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拒绝索赔的英文范文 第1篇

We disclaim any responsibility for it.


It seems we will have to waive the claim .


waive the claim表示“撤销索赔”,用法相当于cancel the claim(取消索赔)。

I am afraid we can do nothing about the claim.


We are not in a position to entertain your claim.


It is a case of Force Majeure which is beyond our control.


Any loss incurred in transit cannot be accepted for compensation.


Without sufficient evidence to support, your claim is untenable.

拒绝索赔的英文范文 第2篇


want to expand my horizons.


've made a tough decision, sir. Here is my resignation.


quit because I don't want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on.


of all, I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you. However, I think it's about time for me to leave.


've been trying, but I don't think I'm up to this job.


've been here for too long. I want to change my environment.


'm sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment, but I've decided to study abroad.


be honest, I've got a better offer.


'm running out of steam. I need to take a break.


'm quitting because I want to try something different.



高速铁路 high-speed rail

动车 bullet train

公交专用车道 bus lane

长安街“整修” face-lift

轻轨列车 light rail train

隧桥 tunnel-bridge

舟山连岛工程 Zhoushan Island-Land Project

(机动车)单双号限行 odd-and-even license plate rule

低噪音地铁 low-noise subway

电子不停车收费 Electronic Toll Collection

早高峰 morning peak

晚高峰 evening peak

交通拥堵 traffic jam

交通管制 traffic control

无车日 car-free day

实名购票 ID-based ticket booking system

零容忍 zero tolerance

交通高峰期 rush hour

拒绝索赔的英文范文 第3篇


1. on going into the matter you mentioned we find that the poor performance of the engine is due to your incorrect use of a different motor oil.


2. items like this are not to be returned once they are accepted by purchasers. we have established this regulation for offering our customers the definite best quality products.


3. this is exactly the first complaint from our customers, from which we can understand you have met much inconvenience in satisfying your users.


4. all the items for export must be under the tight seal which ensures that we always put the total quality control into execution.


5. our investigation reveals that the articles we packed were identical with what were listed on our invoice. we are afraid that the cases you mentioned must have been unpacked during the transit. we are enclosing a copy of the invoice for your reference and suggest you make further inquiries at your end.


6. we are extremely sorry for the late delivery of your last order. it is due to your delayed opening of the relative letter of credit.


7. as stipulated in the contract, a minor discrepancy in colors is permissible. that is why the case you brought up is still under a normal practice.



拒绝索赔的英文范文 第4篇


Business is filled with opportunities, and it's nice when you can say yes to customers, employees and vendors. But there are absolutely times when saying yes will lead to difficulty or even disaster.


Here are seven scenarios where no is the only way to go. Some may seem obvious, but I have often witnessed smart people get themselves in trouble by thinking they will somehow work everything out. Don't put yourself in a bad position unnecessarily. Recognize these 7 scenarios and just say No!


1. Say NO! When No One Is Ready


Many people say yes to a boss or customer request when the pieces of the puzzle aren't in place. Great work requires preparation. Great teams require alignment. If your team isn't prepared or aligned, agreeing to take on difficult initiatives is a disaster waiting to happen. Young companies often try to speed forward before their organizational structure or business model is ready. They instead end up burning investor money while killing dreams and reputations. Say No! so you can get everything and everyone on board and ready. Then you can say yes with confidence.


2. Say NO! When It's Not a Fit


Salespeople and entrepreneurs alike tend to see the potential in everything and everybody. But a ton of time is wasted on prospects who are never going to be customers, never going to invest, or never going to be amazing employees. Instead of looking for all the reasons why things will work out, save time by focusing on the reasons they won't. Even if you say No!, you can always revisit the opportunity if compatibility improves.


3. Say NO! When You're Overloaded


Some people are afraid to say No! even when they have too much on their plates. They think it's necessary to respond positively all the time to avoid disappointing others. Then they let things fall through the cracks, get sick or have a breakdown. In this case, an impossible yes causes far more frustration then just saying No! in the first place. Have a realistic sense of your capacity and don't go past your limit.


4. Say NO! When It's Unrealistic


You can't assume that every request has been thought through in detail. Often people ask for what they want with little or no consideration of what's involved for delivery. I never subscribe to the “customer is always right” theory. As a consultant, I wonder, if they are always right, why would they want to pay me? Be the expert when someone asks for something. If you don't know how it works, do your homework and say yes only when you know it can really happen. Otherwise, keep that “maybe” handy.


5. Say NO! When You Have to Go Backwards


It's hard enough to move steadily toward your goals without having to regain lost ground. When approached with an opportunity that doesn't obviously propel you forward, ask yourself: “Why am I even interested in this?” You may be surprised to find there is simply no justification for saying yes. When that happens, loudly declare No! and move on to opportunities that better align with your goals.


6. Say NO! When It's Unprofitable


You are in business for many reasons, but nearly everyone--founders and employees alike--is in it to profit. Not all profit is related to money, although young entrepreneurs should take note that consistent monetary profit does help your sustainability and your valuation. Sometimes a transaction can pay off in connections, exposure, learning, satisfaction or, yes, money. But when a transaction does nothing to better the people involved, then the word No! should be used.


7. Say NO! When You Can't Meet Expectations


People are often optimistic about how quickly and how well they can get things done. Combine that hopefulness with the desire to please a customer, and you are left over-promising and under-delivering. Save yourself the mea culpa and say No! to what you know you can not do. Be accountable and manage expectations. Whatever you do, don't say yes to get the deal signed if you're assuming that, once the prospects are in the door, they'll have to adapt to your change in quality, timing or price. After they realize what's happened, few will come back to say yes and do business with liars.


拒绝索赔的英文范文 第5篇


1. On going into the matter you mentioned we find that the poor performance of the engine is due to your incorrect use of a different motor oil.


2. Items like this are not to be returned once they are accepted by purchasers. We have established this regulation for offering our customers the definite best quality products.


3. This is exactly the first complaint from our customers, from which we can understand you have met much inconvenience in satisfying your users.


4. All the items for export must be under the tight seal which ensures that we always put the Total Quality Control into execution.


5. Our investigation1 reveals that the articles we packed were identical with what were listed on our invoice2. We are afraid that the cases you mentioned must have been unpacked3 during the transit4. We are enclosing a copy of the invoice for your reference and suggest you make further inquiries5 at your end.


6. We are extremely sorry for the late delivery of your last order. It is due to your delayed opening of the relative letter of credit.


7. As stipulated6 in the contract, a minor7 discrepancy8 in colors is permissible9. That is why the case you brought up is still under a normal practice.



1、account 账户

例:When the debt is cleared- as it must be by the time the customer retires- and the account goes into credit, it will attract interest at about 5 per cent.

2、account 客户,生意往来关系

例:The firm is one of our major accounts.

3、accountancy 会计工作

例: To her, accountancy was a means to find out about business and be paid at the same time.

4、accounts 账目

例:The financial director was accused of falsifying the company accounts.

5、accounts 会计部门 即 accounts department

例: She works in accounts.

6、accounts manager 会计部经理

7、accounts payable1 应付账款

例: Accounts payable is created when a firm deals with suppliers who extend credit.

8、accounts receivable 应收账款

例: Assets include cash, accounts receivable, inventory2, property and equipment, and patents.

9、achievable 切实可行的,可达到的

例: Your objectives should be relevant to the job you have applied3 for and achievable.

10、Achilles’ heel 原意为阿基里斯的脚踵,引申为致命弱点

例: However, an Achilles’ heel can usually be found that allows the headhunter to persuade them that they are, in fact, wanting to change.

拒绝索赔的英文范文 第6篇

“I almost forget what my husband looks like and I want to have a look.” “快忘了老公长啥样了,我想去看看。”

The official micro-blog of China Communications News released an application for leave on Oct. 26, which stated the sentence mentioned above. The micro-blog also indicated that staff of construction projects (who spend years working outside home and are bantered as Plaid Shirts and Engineering Dogs) are rather back-busting and bitter in heart, especially those forefront couples of two different construction projects for years.


According to the application, the lady asked for ten days’ leave from Oct. 18 to Oct. 27, travelling from Jinan to Lhasa by way of Xi’an. 请假条上的'信息显示,当事人从10月18日至27日共请了10天假,要从济南途经西安去拉萨。

On the afternoon of Oct. 27, Ms. Fang, author of the application, told the Paper that she was 29 and worked in different places with her husband. They have been married for several years. “I went home on leave earlier this year, but accidently failed to meet my husband. Therefore I asked for leave to visit him specially. ”

This note was immediately regarded as “the most un-deniable application for leave” and aroused general resonance of couples who worked in separated places.

拒绝索赔的英文范文 第7篇


A:One third of the goods were stolen while they were stored in the warehouse of Shanghai Port.


B:In any case, we request you to take measure to prevent such things from happening again.


You should be responsible for all the losses resulting from the delayed shipment.


We received the consignment but found on opening boxes 12 that the silk pajamas in them were damaged.


When unpacking the bales, we found that the materials didn't comply with the original design.


Not only have you been unpunctual in execution, but you have supplied goods far below the standard.


After a great deal of investigation, we find that the machine's lubricating system is defective.


There is a serious problem. The case contained completely different goods from the ones we ordered.


The mistake made in color assortment should be further investigated and those in charge of packing must be held responsible for it.


We should have received the disk drives last week.


prevent from表示“阻止;妨碍”的意思,一般后接doing sth.。

disk drives表示“磁盘驱动器”


A:We have to lodge a claim against you if we lose money through your failure to deliver in time.


B:We can not entertain your claim. Your claim should be referred to the insurance company.


Your claim is not reasonable. We can not accept it.


Because we are not responsible for handling damage after the product leaves our plant, we suggest you check with your local store for a possible refund.




A:There is a 5% breakage in this batch.

B:We are so sorry about that. But we will not compensate for the loss.

A:Hang it all! I would like to know why your company refuse to compensate.

B:If you insured for damages in the first place, the insurance company surely would have compensated for the loss.

A:Since we have already arranged with particular average, isn't it reasonable to say the loss caused by damage is within the compensation range?

B:This is a misunderstanding. The compensation range of with particular average is only limited to natural calamity and accidents. Not all damage qualifies its compensation range.







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Hang it all!


当一件事情或别人的行为十分荒谬,你认为“怎么会有这样的事情,这太离谱了”,你可能会说“岂有此理!”,表达“岂有此理”,我们会想到说How did it come to this?但是老外在表达这个意思时,一般会说Hang it all!

比如你的朋友遇到了不平事,你出于愤怒,就可以说Hang it all!来表达你的心情。其中,hang有“悬挂”的意思,它经常跟介词搭配构成短语,如hang up表示“搁置,拖延”;hang back表示“犹豫,畏缩不前”;hang on表示“坚持下去;我逐不放”,比如,If you hang on, you will succeed in the end.(只要你坚持下去,你最终一定会成功的。)

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A:I know making of complaints is an unpleasant business in the practice of foreign trade. But the present case is too serious to be overlooked. We're going to lodge a claim against you.

B:I am sorry to know that you have trouble with the goods we supplied. Let's first examine the details you complained in your letter. You said that there were a lot of spots on our clothes.

A:Yes, here is one of those.

B:But Mr. Carl, I can assure you that the goods were in perfect condition when they left Tianjin. Have you checked all the clothes when you received them, or even before you delivered them to your customers?

A:Yes, we checked several of them and they happened to be in good condition, so we took it for granted that the rest of them were of the same quality. It's only when some of our customers complained and returned the goods to us that we realized what happened to your clothes. We have paid through the nose for it. I hope you can give us a satisfied answer.

B:I'm terribly sorry for any unnecessary hardship you had suffered. But we had a copy of the clean B/L issued by the shipping company. You may be well aware that under the CFR terms, we assure risks only up to the time the goods are placed on board of the carrying vessel. Therefore, I suggest you lodge a claim against the shipping company.

A:But to my point of view, it appears rather doubtful that these spots were caused during transit.

B:Just a minute please, Mr. Carl. So far we haven't had any complaints of this kind. Besides, we hold a certificate of inspection issued by the authorized inspection house. So I would have thought our company is not to be blamed for the faults of the shipping company. I regret very much that we will wash our hands of the whole matter.









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pay through the nose付出巨大代价




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