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简短新闻稿范文50字 第1篇





简短新闻稿范文50字 第2篇

Chinas State Council on Wednesday decided to further reduce and standardize business charges to lower the corporate burden in the real economy.

The move is a key part of the drive to streamline administration and push forward supply-side structural reform, according to a statement released after a State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang.

Since , central and local authorities have eliminated more than 1,000 administrative fees. However, the statement said, arbitrary charges remained prominent.

The State Council urged departments to work out systematic, pragmatic and far-sighted measures to eliminate charges with greater determination.

Brokerage businesses should not take advantage of government influence to make charges. Industry associations should not make mandatory charges, it added.

Business and industrial firms should enjoy real benefits and energize market activities, according to the statement.

简短新闻稿范文50字 第3篇





2、导语中要体现会议的名称、举办的地点等要素的全称。导语是全文中最直接、最集中体现会议情况的话语,导语写得好,通讯稿要表达的内容就可以很好地把握了。所以,写导语的时候不能过于省略,而必须正式一点,要把会议全称、举办地点等要素写清楚。比如“ 年北京奥运会志愿者座谈会”,这是会议的全称,漏掉一个字都不行。会场横幅上的会议名称是如此,新闻中就应该这样体现,这是客观性的一个体现。而举办的地点则要写清楚明白,这要写明、写全。



6、描绘会场气氛。会场的气氛能够让读者了解与会人员对召开此次会议的态度,了解会议的反响,奠定会议的基调,是宣传会议的一个重要部分。一般情况下,会场气氛往往是热烈的,主要从与会人员的反应中获得信息,如 “xxx 的讲话引起了与会人员的激烈讨论”、“全场掌声不断”等。


简短新闻稿范文50字 第4篇

新闻稿范文1 __年__月__日,__中学国旗飘扬,7点30分,全校师生汇聚于学校大操场。伴随着激昂的国歌,__中学___学年度第二学期又拉开了帷幕。 首先,黄树群校长代表学校党政工团为新学期开学典礼致辞。

年新闻稿简短1 阳春三月,在这个万物复苏、生机盎然的季节,我们又迎来了中国人民的民主节日——一年一度的“两会”。两会的内容及精神成为每个人关注的焦点。学校开展了与之相关的学习交流讨论会。

初二开学典礼新闻稿100字 xx中学开学典礼新闻报道 200x年x月x日,xx中学彩旗迎风招展,8点30分,全体师生精神抖擞的整齐汇聚于学校操场。随着鼓号队热情洋溢的乐曲演奏,xx中学200x年第x学期开学典礼拉开了帷幕。

简短的运动会新闻稿100字1 运动会新闻稿件 加油吧,运动健儿们!阵阵有力的步伐,声声有劲的呐喊,运动场上洒下我们青春的点点滴滴。

简短新闻稿范文50字 第5篇

he government of Heilongjiang province in northeastern China has confirmed that construction on a cross-border highway bridge linking the city of Heihe and Blagoveshchensk.

The bridge will be the first cross-border bridge over the boundary river that separates the countries, the Heilongjiang River (or Amur River), with kilometers in China and kilometers in Russia.

With investment of nearly billion yuan, the project is expected to be completed in three years and will be officially open to traffic in October, .

The notion of building the bridge was first put forward by both countries in 1988. However, establishment of a construction fund proved to be a significant obstacle and prevented the project moving forward.

In a bid to tackle the problem, Heilongjiang government in proposed to establish a joint1 venture company between the two countries to attract loans and then pay back the loans using bridge tolls2.

In September , a protocol3 on building the bridge was signed between China and Russia and one year later the Heilongjiang government in China and the Amur state government in Russia inked a contract with the China-Russia joint venture Company. According to the contract, the company will be responsible for construction management, operation and maintenance of the bridge as well as charging fees and returning loans.

Trips across the two sides are expected to be doubled to nearly million in and freight volume is also expected to increase 10-fold, reaching over 3 million tons.

简短新闻稿范文50字 第6篇

新闻稿标题:[COMPANY] to Present at [TRADE SHOW] in [LOCATION] on [DATE](简单明了的新闻稿可以让记者和读者对新闻所要描述的内容一目了然)


(1)TPI Attends 32nd Cowen’s Healthcare Conference at Boston

(2)China Hydroelectric Corporation to Present at the Jefferies Global Clean Technology Conference on February 23, 2012

Feb. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — [COMPANY NAME], a leader in [INDUSTRY], today announced that it will present at the [TRADE SHOW] on [DATE]. (首段仍是新闻要素。注意句式可以这样写。)



[COMPANY BOILER](企业的背景,加强对企业的推广和认知)



Example I: TPI Attends 32nd Cowen's Healthcare Conference at Boston

CHENGDU, China, February 10, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Tianyin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NYSE Amex: TPI), a pharmaceutical company that specializes in the research, development and sale of patented biopharmaceutical medicine, modernized traditional Chinese medicine (mTCM), branded generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) announced that the Company is invited to attend the 32nd Cowen's Healthcare Conference which is to take place from Monday March 5th through Wednesday March 7th at the Boston Marriott Copley Place Hotel.

About TPI

Headquartered at Chengdu, China, TPI is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in the development, manufacturing, marketing and sales of patented biopharmaceutical, mTCM, branded generics and API. TPI currently manufactures a comprehensive portfolio of 58 products, 24 of which are listed in the highly selective national medicine reimbursement list, 7 are included in the essential drug list of China. TPI's pipeline targets various high incidence healthcare indications. TPI has an extensive nationwide distribution network with a sales force of 730 sales representatives out of totaled 1,365 employees.

For more information about TPI, please visit:

Safe Harbor Statement

The Statements which are not historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements that involve certain risks and uncertainties including but not limited to risks associated with the uncertainty of future financial results, additional financing requirements, development of new products, government approval processes, the impact of competitive products or pricing, technological changes, the effect of economic conditions and other uncertainties detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

For more information, please visit: , or email: ir@

Tel: +86-28-8551-6696 (Chengdu, China)

+86-134-3655-0011 (China)


Tianyin Pharmaceutical Inc.

23rd Floor, Unionsun Yangkuo Plaza

No. 2, Block 3, South Renmin Road

Chengdu , 610041


Example II: China Hydroelectric Corporation to Present at the Jefferies 2012 Global Clean Technology Conference on February 23, 2012

NEW YORK, Feb. 16, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- China Hydroelectric Corporation (NYSE: CHC, CHCWS) (“China Hydroelectric” or the “Company”), an owner, developer and operator of small hydroelectric power projects in the People's Republic of China (“PRC”), today announced that it will present at and attend one-on-one meetings with investors at the Jefferies 2012 Global Clean Technology Conference to be held in New York, NY on Thursday, February 23rd. John E. Donahue, Vice President of Investor Relations at China Hydroelectric Corporation, will present at 1:15 pm.

Conference participation is by invitation only and registration is mandatory. For more information on the conference or to schedule a one-on-one meeting, please contact your Jefferies representative.

About China Hydroelectric Corporation

China Hydroelectric Corporation (NYSE: CHC, CHCWS) (“China Hydroelectric” or “the Company”) is an owner and operator of small hydroelectric power projects in the People's Republic of China. Through its geographically diverse portfolio of operating assets, the Company generates and sells electric power to local power grids. Led by an international management team, the Company's primary business is to identify, evaluate, acquire, develop, construct and finance hydroelectric power projects. The Company currently owns 26 operating hydropower stations in China with total installed capacity of 548 MW, of which it acquired 22 operating stations and constructed four. These hydroelectric power projects are located in four provinces: Zhejiang, Fujian, Yunnan andSichuan. Hydropower is an important factor in meeting China's electric power needs, accounting for approximately 22% of total nation-wide capacity.

For further information about China Hydroelectric Corporation, please visit the Company's website .

For further information, please contact:


John E. Donahue, VP of Investor Relations

China Hydroelectric Corporation

简短新闻稿范文50字 第7篇




简短新闻稿范文50字 第8篇

It is barely half a century since parts of the Thames were declared ‘biologically dead’ because the river was so with the water now cleaner than at any time in living memory, entrepreneurs want to build a 10 million open-air swimming pool in the middle of the Thames in Central London.

Purification specialists from Germany – which has the highest water cleanliness standards in Europe – have designed a system which the scheme’s backers say will ensure that bathing is safe for visitors of all ages.

The Thames Baths at Temple Stairs on the Embankment will be surrounded by reed beds to filter water from the river before it is pumped into the 82ft by 32ft main lap pool, with a secondary filtration device underneath the poolside concerns have been raised about the project because of sewage overflows during heavy rain and the experience of comedian David Walliams, who suffered a bout of ‘Thames tummy’ during a 140-mile charity swim in .But experts from German firm Polyplan, which has built natural swimming pools all over Europe, have come up with a Evans, director of British firm Gartenart, which is working on the project, said the water – unheated and chlorine-free – will be ‘as clean as anything you would find in a mountain lake’.

The lido will have changing rooms, a 130ft ramp leading from the shore to the water, a plunge pool and a children’s paddling area, while a 4ft-high glass balustrade will protect swimmers from waves caused by river Romer-Lee, of Studio Octopi – the London architects behind the scheme – said he hoped an initial 300,000 to cover consultancy costs and other fees would be raised by crowd-funding, where members of the public can contribute to community schemes.

If planning permission is granted, the lido could open late next year.

简短新闻稿范文50字 第9篇

1、运动会新闻稿范文1 20__年9月29日上午七点半,一缕灿烂的阳光温暖了微凉的清晨,北京市云岗中学第__届秋季运动会在航天三院运动场上隆重举行。此次运动会历时两天,参加这次运动会的不仅有来自初、高中各个年级的同学,也有亲切的老师们。

2、、一声枪响伴着飒爽的秋风,你们亮出自己的风采,在这短短的米中,你们与时间争分夺秒,只为了那最后的冲刺。不管结果如何,你们都是胜利者。因为,你们曾与时间竞赛。运动会通讯稿100字左右50篇 场上英姿显自豪,脚下步伐在飞奔。

3、优秀运动会通讯稿100字 期望已久激动人心的日子终于来了,一点半的钟声敲响了,瞧!运动场早已经挤满了人,像是烧开的水一样沸腾着。

简短新闻稿范文50字 第10篇

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that the country's north should promote the use of clean energy in winter heating with a view to reducing the number of smoggy days.

Natural gas and electricity can be substitutes for coal, a major energy source for China, in heating buildings in north China, Xi said at the 14th meeting of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economic Affairs.

Clean energy should be used as much as possible and supply a larger share of winter heating, Xi said, adding that the government will give enterprises a major role in the process to ensure affordable heating.

Last week, Beijing issued its first red alert of the year for smog. The lasting smog has disrupted the people's daily life and schooltime for students in Beijing and neighboring regions.

简短新闻稿范文50字 第11篇

iPhone users have a reputation for being smug – and now they may have a good reason.

A recent study has found that people who use an iPhone are smarter than those who prefer Android devices.

This is based on research that found states with more college graduates also tend to have higher iPhone sales.

The study, by Massachusetts-based advertising group Chitika, discovered that Alaska, Montana and Vermont have the largest number of iPhone users in the states also have the highest percentage of college graduates.

Meanwhile, New Mexico, Iowa and Delaware have the lowest percentage of people who use iPhones, and a lower number of graduates.

As well as intelligence, the research found that wealth was linked to higher iPhone use – a factor that Chitika says is related to education.

The study also found that iPhone sales are linked to population density. The more densely populated an area, the more chance iPhone sales will be higher.

简短新闻稿范文50字 第12篇

2, serious and responsible work, dedication and a strong sense of responsibility; professional knowledge and skilled use of budget software, information software, office software; site management has a good experience with communication and coordination of construction.

It is sincere and dedicated work, hard-working, practical work hard type, pay a super team spirit. Skills adaptable logical thinking clearly.

简短新闻稿范文50字 第13篇

Thursday marked the eighth anniversary of the launch of the Chinese Navy's escort mission at the Gulf of Aden, the body of water to the north of Somalia in the Horn of Africa, an area of frequent pirate activity.

On the same day the PLA Navy finished its 1,000th task by escorting a Singaporean merchant ship to the eastern sea area of the Gulf.

Since , 25 batches of escort formations, including 78 naval vessels, 54 helicopters, and over 21,000 officers and soldiers, have convoyed nearly 6,300 ships from across the world to destinations safely. Altogether 60 ships that got into difficulty have been assisted.

The Navy has kept its record of 100% security of both the escortees and themselves.

The escort fleets are five times faster today than they were eight years ago in completing an anti-pirate deployment. The time helicopters need to react to an emergency situation has shrunk to one third of that of 2008. The speed of Special forces deployment has also doubled.

The Navy is not exclusive to the Gulf of Aden area, but is made available when emergencies occur in other regions. For example, it went to the Mediterranean Sea and escorted 20 batches of Syrian chemical weapons, along with vessels from Russia, Denmark, and Norway.

简短新闻稿范文50字 第14篇

来自全国各地、四面八方的一百余个热爱英语的朋友相聚一起,英语俱乐部会长首先代表整个协会对所有成员的加入表示真诚的欢迎,也以丰富的PPT内容向会员们详细介绍了English Club的历史、发展和未来规划。当PPT放映到English Club建于至今有7个年头了,她带领一批批英语爱好者经历了晨读、口语训练、四六级讲座等活动;体会了卡拉ok大赛、话剧表演的精彩;感受了一起骑车出游聚餐的快乐;伴随着一张张纪念的照片,所有会员给于了响亮的掌声,在这声音里我们听到了大家对英语俱乐部的认可,对每个英语爱好者所付出努力的肯定,相信也有对自己的正确选择表示高兴。

当会长问道“你们有没有信心在英语俱乐部一直坚持下去,yes or no?”场下发出了整齐而坚定的回答“Yes!”当会长问道“告诉我们,你们行不行?”又一声“Yes!”,震撼全场。他们的回答就像英语俱乐部的口号“Open your mouth,Open your world”一样响亮。Just do it !只要你相信行,你就行!








