we are unable to provide you the related information.



您送修的机器已经修理完成且已寄回,不知您收到没?修理的费用是1500美元,发票开立如您所要求1200美元,如果确认无误, 请贵公司将修理费用1500美元汇至下列账户:




商务英语信函回信范文 第26篇


1 ESP: English for Specific/Special Purposes 专门用途英语

2 BE: Business English 商务英语

3 Correspondence for Import & Export 进出口函电

4 Good quality stationery 优质信笺信纸

5 Neat typing 整洁

6 Even spacing 间隔匀称

7 Short paragraphs 段落精短

8 Correct Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation 语法、拼写、标点正确


1 potential business 潜在业务

2 prospective customer 潜在顾客

3 customers of long standing 长期顾客

4 potential supplier 潜在供应商

5 trade fair 贸易博览会

6 the latest issue of 最新一期…

7 integrated software package 完整软件包

8 substantial order 大宗订单

9 quantity discount 数量折扣

10 cash discount 现金折扣

11 list price 标价、目录价格

12 export terms 出口条件

13 pictured/illustrated catalog 带插图的商品目录

14 article number / Art. No. 货号

15 bulk buyer 大买户

16 business concern 商行

17 business relations / relationship 业务关系

18 business status 业务状况

19 commercial counselor 商务参赞

20 commercial counselor’s office 商务参赞处

21 means of packing 包装方法

22 parent company 母公司

23 sales literature 促销资料

24 trading association 贸易关系

25 trade journal 行业刊物

26 firm offer 实盘

27 non-firm offer: offer without engagement 虚盘

28 trade discount 同业/批发折扣

29 bill of exchange (bill / draft; B/E) 汇票

30 documents against payment: D/P 付款交单

31 shipping documents 装运单据

32 line of business 业务/经营范围

33 specific inquiry 具体询价


1 regular customer 老顾客

2 be in a position to do 能够

3 for your consideration/reference 供你方考虑/参考

4 promotional novelties 促销小礼品

5 profit margin 利润赚头/幅度

6 by separate post/mail/cover: separately 另邮/函

7 bathroom fittings 浴室设备

8 building contractor 建筑承包商,营造商

9 net price 净价

10 cash with or

商务英语信函回信范文 第27篇



Dear Sirs,

We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor of your Embassy in London and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of light industrial products, and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices. As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference.

Please let us have all necessary information regarding your products for export.

Yours faithfully

商务英语信函回信范文 第28篇



108 Laoshan Road Qingdao Shangdong China

Tel: (0532) 500 000 Fax: (0532) 500 001 Zip: 266000

September 30, 200#

Hamzza A. Sesay

Managing Director

The Sesays' International Co. Ltd.

101 Long Street


South Africa

Dear Mr. Sesay:

We thand you for your fax of September 27, together with your orders and . has been added to your Christmas order and is being made ready for immediate dispatch. We regret that we are still unable to supply “Luxury” champagne glasses, but we are sending you “Bliss”, the alternative marked on your order.

We were very gratified to learn of the success you are having with our glassware , and we shall be pleased to discuss your reques for more favourable terms. When our representative, Mr. Zhao, calls on you in the new year, he will make you an offer which we feel sure will meet with your approval.

we send you our warmest congratulations on your increased business with us and look forward to further increases to our mutual benefit.

Yours faithfully

Rui Xuezhen

Sales Manager

商务英语信函回信范文 第29篇



3333 Binhai Street,Liaoning,China

Tel: (0411)5000000 Fax:(0411)5000001

Zip code:116001

September 13,


Senior Shipping Clerk

Northgranary Cereals,Inc.

616 Taiyangdao Street

Harbin 116001

Dear :

Thank you for your fax of September 11. We are pleased to inform you that we have been able to secure the vessel you asked for.

She is the SS Bohai and is docked at present in has a cargo capacity of eight thousand tons,is a bulk carrier,and has a speed of 24 knots which will certainly be able to make the number of trips you mentioned.

Please fax us to confirm the charter and we will send you the charter party.

Yours sincerely,

Liu Hanchen

Charter Department

商务英语信函回信范文 第30篇



108 Laoshan Road Qingdao Shangdong China

Tel: (0532) 500 000 Fa_: (0532) 500 001 Zip: 266000

September 30, 200#

Hamzza A. Sesay

Managing Director

The Sesays' International Co. Ltd.

101 Long Street


South Africa

Dear Mr. Sesay:

We thand you for your fa_ of September 27, together with your orders and . has been added to your Christmas order and is being made ready for immediate dispatch. We regret that we are still unable to supply “Lu_ury” champagne glasses, but we are sending you “Bliss”, the alternative marked on your order.

We were very gratified to learn of the success you are having with our glassware , and we shall be pleased to discuss your reques for more favourable terms. When our representative, Mr. Zhao, calls on you in the new year, he will make you an offer which we feel sure will meet with your approval.

we send you our warmest congratulations on your increased business with us and look forward to further increases to our mutual benefit.

Yours faithfully

Rui _uezhen

Sales Manager

商务英语信函回信范文 第31篇

1. 我想确认一下明天上午10点在会议室的会议.

I would like to confirm our meeting tomorrow at 10 am in the conference room.

2. 团队用两天时间进行团队建设, 并在此发布过程中进行讨论.

The team could spend a couple of days on team-building, followed by discussions on the launch.

3. 我们给客户5%折扣, 可以吗?

Is it OK if we offer customers a 5% discount?

4. 她去吃午饭了不过一小时后就回来了.

She has gone to lunch but she’ll be back in an hour.

5. 请问一下谁打电话?

Could I ask who’s calling, please?

6. 面试就象一场梦, 并且他们打算提供给我一份工作.

The interview went like a dream and they’re going to offer me the job.

7. 我很高兴地通知你争端现在已经解决了.

I am pleased to inform you that the dispute has now been settled.

8. 在月底之前, 系统会准备好安装.

The system is ready for installation by the end of the month.

9. 为了在这个国家取得成功, 你需要作出长期计划.

In order to succeed in this country, you need to plan for the long term.

10. 我盼望着您对订单的书面确认.

I look forward to your written confirmation on the order.

11. 公司采取了简单但是必要的行动, 保护和保留我们的天然的词汇.

The company is taking the simple but necessary action required to protect and preserve our natural word.

12. 公司可以用代理或者可以直接与客户交易.

The company may use agents or may deal with customers directly.

13. 在兼并和收购背后增长中有几个因素.

There are several factors behind the increase in mergers and acquisition.

14. 我很高兴地说我会参加下个月在北京的展览会.

I am pleased to say I will attend a trade fair in Beijing next month.

15. 此投资也许回使风险最小化, 但它也限制了潜在的利润.

Such investment may minimize risk, it also limits the potential profits.

16. 供应链管理是在商业企业的每一个角落优化商业过程----从供应商的供应商到客户的客户.

Supply chain management is about optimizing business processes in every corner of the business enterprise ----from your supplier’s supplier to your customer’s customer.

17. 我们的企业文化是建立在共享的价值: 简单和乐观的生活方式, 工作和一起工作的自然方式, 没有施加放大的期望和复杂的规定.

Our corporate culture is based on shared values: a simple and optimistic lifestyle, a natural way of working and being together, without imposing exaggerated respect and complicated regulations.

18. 我们依靠一种独立的代理系统来分销我们的产品所以与代理保持紧密的关系非常重要.

We rely on a system of independent agents to distribute our products so it’s really important to maintain a close relationship with them.

19. 当我们留言时, 重要的是内容清楚.

When we leave messages, it is important to be very clear.

20. 如果你需要进一步的信息或者建议, 请发电子邮件。

If you require any further information or advice, please do not hesitate to send e-mail to us.

Want to know more, just click on

商务英语信函回信范文 第32篇







在商务英语的应用中,有时候为了句子的美观或者商务谈判中语气(婉转或强硬)的.需要,在翻译的时候会转变词性。例如,The vital importance of punctual shipment 中的importance 英文中属于名词,但是在中文翻译时却译为“重要性”,属于形容词。又如,商务信函中结尾常用的客套语,We hope to hear favorably from you and feel sure that we could come to an agreement as to terms.句子中的favorably 在英文句子中的词性是副词,但是中文翻译为名词。


(A)如对产品的商务型描述短语, Efficient and durable 可以译为“经久耐用”; Economical and practical 可以译为“经济实惠”


In due course 准时; Hinges upon 关键在于


(A)例如,The above cable is self-explanatory. 如果用基础英语直译根本就翻译不出来,而用商务英语的思维就可以很简明扼要的翻译为“无需我方多加解释”。

(B)又如,A moderate volume of business.属于标准的商务英语用语。这就需要我们平时牢记然后熟练的应用于商务英语的写作中。


商务英语信函回信范文 第33篇


K oppermann GmbH

Schubert strasse 16, K-2618, Hamburg, Germany

Telefon: 1 41 61 00 00 Telefax: 0 41 61 00 01

2 April 200#

Ms Ni Minzhi

3W Co. Ltd.

3B Guihua Road

Shanghai 33


Dear Ms Ni,

Order No. 9953

Thank you for your order which has been completed and is being sent to your today.

As agreed we have forwarded our bill, No, 2782 for with the documents to your bank , Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Caohejing Branch, Shanghai. The Draft has been made out for payment 30 days after sight, and the documents will be handed to you on acceptance.

Yours sincerely

H. Koppermann

Managing Director

商务英语信函回信范文 第34篇









Dear Sirs;

The Bbank of Cchina Shanghai Branch has informed us that your company is a large importer of textiles products. We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you ,our company is as a local

the largest textile manufactures in our area. Enclosed please find varies pictures of a variety of our quality textiles picture products.

Besides, we are desirous of the details of your requirement, so as to provide better service.

1 Your specialized in market/

2 Categories of your specialized products

We are looking forward to establishing long-term business relations.

Best regards


March 7,

Dear sirs,

We have your name from Messrs. Smith Co.

Our company is a large leading cooperation specializing in textiles items. We have been engaged in this line for 20 years, ()and have business relations with many countries in Southeast Asia.

We are writing you to enter into direct business relations with you. We hope you can send us the latest product catalog and pricelist.

We are looking forward to your inquiry.

Yours Sincerely,

Jone Smith

Manager of Import Department


Dear sirs,

Thank for your letter of March 7th, informing us of your interest in our product. We look forward to establishing positive business relationship with your corporation.

We are mainly dealing in the export of Chinese light industrial products. We are convinced that our joint business efforts will be to our mutual benefits.

As requested, a booklet including a general introduction of our latest product catalog together with our samples. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Yours faithfully,

商务英语信函回信范文 第35篇

语种: 英语 能力: 良好


公司名称: 新乡市博源净水材料有限公司

A: today, we’re going to talk over how to increase sales in our country next year. Have you got any idea?

B: I think we should launch a new advertising and promotion campaign at the very beginning of next year. If we want to enjoy a bigger market share in our country, we should first let more people know about our products.

C: I quite agree with your, Mr. Jing. In addition, I think we ought to run some more chain shops not only in some large cities but also in some medium-sized cities in our country. If we only emphasize large cities, we’ll lose market share. I think it is a good channel to promote our products.

A: how do you feel about that, Mr. Brown?

D: I agree up to the point. But I think the main point is that our products are a bit expensive, compared with other brands. A: you mean we’ll reduce our prices?

D: as far as I am concerned, I think it’s a good idea to reduce our price by 5%. Perhaps at the beginning, we’ll lose some money, but it can make customers easy to accept our products. Little by ittle, we can make small profits but quick returns.

B: I don’t agree with you. You know, we only make a small profit at these prices. As I see, it’s more important to improve product quality and after-sales service than to reduce price.

A: this seems a sensible and constructive suggestion. On the one hand, we should do further advertising and promotion. On the other hand, we should improve our after-sales service. It’s a good idea to open chain shops in some medium-sized cities. Are we all agreed?

All: yes.



商务英语信函回信范文 第36篇

11)We are pleased to send you by parcel post a package containing... 很高兴寄你一邮包内装...

12)We have the pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter dated... 欣获你方...月...日来信.

13)We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of... 谢谢你方...月...日来信.

14)We have duly received your letter of ... 刚刚收悉你方...月...日来信.

15)We thank you for your letter of ...contents of which have been noted. 谢谢你方...月...日来信,内容已悉.

商务英语信函回信范文 第37篇


Dear Frank,

Long time no see. How are you recently?

I am very happy to receive your letter and glad to hear that you will come to my city and stay with us for a few weeks. My house is on the Heaven Street with five rooms, one of which is living room, two bed rooms, the other two are kitchen and bathroom. I have cleaned a guest room for you. There is a bed, a sofa and three chairs in this 25 square-meters room. If this room is not suitable enough, please write to me and I will prepare another one for you. There is a bus stop near my house, and you can take number 1 bus to the cinema, number 2 to the supermarket in where you can always choose the commodities you need.

If you have other requests, please feel free to write to me. I will try my best to meet your needs. I wish you can come soon and have good days here.

Sincerely yours,


商务英语信函回信范文 第38篇

September 4,

Mr. Rob Subbaraman

Export Manager

Nusantara Trading Co. Ltd.

Jalan Malaks



Dear Mr. Subbaraman,

Order NT-20717

We have received the documents and taken delivery of the above order which arrived at Kowloon on the . Toho Maru.

On checking the goods we found that carton 13 contained only 15,000 Coconut ball pens,although 24,000 had been entered on both the packing list and the invoice.

The full consignment is urgently required to complete orders for three of our major customers so it is absolutely essential that you ship the additional 9,000 ball pens on the earliest possible flight from Jakarta.

This is the third time in the last twelve months that you have short-shipped one of our there is any further repetition of this we will be forced to look for an alternative supplier.

Yours Sincerely,

Leung Suet Chan

Deputy Manager






